Nicolas Aqui


Vera: Día de la amistad
Un cangrejo gigante le quita una pulsera de la amistad a Grizelda y la convierte en una sirena. Su amiga Vera viaja al fondo del mar para rescatarla.
True: Wuzzle Wegg Day
Spring has sprung in Rainbow City, and Wuzzle Wegg Day is right around the corner! But Bartleby's convinced that a Wegg-stealing monster is on the loose.
Vera: Deseos de invierno
Zee (voice)
Un cristal de hielo llega de una región glacial y congela el Reino Arcoíris, ¡incluso a sus súbditos! ¿Puede Vera salvar los Festi‑deseos de invierno y a sus amigos?
True: Grabbleapple Harvest
Zee (voice)
Boys vs. Girls
When camps around the country were shutting down every year and Camp Kitchikewana made the economically necessary move to turn co-ed, the result was a very real clash of the sexes.
Riot Girls
En un 1995 distinto al que la humanidad realmente vivió, una misteriosa enfermedad ha borrado del mapa a todos los adultos. En esta nueva era, dos clanes luchan entre sí para ocupar distintos territorios, recursos y, sobre todo, para lograr sobrevivir.
True: Happy Hearts Day
True and Bartleby try to cheer up the Rainbow Kingdom's loneliest citizen, but his gloomy mood is contagious! Can a trio of wishes turn things around?
Nothing Grows Here
An 11-year-old Rachel has just discovered she no longer has a heartbeat. After seeking help from her unfazed mother, a useless doctor, and an eccentric spiritual healer, Rachel surrenders to the unsolicited aid of her homework partner, Charlie, who is determined to get to the root of her problem.