In the tradition of The Twilight Zone, this bizarre, thought-provoking trilogy addresses the destiny of the world's minorities: Part I: A conservative African American politician must choose between his people's survival and appeasing his white colleagues when space aliens propose to share their profound knowledge in exchange for all black people on earth. Part II: The Virgin Mary's appearance in an inner-city housing project forces a Hispanic priest to face the hidden cultural origins of Western religion. Part III: On the dawn of the "Black Revolution," an African American couple discovers who the "real" enemy is.
Ed Lover and Doctor Dre are two inept barbers. Deciding that maybe they ought to find another line of work, they join the police. A big mistake, as far as their duty sergeant, Sgt Cooper is concerned, who proceeds to harass them at every turn. Despite this, they discover a major crime, and proceed to solve it in their own unusual fashion.
Sin dinero para sus estudios y estafados por una falsa representante discográfica, un par de raperos deciden organizar la fiesta más desmadrada que se puede imaginar.
Play dará una fiesta en su casa por la noche. Todo el mundo estará pero, tras una pelea en clase, Kid es castigado y no le permiten ir. Por la noche se escabullirá de casa para ir a la fiesta, pero el castigo no será a lo único que se enfrentará en esta noche muy, muy larga...