Rune Tolsgaard

Rune Tolsgaard


Rune Tolsgaard


Emma og Julemanden - Jagten på Elverdronningens hjerte
The girl Emma and her new friend the elf boy Rod, have to save Santa's newborn baby from the evil elf queen.
In Real Life
In every moment we make choices that define our being; choices that create shapes and patterns and carve out our lives. Until the pattern is broken – by faith, decision or coincidence. In Real Life is about such moments, where lives are drastically changed. As a multi-plot drama, created out of three years of acting improvisations, In Real Life follows three story threads with characters who come together by internet dating and by their persistent search for some kind of meaning in life between love and sheer survival.
Marco Macaco y los primates del Caribe
Carlo (voice)
Marco Macaco sueña con resolver algún día un gran caso policial, pero mientras tanto no hace nada que no sea ejercer de oficial de playa en una isla tropical. La mayor parte de sus esfuerzos para destacar vienen determinados por Lulú, una amiga que le atrae desde la infancia.
La banda de Olsen y las altas esferas
Hr. Jeppesen
Cuando el presidente de China le pide al gobierno danés la pluma de Hans Christian Andersen como condición para cerrar un importante acuerdo militar, éste decide utilizar a la Olsen Banden, un pintoresco trío de ladrones encabezado por el astuto Egon Olsen, como chivo expiatorio. Pero la banda no piensa renunciar a su objetivo tan fácilmente... (FILMAFFINITY)
La Manzana y el Gusano
Various (voice)
Torben is a shiny young apple with a dream: making it to the bright lights of the supermarket fruit section. But his dream is shattered one sunny morning when a worm pokes her head out of his perfect skin. Sylvia is her name, and she is really very nice.