Karen Arikian


La fuerza del pasado
Los terribles recuerdos de un accidente traumático obligan a Claire a escapar a una isla remota de donde proceden sus antepasados. La que había sido una importante comunidad pesquera es ahora un árido, solitario y melancólico lugar que no hace más que aumentar la tristeza que Claire lleva dentro. Pero todo cambia el día que se encuentra con Celia, una excéntrica escritora que la introduce en su última novela... una historia todavía inacabada, con la que Claire se siente muy identificada y que tendrá el poder de cicatrizar las heridas de su alma. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Unscarred
Four exchange students meet in Berlin 20 years after graduating but picking up where they left off doesn't turn out to be as easy as they had hoped.
Children of Darkness
A significant number of American children and teenagers - from all social backgrounds - suffer from mental disorders, schizophrenia, autism and emotional problems, leading them to isolation from society while treating their issues in mental health facilities. But there's no end in sight for those young individuals when they face obstacles and mistreatment in inadequate places under the supervision of careless and inexperienced professionals. The documentary follows some of those public mental institutions and another private center dealing with troubled kids and reveals what's wrong with their procedures, and the irreparable harm they cause in those patients.