An ingenuous film about the eternal, about the meaning of human life on earth. In a word, about what has been said a thousand times and a thousand times retold. The famous hero of Eastern legends, Hodja Nasreddin - a serious joker, thinker and truth-seeker - by the will of the authors became a foster brother and a friend of youth, no less famous, but in everything opposite to him - the tyrant and autocrat Timur Tamerlane.
Platon Andreyevich es un decorador y creador de maniquíes que sueña con crear una obra perfecta e incorruptible que ni siquiera Dios pudiera modificar. Es contratado para crear un maniquí para una tienda de joyas, y de modelo ocupa a una joven en la etapa terminal de la tuberculosis. Años más tarde es contratado por un rico comerciante para decorar su hogar, la esposa del comerciante es la joven modelo que ocupo años atrás, quién por su enfermedad debería estar muerta... Elegida como mejor película en el Fantasporto de 1989.
"Iskra" is the codename for the plan of the operation of the Soviet troops to break the blockade of Leningrad. In January 1943, the blockade of Leningrad was broken. A corridor 8-11 km wide was formed between Lake Ladoga and the front line.
A story about the tragic events in the life of besieged Leningrad from September 1941 to January 1943.