A romantic comedy that tells the story of Ramez, the rich man who returns to Egypt after the death of his father to find himself responsible for his half-brother. He falls in love with a modest girl who is adamant not to fall for someone from a higher social standard, so he is forced to lead a double life so she could fall for him.
Ibrahim is a creative advertising professional who is extremely boring and reserved. As he embarks on a journey to win over his son who seems to prefer his stepfather, Ibrahim seizes the chance when he goes on a business trip to film an ad campaign titled “live your life!" to get close to his son.
Youssef is a young man who lives in an under-privileged part of the city. He finds a book called "Get Out Here for Me" and two of its characters materialize out of it and they start shaping Youssef's personality between kindness and aggression. While he is attempting to win the heart of his beloved Ameenah, Youssef and his new character-friends go through many obstacles with situational humor.
Una mujer termina trabajando en el mismo bar que la novia de su hijo. Como la chica no le cae nada bien, hace lo indecible para separarlos.