This feature film is a portrait of John Grierson, the first Canadian Government Film Commissioner and founder of the National Film Board in 1939. Interweaving archival footage, interviews with people who knew him and footage of Grierson himself, this film is a sensitive and informative portrait of a dynamic man of vision. Grierson believed that the filmmaker had a social responsibility, and that film could help a society realize democratic ideals. His absolute faith in the value of capturing the drama of everyday life was to influence generations of filmmakers all over the world. In fact, he coined the term "documentary film."
Boom Operator
Tomando como trasfondo el panorama cultural de finales de los 60, Jean-Luc Godard nos ofrece en este documental un testimonio imprescindible de lo que se dio en llamar la contracultura occidental. Con un análisis profundo del movimiento de los Panteras Negras y con referencias a los trabajos de personajes tan relevantes como LeRoi Jones y Eldridge Cleaver, recorremos momentos significativos como una visita a los Rolling Stones en el estudio de grabación. En el DVD se ofrecen las dos versiones que existen de esta película: la del montaje del director y la del montaje del productor.