Daniel Edwards


The Bassinet
Key Grip
When a vintage bassinet appears at filmmaker Tiffany Hsiung and long-time fiancée Victoria Mata’s home, it sets off a chain reaction of emotions. "The Bassinet" is a gentle and affecting story about Tiffany’s personal struggle with the intersection of her sexual orientation and cultural identity, and the cross-generational burden of having a baby in the context of rigid social constructs of marriage and family.
Instinto básico 2: Adicción al riesgo
Assistant Camera
El doctor Michael Glass, un reputado psiquiatra criminalista de Londres, es invitado por el detective de Scotland Yark, Roy Washburn, para que evalue a la novelista Catherine Tramell, una polémica y atractiva escritora de éxito que se se ha visto de nuevo envuelta en otro turbio asesinato.