Yves Angelo
Nacimiento : 1956-01-22, Meknès, Morocco
Yves Angelo (born 22 January 1956) is a French cinematographer, film director and screenwriter. Angelo has won the César Award for Best Cinematography three times: in 1990 for Nocturne indien, in 1992 for Tous les matins du monde, and in 1994 for Germinal.
Source: Article "Yves Angelo" from Wikipedia in english, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.
Director of Photography
The twilight of a sacred monster, Jules Maugin, an actor at the height of his glory. Beneath the famous personality, the big mouth, and the social shell, lies the intimate portrait of a man laid bare.
Un ex presidente francés, Nicolás, decide persuadir a otro, François, para que hagan campaña juntos para volver al primer plano de la política.
Director of Photography
Tres policías parisinos están acusados de llevar a un extraño de regreso a la frontera. Sin embargo, Virginie se da cuenta de que su prisionero probablemente será asesinado al regresar a su país y, por lo tanto, intenta convencer a sus compañeros oficiales de que lo liberen.
Camille es una chica apasionada por el mundo del circo y la mayor de una familia numerosa. Un día, sus padres ingresan en una comunidad católica que practica la caridad, y en la que empiezan a participar de manera muy activa. Poco a poco, la joven tiene que aceptar un tipo de vida que choca con sus ilusiones, su vida social y sus pensamientos.
Director of Photography
Claire es una joven que trabaja en el hotel de su difunto padre, que ahora dirige su madrastra Maud. De gran belleza, Claire provoca sin querer unos celos incontrolables en Maud cuando su joven amante cae rendido ante los encantos de su hijastra. Maud decide entonces desprenderse de Claire, pero ésta encontrará refugio en una granja donde tendrá la oportunidad de olvidarse de la estricta educación que ha recibido conociendo a siete príncipes.
Director of Photography
Joseph and his two sons, Joachim and Ivan, form a close-knit family but fail to see that each one is losing control of his life. Joachim is supposed to be studying psychiatry but spends most of his time daydreaming about his ex-girlfriend, Ivan cannot fit in at school despite being very smart, and Joseph has secretly quit his job as a doctor and is trying to become a writer. While there is plenty of affection at home, all three are also, clumsily, searching for love...
Director of Photography
Castro es un antiguo presentador estrella de la televisión, ahora en plena decadencia. Un día, asiste como invitado a la inauguración de la nueva casa de su productora y vieja amiga, Nathalie, a las afueras de París. Hélène, hermana de la anfitriona y exmujer de Castro, también está invitada, al igual que muchos compañeros relacionados con el mundo de la farándula.
Director of Photography
La historia gira en torno a Martin Clément, nacido Marvin Bijou, quien escapa de su pequeña y provinciana ciudad de origen y de su familia. Contará su historia a través de una pieza de teatro que se convertirá en todo un éxito crítico de la escena parisina.
Director of Photography
Armand and Leila, students at Science Po, are a young couple. They plan to go to New York to do their internship at the United Nations. But when Mahmoud, Leila's big brother, returns from a long stay in Yemen, which radically transformed him, he is opposed to his sister's love relationship and decides to remove him at any cost from Armand. To enter Mahmoud and see again Leila, Armand has no choice: he must slip the integral veil! The next day, a certain Scheherazade with a veiled face rings at the door of Leila, and she will not leave Mahmoud indifferent ...
Florence is a school teacher devoted to her students. When she encounters young Sacha, a child with problems, she will do everything she can to help him, even to the point of neglecting her own children, her own life, and of questioning her vocation. Little by little Florence realizes that learning has no age limit.
Director of Photography
During World War I, a home care nurse treats a man who lost one leg on the front lines. A strong bond arises between them and evolves into a passionate love affair.
Un magistrado que investiga un caso de fraude descubre que la mujer es la madre biológica de su hijo adoptivo. En lugar de recusarse, el magistrado continúa con el caso.
Un magistrado que investiga un caso de fraude descubre que la mujer es la madre biológica de su hijo adoptivo. En lugar de recusarse, el magistrado continúa con el caso.
A man with a low IQ takes part in a scientific experiment with a mouse.
A man with a low IQ takes part in a scientific experiment with a mouse.
Director of Photography
Diagnosed with an incurable illness, Charles, a rugby tycoon who has made a fortune in New Zealand prints an ad in his hometown looking for his sister that he's not seen in fifty years. A notary clerk, believing that Charles has a terminal illness responds to Charles' search for heirs claiming to be his sister. Charles finds that he was misdiagnosed and returns to France to meet his long lost sister.
Director of Photography
Un hombre experto en hacer vino sabe que tiene que ceder su puesto a su hijo, pero él no ha heredado su talento.
When a disease is spreading over France, a publisher is fleeing to the campaign with his wife...
Director of Photography
Isabelle planea vengarse de su jefa después de que ésta la haya humillado públicamente.
Director of Photography
Segunda adaptación de una novela de José Giovanni. La primera, "Hasta el último aliento", es de Jean-Pierre Melville. Manouche y Gustave se enamoran. Él, un delincuente relacionado con la mafia, es buscado por la justicia. Ella le propone huir a Italia para olvidar el pasado. Lo malo es que él, antes de retirarse, pretende dar un último y provechoso golpe. (FILMAFFINITY)
In 1917, the old rivalry between a prosecutor and a judge resurfaces during a police investigation into the murder of a child.
A piano prodigy nurtures her gift under the watchful eye of her mom, but soon struggles to cope with pressure and expectations.
A piano prodigy nurtures her gift under the watchful eye of her mom, but soon struggles to cope with pressure and expectations.
Twelve short stories about racism in every day life.
Twelve short stories about racism in every day life.
Tres hermanas viven aisladas en una vieja casa al borde de un acantilado: Alda colecciona aventuras amorosas, Olga, la mayor, es un alma perdida en la más absoluta soledad, y Sigga, la más joven, es una cándida adolescente. La vida de las tres transcurre en un delicado equilibrio entre sus deseos y la memoria del pasado. Finalmente, la fiesta de Nochevieja les proporciona la ocasión de satisfacer sus anhelos más profundos y egoístas.
Tres hermanas viven aisladas en una vieja casa al borde de un acantilado: Alda colecciona aventuras amorosas, Olga, la mayor, es un alma perdida en la más absoluta soledad, y Sigga, la más joven, es una cándida adolescente. La vida de las tres transcurre en un delicado equilibrio entre sus deseos y la memoria del pasado. Finalmente, la fiesta de Nochevieja les proporciona la ocasión de satisfacer sus anhelos más profundos y egoístas.
In the midst of WW I, a doctor and a lawyer team up to turn a ramshackle old mountain chateau into a sanatorium/health spa that caters to the afflicted from most every stratum of European society, most of whom show up with false hope in their hearts and plenty of equally false identities. Even the proprietors have a few deceptions, chief among them is the part of the resort where they provide shelter for dying and horribly maimed soldiers. Still the atmosphere of this high-class convalescent home is that of great gentility that thinly disguises the seaminess of the guests' secret activities. Though much of the film is a quirky comedy, tragedy comes creeping in when people begin dying of unnatural causes, and not even the pure mountain air can save the owners and the residents.
Director of Photography
The French computer programmer Laura inherits the task of making a computer game of the Battle of Okinawa in Japan during World War 2. She searches the Internet for information on the battle, and interviews Japanese experts and witnesses. The extraordinary circumstances of the Battle of Okinawa lead Laura to reflect deeply on her own life and humanity in general, particularly the influence of history and memories.
Colonel Chabert has been severely wounded in the French-Russian Napoleonic war to the point that the medical examiner has signed his death certificate. When he regains his health and memory, he goes back to Paris, where his "widow", Anne has married the Count Ferraud and is financing his rise to power using Chabert's money. Chabert hires a lawyer to help him get back his money and his honor.
Colonel Chabert has been severely wounded in the French-Russian Napoleonic war to the point that the medical examiner has signed his death certificate. When he regains his health and memory, he goes back to Paris, where his "widow", Anne has married the Count Ferraud and is financing his rise to power using Chabert's money. Chabert hires a lawyer to help him get back his money and his honor.
Director of Photography
Etienne Lantier, un joven parado, se establece en Montsou, un pueblo del Norte de Francia. Allí se hace minero y descubre la miseria, el alcoholismo, las relaciones sexuales sórdidas, la indecencia de hombres como Chaval o la generosidad de Toussaint Maheu; en suma, un mundo de hombres condenados al sufrimiento por el capital. Así es como se compromete con la lucha socialista. Pero algo brilla en medio de tanta miseria: el amor entre Etienne y Catherine. De repente, una bajada de los sueldos provoca una terrible huelga que será duramente reprimida por el ejército; a pesar de todo, él mantiene la esperanza de que toda esa sangre no se haya derramado en vano.
Director of Photography
Stéphane y Maxime fabrican y reparan violines y otros instrumentos de cuerda. Un día Maxime le confiesa a su amigo que se ha enamorado de Camille, una joven y bella violinista. Los primeros encuentros entre Camille y Stéphane son fríos, pero poco a poco ella empieza a sentirse atraída por el frío e imperturbable socio de su novio.
Director of Photography
Narra la relación entre dos músicos franceses del siglo XVII: el joven Marin Marais, violista y compositor de la corte de Luis XIV, y su maestro Sainte Colombe, un auténtico genio de su instrumento que está sumido en una profunda melancolía desde la muerte de su mujer.
Director of Photography
Mado is followed in the street by an unknown man. He offers her to go the hotel. She accepts, they sleep together and then split. Mado does not want to see him again, because she is married with Jean, and has a teenager son, Stephane. But Yves gave her his phone number. One day, Mado calls him.... An unusual love story.
Director of Photography
A death in the family. Patrick dies and his three sisters gather at their parents' home in Normandy. Anne, the oldest, is steady, married with two children, showing little emotion. Isabelle, who's cut herself off from her family for eight years, returns from Paris. Claude, Patrick's twin and still a student, grieves for her other half. Along with their parents, each must face family grievances first before they can grieve together for Patrick. Then comes the revelation of how he died, and new feelings come to the fore. Can a death help a family to heal, coax an aging mother back to sanity, bring a couple into each other's arms, and enable two sisters to grow?
Director of Photography
Martin and Gert lead a very quiet life, until the day when their path crosses that of Marie and Francis. Martin, the shy one, lets himself be seduced by Marie. Gert wasted no time in understanding and dropped into Francis' arms.
Director of Photography
The enigmatic but vivid imagery of this loosely plotted film is based on a similarly evocative novel by the Italian author Antonio Tabucchi, Noturno Indiano. An old friend of the hero's has been living in Bombay with a prostitute. His friend Peter Schlemihl (Otto Tausig) is a concentration camp survivor, who went to India after being captivated by a photograph he saw there. When the prostitute writes to him in Europe asking that he rescue his friend from a mysterious malaise, he flies into India to try and help. When he gets to Bombay, he discovers that his friend has disappeared. Following the clues left behind by the friend, and based on his acquaintance with him, he journeys to Madras to speak to a Theosophist dignitary there, and then journeys on to Portugues Goa. With each step of his journey, the hero (Jean-Hugues Anglade) becomes more identified with his friend, and re-enacts in his own person the transformations he must have experienced.
Director of Photography
Baxter es un bull-terrier muy especial. Tiene sus propias ideas sobre la relación con los humanos. Cuando no se siente feliz con su vida hace todo lo que está en sus manos para cambiarla...
Director of Photography
A mother's visit to a psychoanalyst who does not belong to the human race. Issues of incest and racial intolerance.
Assistant Camera
Un motorista empapado por la lluvia, se detiene en un pequeño café de un pueblo remoto. Una adivina le lee el futuro con las cartas y le predice una muerte violenta.
Camera Operator
In the summer of 1939, 13-year-old Marie goes with her parents to visit her grandparents in a small town near Avignon. Marie discovers her femininity and falls for a young Jewish doctor, but he prefers Eva, Marie's mother.
Henry І inherits the crown of the Franks and along with that, an abandoned country surrounded by enemies. To strengthen France’s positions, he concludes an alliance with Yaroslav the Wise, the ruler of the powerful state of Kiev Rus, by marrying his daughter Anna. This marriage leads France to prosperity, as Anna inspires Henry for good and great actions. Using weapons and diplomacy side-by-side, they defeat enemies, extend their territory and bring peace and calm to it. However, happiness cannot last forever. King Henry I dies, leaving Anna as a regent with their first son Philip. But will the future king of France be able to forgive his mother that the people love “The White Queen” more than him?