Jakob D'Aprile


Wo keine Götter sind, walten Gespenster
The Diaries of Adam and Eve
Eve and Adam meet in Eden. It soon becomes apparent that they don’t find each other particularly attractive. But do they have a choice? Writing helps. They each start keeping a diary about this first encounter between two human beings — from very different perspectives, as one might imagine. And as they get on each other’s nerves and recount terrible things about each other, they discover an unexpected new emotion: love.
Louk is deep as the sea. Manja is pure as the air. Her love means: No fear. No lie. No trace.
Julia Is
Júlia decide irse de Erasmus a Berlín, marchándose por primera vez de casa, sin pensarlo demasiado, a la aventura. La ciudad, fría y gris, le da una bienvenida más gélida de la que se esperaba, y confronta sus expectativas con la realidad: Su vida parece estar lejos de aquella nueva vida que se imaginó en las aulas de la Universidad de Arquitectura de Barcelona.