Lyon, 1960s. Emile is twelve years old. His father is a hero. He says he is a judo champ, a parachutist, a soccer player and even a personal advisor to General de Gaulle. Now he wants to save French Algeria! Fascinated and proud, Emile willingly follows his father in missions of utmost danger: tailing, spying, delivering top-secret letters. Emile carries out his orders in all seriousness. He even recruits Luca, a new classmate, into his secret combat. But what if the father’s exploits were all phony, and far too dangerous for children?
Sound Engineer
Eva, una doctora misteriosa, busca una respuesta a su dilema urgente mientras desentraña el Libro de la visión del Dr. Anmuth. Henry se involucra en su vida y se ve obligado a enfrentarse a su propia naturaleza, ya que Eva enfrenta la decisión más importante de su vida.
A woman, hospitalized for a relatively long period, observes what surrounds her. She has time to dream, to revisit certain moments of her life. These memories, like small bubbles begin with her birth in Marseille in 1949 and bring us to Antwerp, Paris, New York, England… to end in Flanders in 2015, after she gets out of the hospital. There Was A Little Ship is a filmic-biographical essay, sincere and poetic.
Sound Mixer
Un oficial alemán (Jai Courtney) es enviado a Holanda para determinar si el Servicio Secreto británico se ha infiltrado en la casa del Káiser Wilhelm II (Christopher Plummer) durante el inicio de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, pero comienza un peligroso romance con una joven judía holandesa (Lily James) con consecuencias que ni ellos ni el Káiser podrían haber previsto.
En un pequeño pueblo de Oriente Medio, la tradición exige que las mujeres vayan a buscar agua, bajo un sol ardiente, a la fuente que nace en lo alto de una montaña. Leila, una joven casada, propone a las demás mujeres una huelga de sexo: no mantendrán relaciones sexuales hasta que los hombres colaboren con ellas en el transporte del agua hasta la aldea.
On the one hand, there’s the desert eating away at the land. The endless dry season, the lack of water. On the other there’s the threat of war. The village well has run dry. The livestock is dying. Trusting their instinct, most of the villagers leave and head south. Rahne, the only literate one, decides to head east with his three children and Mouna, his wife. A few sheep, some goats, and Chamelle, a dromedary, are their only riches. A tale of exodus, quest, hope and fatality.
En 1984, miles de africanos procedentes de 26 países afectados por el hambre terminan en campamentos en Sudán. En una iniciativa de Israel y los Estados Unidos, se realiza una misión para llevar a miles de Judios de Etiopía a Israel. Una madre cristiana obliga a su hijo de nueve años a declararse un Judio para salvarle de la hambruna y la muerte. El niño llega a la Tierra Santa, dice que es huérfano, y es adoptado por una familia francesa sefardí de Tel Aviv, aunque crece con el temor de que se descubra su doble secreto: ni es Judio ni es huérfano, sólo es negro. Descubrirá el amor, la cultura occidental, el judaísmo, pero también el racismo y la guerra en los territorios ocupados.
The man carrying his body, his reels of film, his bag and his old Nikon, is Boris Lehman, he's also Sisyphus, Jesus Christ, and Ixion as told by Alfred Jarry in La Chandelle Verte. An essay on heaviness and lightness. The carrying man would like to fly, vanish into thin air, into light. When he meets another machine-man, who carries electronic pictures, his dream will come true.
Toda la existencia de la fascinante anciana que da título a este film de Lehman tiene un aire de leyenda. El cineasta define A comme Adrienne de la siguiente manera: “Esta película es un regalo. Un regalo para una mujer. Tiene 77 años, la edad máxima para leer a Tintín. Una noche me invitó a cenar, y hacia el final de la velada, comenzó a recitar historias del folclore persa. Le dije que me gustaría regresar la semana siguiente para filmarla. Se pensó que estaba bromeando, porque muchos le habían dicho lo mismo antes, y ninguno volvió. Pero esta vez sí pasó… La filmé a menudo. Aparece en muchas de mis películas. Quizás el cine ha cambiado la vida de Adrienne, pero lo que es seguro es que ella ha contribuido a cambiar la mía”. De nuevo, la creación es indivisible de la vida real. La película concluye con Adrienne relatando un cuento persa, reflejo de su propia existencia y del cine de Lehman, un artista que siempre ha sabido disfrutar de una buena historia.
Through many photographs, he tells the story and allows his story to be told by those photographed. This is where the brilliant documentary reversal takes place.
Bo is a transexual prostitute in Brussels who left home after being abused by her father. She's infuatuated with a neighbor and suspected by the police in a series of transexual murders. In order to clear herself she must turn detective.
France, 17th century, during the reign of Louis XIII. When a dear friend, the Duke of Nevers, is treacherously assassinated by a powerful relative, a skilled swordsman, the noble Henri de Lagardère, seeks his rightful vengeance as he tries to protect the innocent life of the duke's last heir.
Sound Director
To attain knowledge, man and woman had to be willing to give up their innocence," says Boris Lehman. Life Lesson is a poetic and philosophic reflection on the theme of paradise lost. Some fifty persons illustrate the planet's convulsions and the world's vacillations. Trying to communicate, to commune with the invisible, they cry out, sing out, give out messages, each in their own way, in their own state of solitude. These are like multiple echoes that resemble waves in the water or stars in the sky. " Behind these images and sounds that have been stifled by today's society, Lehman hunts for noises, cries, songs, messages that go astray. He says that if we look at the invisible we may hear the words. He invites us to look beyond the appearances of social life and to vibrate in tune with life's polyphony that is all around us."
Le curé-nageur (uncredited)
Fábula que celebra el centenario del cine. En ella intervienen de forma desinteresada Harrison Ford, Depardieu, De Niro, Jane Birkin, Belmondo, Anouk Aimée, Deneuve, Delon, Moreau, Lollobrigida, Di Caprio, Martin Sheen, Dean Stanton, Léaud y muchos otros.
Sound Engineer
En la localidad belga de Aalst se inicia una revuelta para protestar por las duras condiciones de los obreros de las fábricas. Cuando el religioso Adolf Daens escribe un artículo denunciando estos hechos, su repercusión es tal que no sólo acaba enfrentándose al Papa León XIII, sino también a la necesidad final de elegir entre el sacerdocio y la actividad política. (FILMAFFINITY)
Alrededor del Pont Neuf, pese a su nombre, el puente más antiguo de París, se formula una fascinante historia de amor entre dos vagabundos. Él es Alex, un frustrado artista de circo por su adición al alcohol, ella Michele, una pintora que va perdiendo el sentido de la realidad tras una relación emocional rota y una enfermedad degenerativa que la va dejando ciega, El sentido de la dependencia entre uno y otro se va estrechado hasta el punto de que la relación que les une se toma en un círculo vicioso y agobiante difícil de solucionar, como escenario un París como nunca se había visto antes en el cine.
From the construction of a sculpture "life size" in the earth, the director Boris Lehman imagines a story that staged a sculptor (Paulus Brun) struggling with an impossible order. The man of land is "golemise", takes life in the countryside, and ends up dying on an opera stage.
From pond to plate, we are shown the journey and destiny of one carp among many. This particular carp will be eaten stuffed during a family meal. Carp stuffed (in the Polish fashion), also called in yiddish (Gefilte Fish) is a traditional dish eaten by Ashkenazi Jews. It is cooked, sweetened and served as a cold dish at the start of the meal. The head is reserved for the head of the family. The film, set in Brussels, on the day of the Jewish New Year (Rosh Hashanah), aims to show the culinary preparation together with the accompanying prayers and ritual. It focuses particularly on the sacrifice of the fish and on the issue of mass extermination.
Sound Designer
París, en un futuro cercano. Marc y Hans son dos ladrones que deben dinero a una intransigente mujer americana que les da sólo dos semanas para pagar. Planean robar y vender un nuevo antídoto para curar un virus parecido al del SIDA, que está matando a los que "practican el amor sin amor", pero necesitan un cómplice. Reclutan a Alex, alias "lengua veloz", un chico rebelde que acaba de romper su relación con su novia de 16 años de edad.
Año 1926. Después de seducir a Marcel, un violinista amigo de su marido Pierre, Romaine intenta envenenar a su pareja.
This film is based on the true story of Jean Bella, who served as an officer in the Belgian Marine while being convinced, from an early age, that he was in fact a woman. Director Jean-Pol Ferbus follows Jean Bella and makes him talk about his life, psychological and spiritual experiences and reveals the true poet who remained undisclosed for most of this person's life. The film ultimately isn't about transexuality but about loneliness one can experience when he/she feels very deeply that she/he belongs to the two sexes and this in a deep, almost religious, fashion, to such an extent that sexuality itself is being erased from one's life. Jean-Gina Bella is a woman in the body of a man who bravely lived a life on the sea, eventually fighting the elements, talking to God when lost on the immense solitary ocean. This testimony is a very touching and poetic one.
Ella hizo todo para ganar el amor de su madre: fue la primera de la clase, aprendió a pintar, a tocar música, se convirtió en arquitecta. Ella había hecho todo para corresponder a la imagen deseada de su madre, llegó tan lejos que se convirtió en algo que no quería ser. Pero no fue suficiente.
A two-way mirror. Water and fire. Water extinguishes fire, and fire boils away water. There are many difficulties preventing them from understanding one another.
Martin (Heinz Bennent), a sculptor, is dying in his bed on a barge that floats along a fog-shrouded waterway. As he agonizingly descends into a final oblivion, his second wife is at his bedside, comforted by his first wife -- also present.
Sound Designer
Following over two dozen different people in the almost wordless atmosphere of a dark night in a Brussels town, Akerman examines acceptance and rejection in the realm of romance.
Several young men and women arrive one after the other at Hôtel des Acacias, full of hope, desire and vitality. In the bustle of this hotel, everyone is looking for love. Hôtel des Acacias was an exercise guided in 1982 by Chantal Akerman at Belgium’s INSAS audio-visual college.
Sound Engineer
When his father dies a young man has the choice to continue the farmwork of his old man who suffered because of the hard labour and all the regulations.
Análisis de la relación y comportamiento de dos amigas treintañeras que viajan desde París a Provenza. El carácter íntimo de sus conversaciones refleja un profundo conocimiento mutuo.
Sound Designer
In this thriller, a UNESCO translator stumbles across a group which is hiding and supporting Nazis and facilitating their travel around the world. She had been given an assignment to study the work of a writer who recently had died, and the conspiracy is revealed in materials he left behind. She comes upon a young man who is going through the writer's papers, and she immediately assumes he must be one of the conspirators. However, he soon convinces her of his innocence in that regard, and the two together begin a search for the ringleader.
El trabajo de Anna como directora de cine la lleva por toda Europa Occidental. Vaya donde vaya, o ya tiene alguna relación íntima o la encuentra rápidamente. La gente se siente atraída por ella y tiende a revelarle sus secretos más íntimos, a pesar de que Anna no muestra interés alguno por conocerlos.
In the Belgian hamlet of Verbrande Brug, former lovers Monique and Louis reconnect at a carnival, stirring up drama with their current partners.
Tras nueve años sin estrenar una película, Varda vuelve con un film feminista que narra la histora de dos amigas de vidas diferentes. (FILMAFFINITY)
Sound Designer
A silent teenage girl who works as a tightrope walker tries to keep her balance while crossing Paris.
Documentary on the river Ganges.
Boom Operator
Ostende, Bélgica. En un decadente hotel situado frente a la costa, Stefan y Valerie, una pareja de recién casados, conocen a la misteriosa condesa Báthory y a Ilona, su secretaria.
Cassavio (Orson Welles) es un extraño personaje que, al borde de su muerte, lega a sus descendientes su fortuna y su mansión “Malpertius”. Un caserón que esconde un oscuro secreto y del que es muy difícil escapar.