Aleksandar Petković

Nacimiento : 1929-04-02, Belgrade, Yugoslavia

Muerte : 2000-10-28


The State of the Dead
When the war in Yugoslavia breaks out, an army officer who's ethnic Slovenian yet still believes in Yugoslavia, decides to move to Belgrade. The country continues to fall apart and so does his family failing to find acceptance there.
Third Time the Charm
Director of Photography
Older but wealthiest man in the village Života waits for his Russian bride, but when his freshly single nephew Dragoljub arrives he falls for the girl and takes her away. Nevertheless, wedding happens. Života marries local psychic, Dragoljub marries the Russian girl and his son marries his own girlfriend.
Vukovar Poste Restante
Camera Operator
The violent break-up of former Yugoslavia is described from the Serbian point of view, using the story of ethnically mixed couple in war-torn city of Vukovar as metaphor.
Gorilla Bathes at Noon
Director of Photography
A Red Army major caught between East and West Berlin finds his wife gone and somebody else moved into his apartment.
Muerte o victoria
Un tren armado por las fuerzas nazis está aterrorizando una zona rural en Yugoslavia. Las fuerzas aliadas deciden enviar un comando para pararles los pies.
The Outlaw
After WWI, two friends, awarded officers return to their lives in peacetime. One of them becomes a commander of the gendarme's, while the other gets into conflict with the authorities and gets imprisoned, but escapes soon. A former hero becomes an outlaw hunted by the police.
Аller retour
The story of a group of people who came to France to the temporary work, their sufferings, persecutions, and a constant struggle for survival.
The Colonel's Wife
Set just before the end of WWI on the abandoned farm in Vojvodina, the story follows the wife of an Austo-Hungarian colonel of a battered battalion who pays him a visit, only to experience the true Empire's decline through the meeting with disillusioned army.
Los misterios del organismo
Director of Photography
En 1971, en plena resaca del Mayo del 68, el cineasta yugoslavo Dusan Makavejev se convierte en el artista escandaloso del momento con esta especie de falso documental sobre sexo y política, en el que se combinan noticiarios, entrevistas, ficción y ocurrencias surrealistas varias. El guión, apenas esbozado, gira en torno a la vida y obra del psiquiatra austriaco Wilhelm Reich, descubridor de la energía orgásmica, y a las peripecias de dos jovencitas comunistas con muchas ganas de experimentar con sus respectivos y pimpantes cuerpos. Todo ello mezclado con imágenes manipuladas de Stalin, escenas de sexo explícito e incluso una sesión de electroshock real. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Scene of the Crash
Director of Photography
A young married woman Jelena finds about her husband's car accident from an unknown stranger named Vlatko, but also that he wants to be visited by his mistress rather than her. The encounter with her father, an ex-politician, will be another shock, but that's when she accepts Vlatko's courtship without being able to see his self-interested nature.
Natural Boundaries
Director of Photography
A middle-aged man married a young woman but his war memories and her lack of them stand between them.
The Trek
Director of Photography
A story of a farmer and his calf, the only survivors of the German WW2 punitive expeditions that passed through their village. While evading before the dangers of war, the farmer develops a deep attachment to his calf and tries to save it at all costs, but it wouldn't be much easier for them even after the liberation day.
Before the Truth
Director of Photography
Two men, who have been fighting on the enemy sides in WWII, meet in the jazz club twenty years after. Mladen, who was a partisan at the time, recognizes a familiar face of a man whom he was supposed to shot, but missed on purpose.
Love Affair, or the Case of the Missing Switchboard Operator
Director of Photography
After many adventures, young female switchboard operator starts a love relationship with a serious young man. But while he's away on business, she gets lonely and succumbs to her colleague's passes.
The Feast
Director of Photography
In a Serbian village on Christmas Day in 1943, the Chetniks accept two downed American pilots and give them hospitality. However, finding out that the Germans are looking for pilots, the Chetniks change their attitude towards them.
The Feast
In a Serbian village on Christmas Day in 1943, the Chetniks accept two downed American pilots and give them hospitality. However, finding out that the Germans are looking for pilots, the Chetniks change their attitude towards them.
The Return
Director of Photography
An-ex convict nicknamed Al Capone, who spent six years in jail, tries to adapt in new environment. Members of the two rival gangs try to engage him in their new ventures, but he wants to make a new start with the girl he loves. At the same time, a young criminal who shares the same nickname replaces him in these actions.
Shoot and It Shall Open
Director of Photography
Three young delinquents, two boys and a girl - go through their personal drama alongside wrongdoings they do. The local chief inspector gives his best to help them, besides the fact that he's beholden to arrest them.
Man Is Not a Bird
Director of Photography
Entrelaza tres historias que ocurren en una ciudad metalúrgica del sudeste de Serbia: la de un hipnotizador, la de un trabajador acusado de homicidio, y la de un ingeniero maduro que debe dirigir el montaje de unas máquinas y vive una breve historia de amor con la joven peluquera Rajka.
The Enemy
Director of Photography
An ex-soldier named Slobodan Antic, referred to by a friend as one of the last idealists, finds himself losing control over his own life when a man identical to him starts following him around, claiming to be a friend but behaving suspiciously. Before long his dealings with this doppelganger begin to cost him and his professional and romantic life grow more and more confused.
The Traitor
Director of Photography
A psychological study of a hero who, after being badly beaten up by Gestapo, rats on his comrades and friends and becomes their vicious killer. Now the death seems like a salvation to him.
Director of Photography
A married woman is living an unexcited life, until she meets a man who is able to put a smile on her face again, at least for a couple of days.
The City
Director of Photography
Three stories (Love, Heart, The Hoop) set in the urban, alienated world of a big city. It tells how thin is the line between melancholy and depression. This is the only officially banned movie in history of Yugoslavia.
Director of Photography
Parade, one of Makavejev’s best-known films, is view into the preparations International Worker’s Day where the director all but ignores the titular parade. The film focuses on the people – those who work and those who wander the streets, sometimes lost among the throngs, shown in a by-the-way fashion and not without humor. Makavejev claims he sought to show, man as he is...
The Wall
Director of Photography
Experimental short film from Yugoslavia.
Anthony's Broken Mirror
Director of Photography
First five minutes of the film show a weird fellow who is playing marbles with kids and seems to be just biding his time. Film after the titles continues to follow his adventures as his love story unfolds. A love story between him and a doll in a window shop.