Caroline Bloom

Caroline Bloom


Caroline Bloom


B-Side: For Taylor
When a Korean family unexpectedly immigrates next door, Taylor, a 14-year old Korean-American adoptee discovers her roots and the whereabouts of her birth family.
Test Pattern
Sigue los pasos de una pareja interracial cuya relación es puesta a prueba cuando ella, una chica negra, es asaltada sexualmente y su pareja, un chico blanco, la lleva en coche de hospital en hospital buscando un 'kit' para tratar las secuelas de la violación.
Made Public
On the eve of his wedding day, a groom's cold feet go viral, forcing him and his bride to rely on the court of public opinion to save-or destroy-their marriage.
The Frogmarch
'The secrets you keep end up keeping you.' No stars. No budget. Just a group of talented, dedicated artists with a story that is not only relevant, but necessary. Together with six actors and a three-person crew, writer/director Jonathan D'Ambrosio and producer Matthew C. Flynn - both recovering addicts - bring a story of hope.