Kaari revolves around the life of a horse jockey in Chennai and how fate brings him to a small village in Ramanad district, who is about to witness the cruelty of money and power.
Pugazh, a rookie cop earns an immediate disliking from his higher official Inspector Rathnam because of his brilliance in handling the case. Inspector Rathnam is killed by a masked man who shoves expired batteries into his mouth. A medical industrialist is also done away in the same way. Who is the murderer using the unusual method and why he is doing it and whether he gets caught or not?
A brash young man tries to prevent his wealthy, large family from being split up by their arch-nemesis, who wants to avenge his brother's death, which he blames on the family.
FCUK (Father, Chitti, Umaa, Karthik) is an adult comedy that revolves around the lives of its lead characters played by Jagapathi Babu, Baby Saharshitha, Ammu Abhirami and Ram Karthik. How Chitti affects the life of everyone around her forms the tale.
A family from the underprivileged class is on the run after the teenaged son kills a rich man from the upper caste. Can the pacifist father be able to save his hot-blooded son?
Birla Bose, an encounter specialist's next assignment takes him to the holy city of Rameshwaram, where the greatest challenge of his career awaits for him.
Las circunstancias fuerzan a Arun (Radha Ravi), un aspirante a director de cine, a aceptar el trabajo como subinspector de policía que deja vacante su padre tras fallecer. Además de tener que adaptarse al tipo de vida de un agente de policía, Arun se enfrenta a un misterioso caso de jóvenes que están siendo asesinadas por doquier en su ciudad.