A sub culture evolved in Sweden in the 1950’s, Swedish greasers. The greasers were young and wild, drove American cars and rebelled against society. We meet the next generation of motorised youth the “Neo-Greasers”. What price are they willing to pay to live a demand-less life?
Director of Photography
A sub culture evolved in Sweden in the 1950’s, Swedish greasers. The greasers were young and wild, drove American cars and rebelled against society. We meet the next generation of motorised youth the “Neo-Greasers”. What price are they willing to pay to live a demand-less life?
A sub culture evolved in Sweden in the 1950’s, Swedish greasers. The greasers were young and wild, drove American cars and rebelled against society. We meet the next generation of motorised youth the “Neo-Greasers”. What price are they willing to pay to live a demand-less life?
A sub culture evolved in Sweden in the 1950’s, Swedish greasers. The greasers were young and wild, drove American cars and rebelled against society. We meet the next generation of motorised youth the “Neo-Greasers”. What price are they willing to pay to live a demand-less life?
A sub culture evolved in Sweden in the 1950’s, Swedish greasers. The greasers were young and wild, drove American cars and rebelled against society. We meet the next generation of motorised youth the “Neo-Greasers”. What price are they willing to pay to live a demand-less life?
Irak, década de los 90, una tierra devastada. En el Kurdistán, dos hermanos sin hogar (Zana, 7) y (Dana, 10), viven al borde de la supervivencia. En el comienzo de la historia echan un vistazo a Superman a través de un agujero en la pared del cine local. Zana y Dana deciden que quieren ir a Estados Unidos a vivir con Superman. Una vez que llegan allí podrán resolver todos sus problemas, hacer su vida fácil y castigar a todos los que fueron malos con ellos. Zana, el hermano menor, empieza a hacer una lista de todas las personas a las que va a decirle a Superman que castigue. En la parte superior de la lista esta Saddam Hussein. Dana en cambio hace un plan concreto de lo que necesitan para llegar allí, el dinero, pasaportes, transporte y una manera de conseguir todo ello...