El ejército británico contrata a un grupo de mercenarios y les encomienda una misión en la zona del Sahara ocupada por las tropas nazis: destruir los depósitos de combustible alemanes, sin los cuales Rommel, el Zorro del desierto, no podría llevar a cabo sus planes. El ejército británico confía el mando de la misión al coronel Masters, un experto en combustibles.
After hearing that a famous actress is dying in a hospital after being hit by a car, a reporter goes to the hospital to interview the actress. She then tells the reporter that her wealthy fiance, who was killed in an accident several years before, was actually murdered. Before long the reporter finds herself in a web of corruption, mental illness and murder.
After hearing that a famous actress is dying in a hospital after being hit by a car, a reporter goes to the hospital to interview the actress. She then tells the reporter that her wealthy fiance, who was killed in an accident several years before, was actually murdered. Before long the reporter finds herself in a web of corruption, mental illness and murder.