Annemarie Düringer
Nacimiento : 1925-11-26, Arlesheim
Muerte : 2014-11-26
André, 55, lives with his mother Louise, 80, and leads an unspectacular life. He works as a taxi driver while the elderly diva dreams of bygone days as an actress in Hollywood. One day the charismatic Bill, 50, an American, turns up on their doorstep - a stranger who will soon turn their quiet life upside down.
Frau Hauser
The lack of an olive for his Dry Martini drives Adrian Weynfeldt one night to a nearby bar. There he meets a beautiful woman whose direct style and unpolished charm he can not escape. He takes Lorena home. The next morning Lorena stands outside the balcony railing and wants to jump down. The awkward Weynfeldt manages to dissuade her from her project. From now on, Lorena blames him for her life and tempts him to help her out of financial bottlenecks on several occasions. So he begins to pay her debts to a man named Pedroni, whom Lorena claims is a debt collector. Then his old friend Dr. Baier asks him for an impossible favor: Weynfeldt is to release a forgery of the painting "Le Salamandre" by Felix Vallotton for auction. But what does Lorena have to do with it? And is Weynfeldt, who has hitherto had nothing to do with the counterfeiters and blackmailers, resist the temptation?
Äbtissin Tengwich
Hildegard von Bingen (Barbara Sukowa) fue una monja alemana que, desde niña, tuvo visiones sobrenaturales en las que Dios le pedía que transmitiera sus mensajes. Su fama traspasó los muros del convento. Fue, al parecer, una mujer muy adelantada para su época por sus conocimientos de medicina natural y por sus obras musicales. Se trata de una mujer que marcó un antes y un después en muchos aspectos de la sociedad medieval.
Fanny Lienbacher
Frieda Eggenschwyler
Martha no ha podido superar la muerte de su marido y trata de encontrar un significado a su vida. Preocupadas por Martha, sus tres amigas la convencen, a pesar de sus 80 años, de hacer realidad su sueño de ser modista. Es entonces cuando decide abrir una tienda de ropa interior femenina, moderna y con toques eróticos, dónde destacan los sugerentes diseños que ella misma imagina. Este hecho dará un giro radical a la vida de todas las mujeres, sumergidas en el ambiente provinciano de una comarca paradisíaca, pero aburrida. Hay revuelo en el pueblo y los pilares de esa comunidad conservadora tiemblan con la inesperada novedad. Mucha gente no ve con buenos ojos los escandalosos cambios, que suscitarán reacciones inesperadas. Pero las Chicas de la Lencería no se dejarán intimidar tan fácilmente.
Klimt's Mother
Retrato del artista austríaco Gustav Klimt, cuyos suntuosos y eróticos cuadros marcaron el estilo Art Nouveau de finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX.
Gräfin Gudenus
This is the 2003 production of Thomas Bernhards play "Elisabeth II. - Keine Komödie", directed by Thomas Langhoff. It was the first time this play took place in Austria, at the famous Burgtheater Vienna.
Amalie Katz
A holocaust survivor now living as a respected writer in Manhattan is the only person who can identify a suspected Nazi back in his native Austria. When a beautiful reporter eager for a scoop tries to lure him back, Geburtig must decide whether to confront his past.
Erzherzogin Sophie
On September 10, 1898, Sisi, the Empress of Austria and Queen of Hungary, was stabbed to death with a sharpened file by Italian anarchist Luigi Lucheni. The successful fiction about Sisi by Norbert Beilharz is based on Elisabeth's inner monologue and, subjectively, on many events in her life.
Documentary about the shooting of BOURBON STREET BLUES.
The aristocratic families of Rossitz and Warwand, who are relatives, have started to treat each other with mistrust and hatred, since a testamentary contract has stated, that the complete goods will be inherited to the respective surviving line. At the same time the young generation is in love, how can the tender ties between Agnes of Warwand and Ottokar of Rossitz be protected? Killed by their own fathers, they lie in their blood. A radical drama about the term "family". (
Marie Lanz
Dr. Marianne Katz
Una famosa actriz alemana en el ocaso de su carrera recurre al alcohol y a las drogas con la esperanza de recuperar la fama perdida. Ésta es la última parte de la trilogía de Fassbinder sobre el desmoronamiento de los sueños de la Alemania Occidental de la posguerra.
Mrs. Miller-Raczinski
An adaptation of Tennessee Williams' "The Lady Larkspur Lotion" created by Douglas Sirk with the assistance of his film students and Rainer Werner Fassbinder. It depicts the conflict between a dreamy, delusional heroine and her brusque, practical landlady, who wants to kick her out of her apartment.
la mère de pomme
Beatrice, una muchacha discreta y silenciosa, trabaja de aprendiz de peluquera con su amiga Maryléne, una rubia coleccionista de hombres y desilusiones. Beatrice conoce a François, un estudiante de buena familia. Se enamoran y deciden irse a vivir juntos a París. Ella plancha y él estudia. Pero las diferencias de clase y cultura percibidas por el chico comienzan a resquebrajar la relación...
Luise Müller
Beautiful, detached, laconic, consumptive Lily Brest is a streetwalker with few clients. She loves her idle boyfriend Raoul who gambles away what little she earns. The town's power broker, called the rich Jew, discovers she is a good listener, so she's soon busy. Raoul imagines grotesque sex scenes between Lily and the Jew; he leaves her for a man. Her parents, a bitter Fascist who is a cabaret singer in drag and her wheelchair-bound mother, offer no refuge. Even though all have a philosophical bent, the other whores reject Lily because she tolerates everyone, including men. She tires of her lonely life and looks for a way out. Even that act serves the local corrupt powers.
Frl. Gretz
In this Swiss film noir a private investigator stumbles onto a case involving blackmail and an oversexed, under-aged girl. He finds the girl, and, tragically, becomes involved with her.
Frau Jenny
Karl Tellenbach, called "Dällebach Kari", was one of Bern’s legendary characters at the beginning of the 20th century. Born with a strong hare lip which left him disfigured and gave his voice a peculiarl nasal tone, he devoted his entire life trying to get people to laugh with him instead of at him. Ultimately, his despairing at ever becoming accepted as a fellow man coupled with unrequited love made his life tragic, culminating in his suicide at age 54. His jokes are still well known today.
Gräfin Tarnay von Budahegy
Elmire Pernelle
Annemarie Karsten
When the wife of Sebastian Schumann left her family, he told his little daughter that her mother has died, because he thought that this was the easiest way for her to accept that her mother is now gone. But this was only the beginning of a lot of lies he tells her continuously, mostly about himself and his job. This way he also tries to hide away from her the fact that he had to quit his job as a traveler and is now paid much less than before.
The further trials of the wealthy Emmentaler farming family Jowäger and their neighbors, adapted from the second volume of the 19th century novel by Jeremias Gotthelf (pen-name of Albert Bitzius).
The trials of the wealthy Emmentaler farming family Jowäger, adapted from the 19th century novel of the same name by Jeremias Gotthelf (pen-name of Albert Bitzius), which was also published in two parts.
Annelie vom Berghof
The farmers of a village decide to postpone the construction of a new school in profit of a concentration to cheese production. From a novel by Jeremias Gotthelf.
Rolande Hertog
Dutch patriots, a U.S. officer and a British spy fool the Nazis with a fake Soho film company.
Helga Hornung
Hamburgo, Alemania, 1944, durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Un asesino en serie aterroriza la ciudad. Cuando parece claro que la policía local es incapaz de atraparlo, fuerzas tan oscuras y terribles como el propio criminal se hacen cargo del caso.
Inken Peters
Based on a play by Gerhardt Hauptmann, the film details a bittersweet May-December romance between ageing Mathias Clausen (Albers) and young, beautiful Inken Peters (Annemarie Dueringer).
Erna Lucht
Hildegard Klee
A disillusioned Wehrmacht officer named Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg and his co-conspirators attempt to assassinate Adolf Hitler on 20 July 1944.
Annie Lauer
Maria, seine Frau
Komtesse Julia Kopsch-Grantignan