Enis Saraçi


I Love You More
After a year of online pillow-talk, Ben, a shy Kosovar teen, is exhilarated to finally meet his first (but secret) love, Leo. Consumed with passion, Ben carefully weaves the plans and cover-story for his much desired romantic tryst with Leo who is arriving from Germany in just one month. Everything must be perfect. Great news, Ben’s mother surprises him and the family with a life changing opportunity, but he just can’t take it yet. He must meet Leo.
La colmena (Hive)
En un pueblo muy unido de Kosovo, las familias luchan para llegar a final de mes, ansiosas por recibir noticias de los maridos, padres e hijos a los que se llevó la guerra. Cuando las abejas de Fahrije dejan de producir miel, decide aprobar el carnet de conducir y se aventura a la ciudad para vender ajvar casero en una tienda de comestibles local. Su ingenuidad y ambición ponen a prueba a los habitantes de un pueblo conservador por naturaleza en el que siguen vigentes las nociones patriarcales y tradicionales de la sociedad. Para poder sobrevivir tiene que superar los insultos y los ataques físicos que tratan de impedir por todos los medios que la mujer pueda valerse por sí misma.
Anna and Christian move to an isolated cottage in the woods to cope with their 3 year old son Benny's asthmatic condition. Anna is gradually driven into a state of isolation, as she is faced with what it truly means to be a mother.
In Between
In rural Kosovo, identical houses are built for family members working abroad, in the hope that they will one day return to settle in their old homeland.