Simon Kessler

Simon Kessler


Simon Kessler


Inferno : au cœur de la canicule
AZF : au cœur du chaos
Generation Greta
They are aged between 12 and 24. They have grown up in a world with increasing droughts, floods, fires. And they share a common fight: the climate emergency. In spite of their cultural and geographical differences, nine young female activists are united under the same struggle: raising awareness about the climate emergency, fighting against the inaction of politicians, and promoting radical societal change, so that nature and social justice become our top priority. In the wake of Greta Thunberg, the most famous of them all, these young women, aged between 12 and 24 years old, already possess the charisma and assurance of some of the history’s greatest political personalities. Who are these activists, set on changing the world? How can we understand their anger? What hopes do they carry? ‘Generation Greta’ recounts the story of these nine incredible young women, combining moving eyewitness accounts and breathtaking archive footage.
Generation Greta
They are aged between 12 and 24. They have grown up in a world with increasing droughts, floods, fires. And they share a common fight: the climate emergency. In spite of their cultural and geographical differences, nine young female activists are united under the same struggle: raising awareness about the climate emergency, fighting against the inaction of politicians, and promoting radical societal change, so that nature and social justice become our top priority. In the wake of Greta Thunberg, the most famous of them all, these young women, aged between 12 and 24 years old, already possess the charisma and assurance of some of the history’s greatest political personalities. Who are these activists, set on changing the world? How can we understand their anger? What hopes do they carry? ‘Generation Greta’ recounts the story of these nine incredible young women, combining moving eyewitness accounts and breathtaking archive footage.
En busca del vuelo AF447
El 1 de junio de 2009, el vuelo 447 de Air France desapareció en algún lugar del sur del Atlántico. ¿Cómo lo localizaron en la inmensidad del océano?
Notre-Dame : Carrera contra el infierno
A principios de 2019, todo el mundo puso su atención en París, donde las llamas envolvieron uno de los monumentos más visitados: la Catedral de Notre Dame. Cientos de horas de grabación que documentaron ese día, junto a imágenes exclusivas, entrevistas clave, reconstrucciones 3D, tienen el objetivo de detallar una línea de tiempo precisa de los acontecimientos que sucedieron aquel 15 de abril a las 18:20h. Se rastrea el fuego devastador que se generó en la Catedral y expone las acciones heroicas que asumió la Brigada de Bomberos de París, quienes se enfrentaron a una serie de desafíos aparentemente insuperables, con decisiones de vida o muerte, para salvar este monumento considerado Patrimonio de la Humanidad.
The Great Boeing 787
Faster, lighter, and easier to handle than its predecessors, the Boeing 787 Dreamliner is filled with revolutionary technologies. With a powerful, fuel-efficient motor, interactive cabin windows, and superior aerodynamics, the 787 combines human genius and technological innovation. This film takes you behind the scenes to discover the secrets of one of the most advanced airplanes in the world.