Boris Birman

Boris Birman

Nacimiento : 1966-09-01, Leningrad, USSR, [now Saint Petersburg, Russia]


Boris Birman


About Love
Beautiful Nina lives happily married, as she saw it, with intelligent Alexandr, professor of Sinology. But the debt for the mortgage begins to disturb the relationship of spouses. One day she meets Sergey, the head of the bank where her husband has debt, and so begins their passionate relationships. The story of the relationship with married Sergey hardly promises happiness, but Nina realizes that for the first time she feels true love.
Silver Samurai
The film intertwines the intrigues at the court of Peter III and the mysterious murders of our days that happened on the territory of the Oranienbaum Museum-Reserve. At one time, the estate was donated to Menshikov and named Oranienbaum in honor of an orange tree. According to legend, Peter I came across a greenhouse with a wonderful "orange tree" in a tub on the territory of the estate and laughed after reading the sign Oranienbaum. The estate inherited later by Peter III was completed, and under Catherine the Great a Chinese palace of amazing beauty appeared in it.
The Ugly Swans
In the near future, writer Victor Banev gets himself on a UN commission to investigate what's going on in the remote town of Tashlinsk, where reports tell of a virus-created race of brainiac mutants. Banev's tween daughter Ira is enrolled at a school for gifted children which has been taken over by the mutants, who have grown to despise ordinary humanity.
Evropejskij Konvoj
Трое выходцев из бывшего СССР совершают дерзкое ограбление немецкого банка. Разложив по сумкам триста тысяч евро и взяв в заложницы служащую банка, бандиты отправляются через Польшу на Украину. Ситуация осложняется тем, что на одной из польских бензозаправок им приходится взять в заложницы еще одну женщину. Теперь перед органами правопорядка трех стран - Германии, Польши и Украины - стоит непростая задача: обезвредить преступников, не причинив вреда заложницам.
The Arena (Gladiatrix)
Un par de esclavas amazonas se verán forzadas a luchar como gladiadoras en la arena romana. Producida por Roger Corman, se trata de un remake del film "The Arena", protagonizado en 1974 por Pam Grier.
Ниро Вульф и Арчи Гудвин: Летающий пистолет
Lawyer Arnold
Миф о Леониде
Soviet Union Language: Russian
Grandmother's Grandson
A story of a young boy David who recently moved from Erevan to Leningrad.