Yury Menshagin

Yury Menshagin

Nacimiento : 1950-03-27,


Yury Menshagin


USSR, 1979. A guy meets a girl at a party. The girl is a hairdresser, the guy helps his father at a meat-processing plant. Soon a son is born and the couple become a family. The beginning of 2004. The boy has grown into a lyric poet but, nevertheless, follows the father’s footsteps and works at the meat-processing plant. A reflection on happiness gets him into a dead end, from which, apparently, there is no way out. But here in his life enters the accountant Liubov, or Love, and there comes the time of the wedding…
Donkey Hot
A satirical interpretation of the modern debut launch process from the perspective of two young director's personal experience. Chivalrous walk to the meeting with a producer becomes a nostalgic journey down memory lanes where fears, turmoils and disappointments of recent months are mixed together. The path to dream's implementation is hampered by mainstream's lack of understanding - the confrontation which resembles a fight with windmills.
Ovejas y lobos
En una tierra mágica y lejana, en un pequeño y pintoresco pueblo situado entre verdes prados y colinas, vive un rebaño de ovejas sin preocupaciones. Pero su vida pastoral y libre de estrés se interrumpe cuando una manada de lobos establece su campamento en el barranco cercano. De acuerdo con las tradiciones antiguas, el líder de la manada, Magra, anuncia que su futuro sucesor debe probar su derecho a liderar desbancando a sus rivales. Cuando el poderoso y sanguinario Ragear da un paso adelante, el único lobo lo suficientemente valiente como para desafiarlo es Gris, el favorito de la manada, pero un mete patas sin esperanza. Para llegar a ser un líder y recuperar el amor de Bianca, Gris va hacia el bosque, donde descubre un campamento de conejos gitanos. La adivina conejo Mami le da una mágica poción de la transmutación.Gris la bebe poción y regresa a la cueva de los lobos, pero descubre a su llegada que ya no es otro de ellos. Ahora se ha transformado ¡en una oveja!
Unas semanas antes de una gran exhibición aérea, Ace obtiene su carta de aceptación para participar y poder convertirse en el próximo campeón.
Little Bite in the Big City
Bite, a cockroach who lives in a computer processor, must prove himself and survive the ongoing battle between predator-like street pigeons and beetles to win over the girl of his dreams.
Dunno on the Moon
They are neither adults nor kids - somewhere in between, living in their separate boys and girls cozy dorms and doing whatever they love to do - inventors, artists, poets, mechanists, scientists and....just dreamers! These enthusiastic and creative folks enjoy their half-adult, half-childish lifestyles and entertain each other with the different tricks and practical jokes. The main hero stands out of the crowd - while the others try to live the normal life socializing as they can, he can never be rested, always coming up with the different unpredictable and unexpected moves, which always make viewers burst with laugh....
My Friend
Captain Nemo
For several years as a terrible sea monster drowns ships of the Navy. In a small number of ships that managed to survive, in the sides were found huge holes triangular shape. Now any exit to the sea is deadly, so America sends a special frigate called Blue Star. His goal is to find and destroy the terrible monster. One of the participants of the punitive expedition is a famous Professor from France – Pierre Aronnax. He has a deep knowledge of the mysteries of the deep sea. The search for the monster continues for more than three months, but in the end, the frigate still detects it and immediately starts the attack mode. After an unsuccessful battle with the monster ship goes to the bottom, and the Professor, his servant Conseil and whaler Ned Land get on a submarine and make an amazing journey under water.