William Stack
Nacimiento : 1882-03-05, Baker, Oregon, USA
Muerte : 1949-01-15
William Stack has been often mistaken as British in the scant bio information available on him - he could imitate many a British accent. He was actually born in Oregon. But like many Americans who wished to become serious stage actors and seeing New York as overly competitive, he went to London as a young man. Not much is known about his career there, but with many theaters (almost fifty) and companies around, the opportunities for a talented young man were there. From the craze for post cards with the subject of photos - and especially those of actors that ensued between about 1890 and 1914, there exist pictures of Stack as Hamlet. So Stack did find initial success, and by 1918 he tried his hand in the budding British silent film industry with not much initial interest - just one film that year and another in 1922, then back to the stage.
But by 1930 Stack was back in America - and not to Broadway (perhaps in a touring company, but at least not on record as a principal), as was a stage actor's usual course. He did end up in early Hollywood sound pictures - those with marginal sound quality - first with Fredric March as the star in Sarah and Son (1930). With a rich stage actor's voice and accents to apply where needed - and appreciated as audio technology improved - he appeared in from four to ramping up to as many as ten pictures per year through the 1930s. Moving into his 50s, bald and dignified, his roles were focused as featured character pieces - assured doctors, lawyers, judges, nobles, and several butlers. He was one of the Crawley clan in Becky Sharp (1935), the first feature-length three-color film. He perhaps gained press from being in one movie of some scandalous notoriety - Tarzan and His Mate (1934) in which Maureen O'Sullivan appeared to swim nude (somebody else in a body stocking). Although he had a few lines as a white hunter, in this and other films (of note, MGM's first and most famous version of Mutiny on the Bounty, 1935), Stack was not credited for his always believable characterizations.
The year 1936 provided Stack with some his most memorable historical roles. He played the French general Montcalm of the French and Indian War in the popular The Last of the Mohicans (1936) with Randolph Scott. The same year he played a much richer character in the film adaptation of the play Mary of Scotland (1936) directed by John Ford. Along with an assemblage of some of the best character actors of Hollywood, Stack played one among a rogues' gallery of self-seeking Scottish lords who included: Robert Barrat, Gavin Muir (another American who spent time in England and was often thought to be British), and Ian Keith. Stack is able to be most Shakespearean, vying in Scottish brogue with his fellow conspirators as the sly Lord Ruthven. Although Stack appeared in many of the best A pictures of the later 1930s, many did not give credit for his great acting skills. There were only a few movies into the 1940s, before he retired - leaving film history all the richer for his screen presence.
Paul es un joven que vive encerrado desde su niñez en una habitación de la mansión familiar. Está trastornado a causa de su encierro, provocado por su perverso padre. Cuando era niño, intentó defender a su madre y éste le atacó de tal manera que casi lo mata. Desde entonces, optó por dejarlo encerrado y hacer creer a todo el mundo que el chico había muerto. Ahora han pasado más de 20 años y el viejo acaba de morir... Un hombre mentalmente inestable, que ha estado aislado durante años, escapa y causa problemas a su hermano gemelo idéntico.
Professor Meyer
Tercer Reich (1933-1945). En 1939, Hitler provoca la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), al invadir Polonia. Empieza entonces una implacable persecución contra los judíos y los miembros de la oposición al nazismo. Para eludirla, tres disidentes políticos (Fredric March, Margaret Sullavan y Glenn Ford) se verán obligados a huir por toda Europa.
Mr. Marinier (uncredited)
Natalie (Rita Hayworth) es acusada de asesinato. André (Brian Aherne), uno de los miembros del jurado, está tan seguro de su inocencia que logra convencer a sus compañeros para que la declaren inocente. Además, compadecido de ella, le ofrece trabajo en su tienda de bicicletas. Por su parte, Pierre (Glenn Ford), el hijo de André, se enamora de Natalie, aunque cree que su padre tiene un lío con ella.
Coroner (uncredited)
A behind the times Chicago bootlegger goes to England with his lawyer to claim his estate as the Earl of Gorley.
Minister (uncredited)
Georgia, 1861. En la elegante mansión sureña de Tara, vive Scarlett O'Hara, la joven más bella, caprichosa y egoísta de la región. Ella suspira por el amor de Ashley, pero él está prometido con su prima, la dulce y bondadosa Melanie. Corren todavía tiempos felices en Tara, pero por poco tiempo, porque la Guerra de Secesión (1861-1865) está a punto de estallar. En la última fiesta, celebrada antes del comienzo de las hostilidades entre el norte y el sur, Scarlett conoce al simpático, cínico y apuesto Rhett Butler, un vividor arrogante y aventurero, que sólo piensa en sí mismo y que no tiene ninguna intención de participar en el conflicto. Lo que él desea es hacerse rico y conquistar el corazón de la hermosa Scarlett.
Judge Charles Edwin Marshall (uncredited)
An entry in MGM's Crime Does Not Pay series, this short tells the true story of how a young man, ignored by his parents, gets into a gang and starts a crime spree which leads to murder.
Prosecuting Attorney
Tres jóvenes hombres buscan al asesino que mató a su padre, un hombre al que admiraban mucho. Su viaje les lleva desde la India hasta América del Sur, Londres, Egipto, y EE.UU. Mientras avanzan en sus investigaciones, empiezan a descubrir la verdad oculta y perturbadora sobre la muerte de su padre
Triángulo amoroso que surge cuando planea sobre el matrimonio constituido por Walter Pidgeon y Rosalind Russell la sombra del divorcio, y aparece en escena otra mujer, Myrna Loy.
Elliott (uncredited)
Harvey, el hijo arrogante y malcriado de un padre poco cariñoso, cae por la borda de un barco de vapor transatlántico y es rescatado por un barco de pesca en el Gran Banco de Terranova. Harvey trata de convencerles para que lo lleven a tierra alardeando de su riqueza ante la tripulación, aunque nadie le toma en serio. El capitán le ofrece un trabajo mal pagado hasta que regresen a puerto. El duro trabajo como uno más de la tripulación convierte al joven en un hombre maduro y considerado.
Grand Duke
Narra la historia de un correo del zar de Rusia que debe entregar una carta al duque, en la que le previene del traidor Iván Ogaref que quiere asesinarlo y entregar su ciudad a los Khanes mongoles. En su apresurado camino se encuentra con Nadia, una joven que va a la misma ciudad, Irkuskt, para ver a su padre. Los mongoles capturan a Miguel Strogoff, que logra escapar curiosamente y entrega la carta al duque, evitando la invasión mongola.
Un maître de hotel conoce a una joven multimillonaria norteamericana y vive con ella una extraña aventura a bordo de un trasatlántico que va de París a Nueva York.
District Attorney Hopkins
Barry Brandon, a criminal lawyer, visits the night club of Denny Larkin, his primary client, with Betty Walker, a spoiled society girl. The police raid the club and Brandon pleads that the whole group is guilty, just to get even with Larkin for a rebuke. On the same night in court, Madge Carter is on trial for disorderly conduct, and Brandon volunteers to defend her, and proves the case against her if a frame-up. Finding that she is penniless, Brandon hires her as his secretary, and falls in love with her. Brandon is appointed district attorney and has ambitions of becoming the state governor. Having dinner at Betty's home, she maneuvers him, while he is drunk, into marrying her. Later, Madge is a witness when Larkin shoots down a fellow gangster. By threatening Brandon's life, he forces her to commit perjury at his trial, and say he fired in self-defense. Brandon, the prosecuting attorney (who has had his marriage to Betty annulled) knows she is lying but doesn't know why.
Alfred Kruikshank
Chin-Ching se pierde en Shanghai y se hace amigo del playboy estadounidense Tommy Randall. Ella se queda dormida en su auto, que termina en un barco que se dirige a América. Susan Parker, también en el barco, se casa con Randall para dar una familia a Chin-Ching.
Clarence B. Carmichael
Larry Poole, in prison on a false charge, promises an inmate that when he gets out he will look up and help out a family. The family turns out to be a young girl, Patsy Smith, and her elderly grandfather who need lots of help. This delays Larry from following his dream and going to Venice and becoming a gondolier. Instead, he becomes a street singer and, while singing in the street, meets a pretty welfare worker, Susan Sprague. She takes a dim view of Patsy's welfare under the guardianship of Larry and her grandfather and starts proceedings to have Patsy placed in an orphanage.
Editor (uncredited)
Cuando Loy, una diva social, calumnia al periodista Tracy, éste decide contraatacar implicando en el asunto a su prometida y al desafortunado Powell, un famosísimo pescador deportivo. El plan de Tracy incluye un matrimonio improvisado, una falsa seducción, la pesca de la trucha, puñetazos, promesas rotas...
Tras conocerse en un casino, una modelo y un brillante científico iniciarán un romance al que no le faltarán múltiples y agitados enredos. Melodrama de pasiones varias, que significó el comienzo del romance entre sus protagonistas, Barbara Stanwyck y Robert Taylor, que acabarían casándose en 1939.
María Estuardo abandona Francia y regresa a Escocia, dispuesta a ocupar el trono del que es heredera. Pero los conflictos se acumulan: la nobleza le es hostil, comenzando por su medio hermano el conde de Moray, y su apego al catolicismo choca con la fe que predica John Knox, fundador de la Iglesia presbiteriana en Escocia. Por otro lado, su prima Isabel Tudor, hija ilegítima de Enrique VIII, teme que reclame la corona inglesa. Su único aliado es el conde Bothwell, comandante de las tropas escocesas, de quien se enamora.
General Montcalm
Una de las primeras adaptaciones del clásico de Fenimore Cooper. La acción transcurre durante la guerra franco-india (1754-1763). Relata la masacre, perpetrada por los hurones y consentida por los franceses, de soldados angloamericanos prisioneros, sus mujeres y criados. Además los hurones secuestran a las dos hijas del comandante inglés, a cuyo rescate acudirá último mohicano.
Judge Advocate (uncredited)
En 1789, en los Mares del Sur, la tripulación del buque británico Bounty decide rebelarse contra el tiránico y cruel capitán Bligh. El motín lo encabeza el primer oficial, que defiende los intereses de la tripulación y abandona al capitán en un bote.
Sir Percy Phillips (uncredited)
A strait-laced country vicar is very embarrassed by his father's naughty exploits with a lively actress.
Pitt Crawley
Siglo XIX. Amalia y Becky son dos jóvenes que desde niñas han sido muy amigas. Según pasan los años Amalia comprobará como Becky, que perteneció siempre a una familia humilde, sólo la utiliza para acceder a las clases altas.
Dr. Henri Fresnel
Julie Fresnel is a co-ed at Redgate University and her father, Dr. Henri Fresnel, is the new French professor. Julie attraction from the make students drops a bit when two of her admirers are found murdered. When an attempt on the life of a third one is made. Seth Dunlap, an instructor at the school, decides to turn detective and find the killer. Assisted by his sister, who is in love with the third student, Dunlap begins to follow the the small trail of clues left by the killer.
Romantic problems of a society girl and an engineer.
A barber tries to find the winning lottery ticket he hid from his moralistic wife.
Capt. Andre De Laage
During World War I, an American pilot vows to bring down the German ace responsible for his friend's death.
Tenterden, Sybil's Brother (uncredited)
Aspiring young Scottish politician John Shand enters into an unusual agreement with the wealthy Wylie family -- if they fund his education, he must marry their daughter, Maggie. Staying true to his word, John weds Maggie and begins a successful career, thanks largely to his savvy wife. The couple's relationship is placed in jeopardy when John faces temptation in the form of the lovely aristocrat Lady Sybil Tenterden.
James (uncredited)
En este triángulo amoroso, Diane no puede decidir si le gusta Michael, a quien conoció en un viaje en barco, o Richard, el empresario casado que está tratando de olvidar.
Historia de un triángulo amoroso en la Holanda neutral de la Primera Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). Cuando un oficial británico vuelve a ver a su antigua novia, que está casada con un militar alemán, su viejo amor se reaviva. Ella, por su parte, tratará de mantenerse fiel a su marido, que ha sido herido en la guerra.
Judge (uncredited)
Dos niños que han perdido a sus familias en un accidente son adoptados por el mismo padre. Sin embargo, el destino los llevará por caminos muy distintos y hará que se enamoren de la misma mujer.
James Eagan
When a good-for-nothing man named Dan is stabbed to death and his arm broken, Charlie Chan is on the case. His first clue comes from the victim's sister, who noticed a prowler wearing a glow-in-the-dark wristwatch.
Rutherford (uncredited)
Un abogado (Warner Baxter) evita la condena de un conocido mafioso. Tras negarse a dejar de defender a criminales es rechazado por su bufete de abogados y también por su novia. Sin embargo, ella reclamará su ayuda cuando su nuevo prometido sea acusado de asesinato.
Maitre D' (uncredited)
An Air Force washout and his buddy room with a pretty young lady. Desperate for jobs during the Depression, they finally land employment with the mob.
A Doctor
El empleado de banca William Marble está desesperado por dinero para pagar las deudas de la familia. Cuando su acaudalado sobrino les visita le pide un préstamo, pero el joven se niega. Marble decide asesinarle, y después del crimen y la riqueza obtenida el hombre se siente transformado...
Polo Club President (uncredited)
An Indian jewel merchant goes from penniless to wealthy in this story about gratitude.
Dr. Fowler
A woman becomes estranged from her daughter when the girl learns that she is illegitimate.
Gossiping Party Guest (uncredited)
Cuando Harry se enamora de una actriz, le confiesa su intención de casarse con ella a su abuelo, el obispo Tom Armstrong, pero éste trata de disuadirlo contándole su propia experiencia: cuando era estudiante, conoció en una fiesta a Rita Cavallini, una célebre cantante de ópera, y tuvo un romance con ella, convencido de que por él abandonaría su frívola y escandalosa vida. Pero Rita era la amante de un hombre muy poderoso y no parecía dispuesta a dejarlo.
Cyril Belloc
A ne'er-do-well husband, after years of abusing his wife, disappears with their son, and winds up selling him to a wealthy family. Years later, the wife, now a world-famous opera singer, finally has enough time and money to begin a search for him.