Evgeniy Sidikhin

Evgeniy Sidikhin

Nacimiento : 1964-10-02, Leningrad, USSR (St. Petersburg, Russia)


Evgeniy Sidikhin


The modern parable of two brothers, overcoming a complex spiritual path towards each other, unfolds in the center of modern Moscow. Valera Romeev is a young artist who is forced to work as a street portrait painter. Having spent a serene childhood in a mining town in Eastern Ukraine, Valera struggles to find herself in a cruel megalopolis. Hoping for support, Romeev is looking for his elder brother Vadim, a successful businessman who left his father’s house for a long time and lost contact with his family. Strong, independent Vadim, refuses his younger brother to help. Cornered by circumstances, spurred on by jealousy and annoyance, Valery takes a desperate step ...
El juego más frío
Varsovia, Polonia, durante la crisis de los misiles de Cuba, 1962. Josh Mansky, un problemático genio de las matemáticas y antiguo campeón de ajedrez de los Estados Unidos de América, es reclutado para celebrar una peligrosa partida pública contra el campeón soviético al tiempo que se entrega al mortal juego del espionaje, oculto en las más oscuras sombras de un territorio hostil.
La sombra del pasado
Major Murawjow
Kurt Barnert es un joven estudiante de arte en la Alemania del Este. Está enamorado de su compañera de clase, Ellie. El padre de ella, el Professor Seeband, un famoso médico, no aprueba la relación de su hija y está decidido a destruirla. Lo que ninguno de ellos sabe es que sus vidas están conectadas por un terrible crimen cometido hace décadas.
President's Vacation
Tired of the routine, the President decides to go on vacation in splendid isolation to rest in the Crimea, and at the same time freely communicate with the people. Realizing that it would be difficult to remain incognito and escape from caring colleagues, he resorted to make-up services. But his new appearance exactly coincides with the appearance of Valery from N-sk, who is hiding from the collectors on a voucher for his mother in the Crimean sanatorium ...
Three Days Till The Spring
During the siege of Leningrad a Nazi bombshell destroys the storage of an experimental medicine institute where deadly dangerous viruses were kept. Severe winter weather prevents an epidemic from breaking out in the besieged city. But the spring is coming, and Leningrad is on the brink of bacterial catastrophe. Doctor Maritskaya and NKWD officer Andreew have only three days to save the city.
In the Forests of Siberia
Fed up with the hectic, senseless world he lives in, Teddy decides to settle down alone in Siberia, in the midst of winter, in a hut by the shore of Lake Baikal. After an initial period of elation in front of the splendor and magic of unspoiled nature, Teddy soon finds himself confronted with the less glossy side of things : solitude, extreme cold, the necessity to find food, danger... One night Teddy gets lost in a blizzard and would be doomed to a certain death, were it not for Aleksei, a Russian convict living hidden away in the forest nearby, who rescues him in extremis. Friendship soon blossoms between the two men...
Conexión Estambul
Alexander Kinskij
Nick Tschiller, un duro policía de Hamburgo, viaja a través de Turquía y Rusia para rescatar a su hija de las manos de un agente secreto turco que está preparando un atentado en Moscú.
The Leader's Way. Breaking The Vicious Circle
The film tells about Nursultan Nazarbayev who went into politics and made efforts to improve the existing at that time difficult situation in Kazakhstan’s metallurgy.
Where Love Goes
La Isla Habitada 2
Sigue la historia de Maxim, un joven astronauta que en un viaje espacial realizado en 2157 encuentra un nuevo planeta. Una vez allí, se encuentra un mundo que combina la crueldad medieval con armas tecnológicas
La Isla Habitada
Año 2157, una nave espacial rusa comandada por Maxim Kamerrer choca en el lejano planeta de Saraksh. Después de largos años de guerra nuclear, una crisis ambiental se cierne sobre el planeta, la sociedad se enfrenta a graves problemas sociales y la paz es muy inestable. El piloto informará sobre el misterioso planeta gobernado por los Unknown Fathers, cinco gobernantes anónimos que manipulan el conocimiento de los habitantes a través de emisores especiales. El piloto encontrará allí nuevo amigos y enemigos, incluso el amor, y acabará dirigiendo un movimiento rebelde que desafiará a estos gobernantes.
Мёртвые души
Anonyma - Una mujer en Berlín
Major Andreij Rybkin
Adaptación al cine de un diario escrito por una mujer alemana. En Berlín, en los últimos meses de la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), una mujer vive escondida en el sótano de un edificio en ruinas. Su encierro coincide con la llegada de las tropas del Ejército Rojo, que tomaron la ciudad, la saquearon y violaron impune e indiscriminadamente a las mujeres.
Ice Kiss
Iskyss is a strong and poetic love story based on Gunvor Galtung Haavik’s double life through 30 years. During the Cold War, she was employed by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and assigned to the Norwegian Embassy in Moscow. With the information she had access to in the capacity of her position as interpreter and secretary, she frequently fed the KGB secret information.
How to find the ideal?
The main character is a young girl Masha, an employee of the bank and an incorrigible romantic. Her unlucky marriage breaks up, and the girl is trying to arrange her personal life. Masha meets three men. One is a famous TV presenter, the second is a famous musician, and the third is a scandalous politician. But ... disappointment follows disappointment. And as soon as the girl decides to start a new life, suddenly happiness comes in her life in the person of the long-awaited man whom she was looking for ...
Long-term effects
Sergey Mikhailov
In the complicated case of a maniac terrorizing the city, there is another victim, miraculously not a victim.
After Life
They play tough, masculine games, when the passion of hunting turns into a thirst for profit, paint into blood, fidelity into betrayal, when betting is friendship, and winning is life. One of the three old institute shareholding partners "orders" the fourth - the head of the Bank of Daniel. But even the hired killer did not know about the explosives in the house. And so, after the explosion in the basement, there are three - the killer, the victim and his daughter. When there is almost no air left, and the search engines have already stopped working, Daniel’s mind starts a dangerous game: which of the worlds is fictional, and which one is the real one, the one in which you save your friends, or the one in which friends kill you ... Daniel solves the problem with three unknown ...
Crime and weather
The story became legend school killed the most beautiful girl in school, yesterday elected a beauty queen. Who is to blame for her death: lover, friends, school teacher? Is pouring find the killer will not be easy.
Tak Ne Bivaet
Nazar Medved
В основу сюжета фильма легла сказка братьев Гримм "Король Дроздобород", в которой принцесса, исполняя волю отца, вышла замуж за нищего музыканта, оказавшегося впоследствии королем. В современном прочтении сказки авторы знакомят зрителя с независимой и строптивой бизнес-леди Дарьей Кравец, которую "затащить в ЗАГС можно только в состоянии комы". Но после встречи в лесу с простым лесником она не может обмануть свое сердце и влюбляется в него, совершенно не подозревая, что её возлюбленный - олигарх.
Поцелуи падших ангелов
Don't Cry Mommy 2
A heroes from the first movie now are involved in high politics.
The Ark
The film is based on Gennady Shpalikov’s most intimate story, “The Wharf”. Young Katya, who lives in a small provincial town, is dreaming of a prince charming. And, of course, she can’t help falling in love with a stern skipper played by Yevgeny Sidikhin. Wishing to unravel his mystery, Katya goes to Moscow. One night in the capital will change both the skipper’s and the young heroine’s lives, making them to better understand each other…
No matter how
A quiet provincial town, where cops and bandits coexist peacefully, is shocked by the unexpected incident. On the highway, an unknown Mercedes was shot by an unknown gangster named Old Man. The old man carried with him a whole suitcase of money. Money has disappeared. Everyone suspects everyone, but the main suspicion falls on a woman doctor named Marina, who nobly picked up the wounded Old Man on the road.
White Gold
In 1919 a White Army train carrying the bulk of Czar Nicolas' gold reserves arrives empty at Siberia's Ikutsk station. Decades later the grandson of a White Army officer inherits a map to the treasure.
Un ex investigador criminal, el mayor Korenev, con nombre de pila Fox, sale de la cárcel después de haber sido engañado por el rey de la mafía, Shaman. Cuando vuelve a la ciudad, se encuentra un nuevo mundo gobernado por clanes criminales enfrentados entre sí y un enorme caos que reina en las calles. Siendo testigo de la muerte de sus amigos, Fox decide reestablecer la ley y el orden utilizando los métodos menos ortodoxos. Asesinos a sueldo le siguen la pista y la mafia no descansará hasta dar con él en una salvaje persecución llena de violencia.
Upast Vverh
Казалось бы, фильмов с рефлексирующими героями хватает, однако - первый фильм о российской буржуазии, первая честная попытка разобраться в феноменологии нового класса, к тому же снятый в подлинных, апартаментах, дорогих ресторанах и клубах, а не в картонных декорациях. Почему у, казалось бы, успешных, состоявшихся людей так часто замечаешь пустой, потухший взгляд, - задается вопросом автор сценария, писательница Наталия Вико. Всем знакомая тема одиночества современной обеспеченной женщины открывается по-новому.
Cricket behind the Hearth
Dzhon Piribingl
An almost detective story that could lead to terrible injustice. But good is strong, although sometimes naive. Wise Cricket will not allow "to go out of focus." Do not forget that Christmas is about to enter. And on Christmas night, what miracles do not happen!
My darling asterisk
When the war, going somewhere far away, becomes ordinary, you begin to notice it only when it comes to the house, killing and mutilating the young and the best. The hero of the film, who has returned from the Chechen war as a cripple, rejects his former lover, who fiercely seeks his disposition, and it is not clear what motivates her - a sense of duty to the defenseless or a sincere love that suddenly flared up.
27 Missing Kisses
A young woman's passion has a remarkable effect on a Russian village in this comedy-drama with fantasy elements. Sybill (Nino Kuchanidze) is a teenager who is sent to a small town in the country to spend the summer with her aunt. Despite her tender age, Sybill is ripe and sexually aware, and while the initial object of her attention is Alexander (Eugenji Sidichin), a widower in his early 40s, she instead pairs up with Mickey (Shalva Iashvili), Alexander's teenage son. Mickey quickly becomes infatuated with Sybill and is more than happy to indulge her fondness for outdoor lovemaking. Between Sybill's carefree, youthful sensuality and the appearance of Emmanuelle at the local movie house, suddenly love and lust are in bloom all over town.
Дом для богатых
Aleksey Serebryakov
Male character
The godfather of the provincial mafia is concerned about a series of attacks and terrorist attacks. Suspecting that someone from his former environment is behind this, the boss gives the command to attract a "cleaner". They find a nice woman Vera,
In a small community in the Ural mountains of Russia in 1953, just after Stalin's death, Barracks begins with the arrival of Olga (Irina Senotova). Olga is alone, her entire family wiped out by a Stalinist purge in Leningrad. She is soon romanced by a militiaman named Alexei, who serves as the community liaison to the government
Retro Threesome
Set in contemporary Moscow, this comedy drama from 72-year-old director Pyotr Todorovsky is a remake of Abram Room's controversial silent film Bed and Sofa (1927). Actor Sergei leaves his wife and drops in on friend Kostya, married to Rita. Rita and Sergei pair off after Kostya goes away on a business trip, and when Kostya returns, they become a threesome. Shown at the 1998 Berlin Film Festival.
Don't Cry Mommy
Wedding in a provincial seaside town. In the midst of the fun criminal authority Tourist begins to molest the bride, which infuriates the groom — merchant seaman. The bandits and the police decide to plant a sailor, but he runs away and on his quest sent the police, killers, relatives and different people.
Váska Easoff
Vászka, the town robber, is off his form. He has no money and Luvnya, his sweetheart, constantly clamors for a trip to Moscow. His problems are solved when he meets Ványka, the village robber. The two robbers enter into an alliance and start working together.
A story of love and hatred set during the Civil War in Russia.
Gisele's Mania
Boris Kaplun
A detective-dramatic chronicle of love adventures of the famous Russian ballerina Olga Spesivtseva, nicknamed by contemporaries Red Giselle. It was Giselle who immortalized her name in 1924. It was "Giselle" that caused the psychic catastrophe in 1942.
Two Brothers, My Sister
This dark and intense drama follows the slow and painful destruction of a young, passive woman as she watches her family fall apart. Maria is the shy and dutiful daughter upon whose shoulders the family traumas have fallen. In addition to a regular job she cooks, cleans, and studies. Her parents offer no assistance as her father is blind, with a tendency towards violence when drinking. His wife, the focus of his violence is terribly unhappy. After a particularly brutal beating, Maria's brothers rise up against the father and end up leaving the home. It is up to Maria to try to bring the factions together. Maria's pressures increase after she calmly stabs her boss during an attempted rape, and then copes with her mother's suicide.
The Children of Iron Gods
The films hero is a metal worker named Ignat who is as strong and tough as the steel that his sprawling factory produces in the Ural Mountains. Its a great cheerless environment; life is arduous and dangerous; conditions at the plant are nearly subhuman. The only excitement in the grimy industrial town is provided by robbing a train at gunpoint or stealing sheep from the Bashkiri tribe. The most renowned diversion, however, is the annual fist fight between the strongest metal worker and the strongest miner from the region. Against his better judgment, but with the support of his co-workers, Ignat decides to take part in this perilous venture.
Последняя суббота
Moscow Parade
Ispolnitel Prigovora
В основу сюжета фильма положены реальные события. Бывший "афганец" Юрий Кирсанов жил без особых проблем: отдельная квартира, любимая и любящая жена, замечательный сын. Но вот однажды он становится свидетелем накала митинговых страстей, где погибает его друг. А затем Юрий узнает, что его жена и сын вследствие оплошности врачей заразились СПИДом. Решение к Юрию приходит мгновенно...
Za posledney chertoy
Viktor Dremov
An ex-convict Viktor Dremov, who is also an ex-boxer, tries to mend his ways and start a new life but his former girlfriend is marrying another man (some old antiquarian), while local thugs rob him of his car and press him constantly trying to make him work for them. Being framed and hunted he should kill them all before he becomes a broken or a dead man.
Nikita Shuvalov
Удивительная романтическая история случилась под Новый год в старинной графской усадьбе, в которой расположился сегодня Дом Творчества. Здесь работает писатель над романом. В покои, где когда — то обитала красавица графиня, поселилась молодая женщина с детьми, удивительно похожая на бывшую хозяйку. Но старые стены хранят память о былом и хозяйка является сюда из прошлого… Так кто же эта женщина, в которую влюбляется писатель?