Annámaria Tálas


Coronavirus: Combating the Outbreak
As COVID-19 wreaks havoc throughout the world, countries are ramping up their responses to the virus - and the effects it's having on the economy and daily life.
Coronavirus: Combating the Outbreak
As COVID-19 wreaks havoc throughout the world, countries are ramping up their responses to the virus - and the effects it's having on the economy and daily life.
El reino de los hongos: cómo construyeron el mundo
Oculto a plena vista, el reino de los hongos rige la vida en la Tierra. Es un mundo extraño, que cuenta con los organismos más grandes y antiguos que existen en la actualidad.
El reino de los hongos: cómo construyeron el mundo
Oculto a plena vista, el reino de los hongos rige la vida en la Tierra. Es un mundo extraño, que cuenta con los organismos más grandes y antiguos que existen en la actualidad.
Life on Us: A Microscopic Safari
This documentary is about microorganisms that live, compete, feed, and breed on the surface or in the depths of our bodies.
Life on Us: A Microscopic Safari
This documentary is about microorganisms that live, compete, feed, and breed on the surface or in the depths of our bodies.
Life on Us: A Microscopic Safari
This documentary is about microorganisms that live, compete, feed, and breed on the surface or in the depths of our bodies.
The Hobbit Enigma
The Hobbit Enigma examines one of the greatest controversies in science today: what did scientists find when they uncovered the tiny, human-like skeleton of a strange creature, known to many as the Hobbit, on the Indonesian island of Flores in 2003?
Connected: The Power of Six Degrees
Un documental muy rico sobre la nueva ciencia de la red. Se basa en la reproducción de la experiencia de "The Power of Six Degrees".