Nikolay Chindyaykin

Nikolay Chindyaykin

Nacimiento : 1947-03-08, Gorkovskayaya oblast, RSFSR, USSR


Nikolay Chindyaykin


My Life
Since childhood, the main character falls in love with football and dreams of becoming a great footballer to play his most important match. Following his dream, he has to abandon his beloved girl and choose the path of a football player. And now, when there is only one step to the cherished dream, fate disposes of it in another way. The world ceases to exist, because he not only loses the opportunity to realize his dream, but also loses his loved ones. How not to break, follow your dream and return your beloved? Or she will not reconcile with his choice to become a football player?
And Here's What's Happening to Me
Famous Surgeon
December, 31st. Impossible Moscow traffic, an endless rush leading to nothing, people trying to help but not making things any better. Small talk… about small things that fill one’s life — and make it pass us by too quickly. About Dad, who’s only got a few weeks left to live — and there’s nothing you can do to help... About plans for life of a 15-year-old girl — should she become a cancer specialist or a food designer?
Street Racer
Stepan and Doker are street racers. They love cars and speed. But there is a difference between them which brings them to face each other in a deadly race.
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Чаклун и Румба
Nikolay Dmitriyevich (khirurg)
Группа неудачливых артистов собирается вокруг одного человека, одержимого идеей создания нового театра. Бригада артистов едет в поездку по городам с антрепризой. В бригаде нет известных артистов, и поэтому бригадиру приходится немало потрудиться, чтобы собрать зал. В ход идет все: объявления в афише с последующим заявлением, что звезда не приехала в последний момент, готовность, в зависимости от обстоятельств и вкуса местной публики играть спектакль в любом жанре - от трагедии, до фарса, включая ужастик, детектив и т.д.
La espada del rey
Khozyain postoyalogo dvora
La Guerra Del Norte (1700- 1721). Luis XIV, Rey de Francia, destierra a dos duelistas: a uno de ellos lo envía con Carlos XII (1697-1718), rey de los suecos, y el otro marcha a Rusia con el Zar Pedro I (1689-1725). Ambos soldados serán testigos desde bandos opuestos de la gran batalla de Poltava (1709), en la que los suecos sufrieron una gran derrota. Gracias a esta guerra, Rusia logró el libre acceso al mar Báltico a través de San Petersburgo, ciudad fundada por Pedro I.
Konservy (2007) (Tins, Russian: Консервы) is a film about a journalist who possesses information on uranium sales and is set up by his enemies and sent to prison. Initially the film was planned as a political thriller, but along the way it gained features of action with elements of mysticism and surrealism.The film is full of vivid pictures of spy and terrorist games in Moscow, modern Gulag in the Far North, gold mines, escape with elite spetsnaz in the pursuit, underground community of permanently high punks, and other quite unusual settings.
Flowers for the Snow Queen
Boris Nikolayevich
Having come to work, the chairwoman of the board of a large bank, Dina Yermakova, is held hostage by the robbers. There is no limit to the horror of a young girl. Mentally saying goodbye to life, Dina learns that the robbery is not real, the fact is that the bank director allowed his friend to shoot the scene of the robbery for the new film. But by chance they forgot to warn Mrs. Yermakova. During the filming, director Sergei really liked the strict and unapproachable Dina Sergeyevna. The guy decides any valuable to win her icy heart.
Don't Cry Mommy 2
A heroes from the first movie now are involved in high politics.
We Will Die Together
The film built a classic love square: two pairs of MSU students are living vicissitudes. Everyone has their own destiny. It all depends on the choice of path. Some neglect the principles and norms, sweeping away the barriers of morality. Others remain true to their love and duty. The ending of the film is completely unpredictable…
Paris love Kostya Gumankova
20 years ago young soviet programmer has fallen in love with love mate of his boss during joint tourist trip to Paris. Nowadays he comes back to Paris being a thriving business man.
The Russian Job
uncle Peter
Anthony Santini no se acaba de desenvolver bien dentro de la mafia. Sobrino de uno de los principales capos de Nueva York, intenta una y otra vez ser un "wise guy" pero las cosas no acaban de funcionar. Toni Santini, prometió a su hermano que cuidaría de Anthony pero ya no aguanta más... Cuando Tony descubre que varios de sus hombres han sido estafados por una misteriosa chica rusa decide enviar a su problemático sobrino a Rusia para que regrese con el dinero estafado y con la chica. (FILMAFFINITY)
No matter how
A quiet provincial town, where cops and bandits coexist peacefully, is shocked by the unexpected incident. On the highway, an unknown Mercedes was shot by an unknown gangster named Old Man. The old man carried with him a whole suitcase of money. Money has disappeared. Everyone suspects everyone, but the main suspicion falls on a woman doctor named Marina, who nobly picked up the wounded Old Man on the road.
Kamikaze Diary
Vadim, a young script writer, is killed in Moscow. What's more, he had reached his height of popularity a long time ago. His friend, successful businessmen Maksim Krivoshein, begins his own investigation. Memories of their childhood and the chance discovery of Vadim's diary leads to some shocking discoveries.
Театральный роман
The film is based on the history of the Bulgakov play on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater
In Motion
Modern Russian take on Fellini's "La Dolce Vita" focuses on a few days from one popular Moscow journalist's life and the essential attributes of his life: Sex, betrayal, love, friendship, murders, etc.
Un ex investigador criminal, el mayor Korenev, con nombre de pila Fox, sale de la cárcel después de haber sido engañado por el rey de la mafía, Shaman. Cuando vuelve a la ciudad, se encuentra un nuevo mundo gobernado por clanes criminales enfrentados entre sí y un enorme caos que reina en las calles. Siendo testigo de la muerte de sus amigos, Fox decide reestablecer la ley y el orden utilizando los métodos menos ortodoxos. Asesinos a sueldo le siguen la pista y la mafia no descansará hasta dar con él en una salvaje persecución llena de violencia.
I Am A Dummy
Львиная доля
Offending Women Is Not Recommended
After her father dies Vera is forced to become a president of his company and continue the business.
Moscow, the 90s ... A city without a past and without a future. A city that doesn't forgive mistakes. Showing Moscow bohemia, the criminal business: nightlife, easy money, excitement and confusion form the surface of this life. The main characters of the film are businessman Mike and his friend and partner in smuggling Lev, a psychiatrist Mark and his school friend Irina who became the mistress of a nightclub, her two daughters - a crazy Olga working in the same club as a singer, and Masha - the “Moscow Princess” on the threshold of her thirtieth birthday. Love stories smoothly flow into a crime drama.
Tender Age
A movie which at first seems like a simple life story of an ordinary young man slowly evolves into an extraordinarily told ballade with twofold meaning - sad and optimistic at the same time...
After Polina, a mother of six, loses her husband, who went to jail for stealing charcoal and was killed when he tried to escape, she stays behind without any support. To be able to survive, Polina and her family start a folk group. But soon she understands that her children deserve a better fate, and she takes the desperate decision to steal a plane and go abroad... Fifteen years later, Polina is released from prison and finds out that fate has scattered her children all over the country: one is in the army, another is a miner in the Donbass, and the oldest, Lyonchik, who used to be in a mental institution, now pretends to be insane. Polina gathers all of her sons to free their older brother from the psychiatric hospital...
Dandelion Wine
пьяный смотритель аттракционов
Day of the Full Moon
Day of the Full Moon, a series of vignettes from Russia past and present, summons the spirit of Ophuls’ La Ronde, Altman’s Nashville and Short Cuts, and the time-shifting strategies of Resnais (Mon Oncle d’Amérique) to tell provocative, connected stories illustrating the waltz of years and whim of memory. In 1948, a young man, a boy, and a waiter are captivated during the full moon by a mysterious woman in a lilac dress. The effects of this event ripple across the years, washing over more than 80 characters, including a disc jockey, a fairy princess, a gangster, Alexander Pushkin, and a nostalgic dog. But which of these are dreams, and which reality? Director Shakhnazarov continues his career-long focus on the intersection of past and present with this mysterious, exhilarating mosaic of humankind, which in the end both seduces and satisfies.
Who, If Not Us
This movie deals with two friends, 13-14 year old boys. One comes from a more or less stable home (although he is growing up with single mom) and another comes from a broken up family. One day the kids break into a store to pretty much have fun and get something to eat, short time after they get caught and one kid is sent to juvenile prison (14 year old) and another one is released to his being too young to be tried (13 years old). The younger kid feels bad about such decision, feels guilty and tries to help his friend in any way possible. While trying to help he is meeting a guy, who is ex-cop and now down-on-his-luck drunk(played by Priyomykhov himself)... the two become friends. In the finale, the ex-cop has to go one of the PTA meeting at school (his mother could not get away from work and knows nothing about the ex-cop) where suddenly his mother appears and meets the "father"...
Незнакомое оружие, или Крестоносец-2
Don't Cry Mommy
Aleksei Ivanovich
Wedding in a provincial seaside town. In the midst of the fun criminal authority Tourist begins to molest the bride, which infuriates the groom — merchant seaman. The bandits and the police decide to plant a sailor, but he runs away and on his quest sent the police, killers, relatives and different people.
Testigo mudo
Inspector Pekar
Billy Hughes, una joven americana muda que trabaja en Rusia, presencia un brutal asesinato en un plató de cine. A partir de ese momento, se convierte en el objetivo de los asesinos; pero es que además tanto la policía como sus compatriotas ponen en duda su testimonio. No le queda entonces más remedio que aferrarse al único hombre que le ofrece ayuda, aunque no sepa muy bien si trata de salvarla o de asesinarla.
To See Paris and Die
In Russia in the late 1960s, Elena will do anything to see that her son Yuri succeeds as a pianist: she longs for him to win a competition that will send him to Paris. To ensure his success, she denies her love for an iconoclastic painter for whom she models, prostitutes herself to a Party figure, encourages her son to break with his true love because the girl is a Jew, and, in general, behaves in paranoid ways, believing, for example, that a new lodger, Evgeny, is a KGB spy. She also has her own family secrets, which she will go to any length to keep her son from learning.
A Small Giant of Big Sex
Based on the story "Oh, Marat!" by Fazil Iskander. The main character of the movie, Marat, lives in a coastal town near the Black Sea, he works as a photographer at the beach and is an editor at the local newspaper. But he is known for an entirely other reason: no woman can resist him. Making love is a serious thing for Marat, although his adventures will make the viewers die with laughter...
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