Maurizio Donadoni

Maurizio Donadoni

Nacimiento : 1958-01-07, Bergamo, Italy


Maurizio Donadoni


Perfetta illusione
Toni leads a normal life with his wife Paola but full of enthusiasm and passion. The chance meeting with the young and wealthy Chiara will rekindle in him the desire to redeem himself and to realize his secret dream: to become an artist. The paths of the three will intertwine in a dangerous love triangle that will change the course of their lives forever.
Caravaggio's Shadow
The Catholic Church secretly investigates Caravaggio as the Pope weighs whether to grant him clemency for killing a rival.
La tierra de los hijos
El final de la civilización ha llegado. Un padre y su hijo se encuentran entre los supervivientes. El hijo es criado como un niño salvaje, pues su padre considera que es la única forma de sobrevivir. Cuando el padre muere, el hijo decide emprender un viaje a lo largo del río, en busca de alguien que pueda leer el diario que su padre escribió a lo largo de su vida.
Rita Levi-Montalcini
Professor Poli-Richter
Amo la tempesta
A gang of fathers and abandoned parents go to extreme measures to fight italian youngsters emigration by performing a reverse illegal immigration, kidnapping and smuggling their children out of Germany.
Martin Eden
Martin Eden es un chico de pueblo que se gana la vida trabajando como marinero. Un día, Martin consigue salvar la vida de Arthur Morse, un joven de clase alta que vive en San Francisco. Como agradecimiento, Arthur invita a Martin a su hogar y, poco a poco, le va introduciendo en su propio estilo de vida. El joven ve esto como una oportunidad para convertirse, finalmente, en escritor y trata de aprovechar al máximo el tiempo entre lujos. Martin recibirá un impulso inesperado cuando conozca a Ruth, una joven de la que se enamora al instante.
The Complexity of Happiness
Zio Umberto
Enrico Giusti works for a big corporation: his job is to save dying companies by persuading young scions to sell. However, his latest assignment is proving more difficult than anticipated, since it concerns two teens whose parents just died in a car accident.
And They Call It Summer
Dino and Anna are a couple in their forties. Their relationship is hardly conventional: in fact, it is unconsummated. Dino gets out of it, gratifying himself with prostitutes and swingers. He reaches his nadir when he looks up Anna’s old boyfriends to ask about their sexual relations with her, and even begs them to take her back, as a way to end their relationship. Anna can’t find a way out herself; she can’t bring herself to end this one-of-a-kind, tormented love affair. In the end, Dino’s angst is what makes her feel loved, feel unique. No solution seems to be waiting in the wings.
Things from Another World
il sindaco
A Quiet Life
Rosario Russo, de origen italiano, está perfectamente integrado en su nuevo hogar cerca de Frankfurt, donde dirige un restaurante y un hotel. Pasa desapercibido porque ha cambiado de identidad y habla un perfecto alemán, pero, con todo, su pasado no desaparece. Un día, su hijo Diego, olvidado y prófugo, aparece en la puerta de casa, y su pasado, de repente, vuelve a perseguirle. Ahora la ordenada y próspera vida de Rosario se precipita con memorias del pasado que resurgen y le envuelven.
La soledad de los números primos
En la escuela, Mattia había estudiado que entre los números primos (los que sólo son divisibles por sí mismos o por la unidad) hay algunos muy especiales, a los que los matemáticos llaman números primos gemelos: son parejas de números primos que están casi juntos, pues entre ellos sólo se interpone un número par. Son números como el 11 y el 13, el 17 y el 19, o el 41 y el 43. Mattia pensaba que Alice y él eran así, dos primos gemelos, solos y perdidos, juntos pero no lo bastante para tocarse de verdad... Adaptación cinematográfica del bestseller internacional "La soledad de los números primos", de Paolo Giordano.
A pesar del sufrimiento que le causa a Geppetto, Pinocho emprende un viaje para conocerse a sí mismo, durante el cual tendrá que enfrentarse a diversos peligros: lo perseguirán unos asesinos, se verá convertido en un burro, formará parte de un circo ambulante y será engullido por un inmenso tiburón. Finalmente, los remordimientos y el sentimiento de culpa harán que vuelva con Geppetto, aunque quizá ya sea demasiado tarde. Pinocho es la eterna y emotiva historia de un niño que aprende a ser hijo y de un hombre que aprende a ser padre.
Wild Blood
Vero Marozin
The story of two renowned actors of Fascist cinema, Luisa Ferida and Osvaldo Valenti, who were supporters of the regime until the very end. Accused of collaborationism and torture, they were summarily executed by Partisans during the Liberation.
Ranuccio Tomassoni
Michelle Caravaggio es un niño obstinado y valiente, con un talento especial para la pintura que es obligado a trabajar desde muy joven para mantener a su hermano pequeño y ayudar a su madre. El padre hace tiempo que murió. Por fin liberado de la obligación de pagar los estudios de su hermano se tralada a Roma con la intención de ser el artista más grande de todos los tiempos. Pero el tratamiento que hace de la pintura se opone a las técnicas del momento. Incomprendido, vaga por las calles y cae enfermo, incluso tiene problemas con la ley hasta que es apadrinado por el Cardenal del Monte. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Dark Sea
The girlfriend of Detective Luca Mocci moves from the house of her friend Charlotte to live with him. When the corpse of the upper-class escort and student Valentina Martini is found in an apartment, tied and beaten after a kinky sex, Detective Mocci becomes obsessed with his investigation in the underworld of sex in his city, arising dark desires and affecting his relationship with his girlfriend. Written by Claudio Carvalho
The Wedding Director
Franco Elica is a film director casting a remake of a pious melodrama in Rome. He's melancholy, heading south for a break. On a beach, he meets a man who films weddings and is roped into helping film the wedding of the daughter of a severe and imperious prince. The wedding is one of convenience - the prince needs money, the groom is a mama's boy. Elica is attracted to the bride, Boda, and tries to convince her not to marry. No matter how outrageous his behavior, the prince keeps Elica on as the wedding director. As the wedding approaches, what's real blurs with Elica's imagination. Is he mad?
The story of Eugenio, young soldier of the Napoleonic army, in the Napoli of 1815 after the era of Gioacchino Murat.
Calígula está trastornado. Obsesionado con una supuesta conspiración de su hermano contra él, ordena que lo maten y condena a Agripina al exilio en una isla remota, muy lejos de su hijo Nerón. Asesinado por sus generales, el emperador Calígula es sustituido por Claudius, cuyo objetivo será que Nerón gobierne el imperio romano.
Aldo Bernard
La sonrisa de mi madre
Cardinal Piumini
Ernesto es un famoso pintor e ilustrador de cuentos para niños. Separado de su mujer, mantiene con su hijo una estrecha relación. Un día se entera de que a su madre la quieren beatificar. La noticia lo deja pasmado, no sólo por el hecho de que su familia se lo haya ocultado, sino también porque se trata de algo incompatible con sus ideas de artista libre y ateo. Sus familiares lo presionan para que participe en el proceso de beatificación e, inevitablemente surgen conflictos. Sin embargo, inesperadamente, el recuerdo de su madre y de su sonrisa harán que Ernesto reviva su pasado y cambie radicalmente su forma de vida.
Bear's Kiss
A fairy tale-like love story between young circus artist Lola and the bear Misha, who one day transforms into a human being.
In Love and War
After being released from an Italian prison, British officer Eric Newby (Blue) must find his way out of Italy before the Germans come. However, he is injured on the way and is left behind from his fellow soldiers. He is helped out by the local Italians, and he meets Wanda (Bobulova), a beautiful local girl who helps him learn Italian so he can escape. Slowly, their small friendship turns into a romance, but with the Germans looking for Eric, they are kept apart, not knowing what will happen.
In Parma, conversing with a CSM judge from Rome, the judge Bocchi tells what intrigues are hidden behind the beautiful and charming facade of the city, referring in detail to the latest and most 'chatted episode. It begins when Bocchi interrogates Giulio, a handsome and unassuming young man, for reasons of strangling, and invites him to collaborate with justice.
An Eyewitness Account
Bits & Pieces
Dive into the Eternal City – see Rome like you’ve never seen it before. Storefront robberies, bizarre murders, career dreamers, and cameos from Italy's foremost directors and actors feature in this star-studded omnibus tale about life and love.
Tentazioni metropolitane
Federico Bariglio
Requiem per voce e pianoforte
Who Wants to Kill Sara?
A beautiful lawyer about to be married is stalked by a mysterious man who knows her too well.
Reflections in a Dark Sky
In a sordid account of mutual charity, an alcoholic doctor tries to make a captive heroin addict kick her self-destructive behavior — and vice-versa.
Evelina y sus hijos
Separada desde hace años, Evelina vive con sus dos hijos adolescentes que la aman; pero en su feroz amor, posesivo, inconscientemente se han hecho "dependientes". Los verdaderos problemas comienzan cuando conoce a un hombre.
Aldo Marignano
Un pacífico comerciante veneciano ha sido traicionado por los que creía su amigos. Ahora le ha llegado el momento de la venganza y para ello concibe un in genioso plan.
Sweets from a Stranger
ispettore Giusti
A serial killer is terrifying the prostitutes in a big Italian city. After few barbaric murdering four prostitutes Lena, Angela, Nadine and Stella decide to unify and try to self-defend themselves. The police and all the other prostitutes agree with the four and the hunting is open. Who is the cruel killer?
Assicurazione sulla morte
Un niño llamado Jesús
The film attempts to fill in the "missing years" of Jesus, from ages 3 through 12. When King Herod fearing that the Messiah has indeed been born, orders that all Hebrew male children under the age of three be slain, Joseph moves his family near Egypt. Here, Jesus, sensing His divinity, expresses a desire to return to Nazareth. Travelling homeward with His mother Mary, Jesus flashes forward to events that will unfold in his adult life.
The Malady of Love
Physician Robert Briand (Robin Renucci) runs a leper colony in the 15th century that takes in new residents who suffer from the ravages of syphilis. When the beautiful Marie-Blanche (Isabelle Pasco) is brought to the grim, prison-like facility, Robert finds she displays no apparent signs of disease. He risks everything when he falls in love with the woman and makes plans to run away with her. Erland Josephson plays Robert's father, with Piera Degli Esposti as Robert's faithful assistant Terese.
Il caso Moro
BR #6
On March 16, 1978, far-left terrorists of the Red Brigades kidnap Aldo Moro, leader of the Christian Democracy, the ruling party in Italy since the end of WWII. 55 days later, his body will be found in the trunk of a car. This is a neutral and factual account of what happened in between.
Anche lei fumava il sigaro...
Notti e nebbie
Antonio Fugazza
Milan, the last months of WWII. While everything starts to crumble down, RSI police chief Bruno Spada tries to crush the local anti-fascist resistance.
El futuro es mujer
Anna y Gordon viven juntos y se aman. Han decidido no tener hijos, porque están asustados por la amenaza de las bombas atómicas. Hasta que conocen a Malvina, una chica solitaria y nómada que está embarazada de seis meses. Un extraño afecto se desarrolla entre ellos, mezclado de tentaciones y deseos.
Goma de mascar
Il barista del "Chewingum"
La historia transcurre en el último curso de la escuela superior, a la que acuden el playboy, la chica buena pero fea, la vampiresa, el tímido que intenta llamar la atención a la profesora, la mala chica cuyos amantes conducen Maseratis. Dos amantes apartados del mundo y toda la burlona pandilla unida bajo la filosofía del ´´todos para uno y uno para todos´´. Mientras esperan los exámenes finales se dedican a las travesuras en el gimnasio, a noches de discoteca y viajes a la playa evadiendo la vigilancia. Añadir algunas canciones hasta llegar a divertidos juegos que practican con los más hábiles competidores...
Historia de Piera
En un pueblo italiano vive Piera, una mujer que carece de principios morales. Sus modales no están bien vistos entre sus vecinos. Cuando era pequeña acompañaba a su madre a sus citas con hombres y ella misma inicia una relación incestuosa con su propia hija. La ausencia de moral y de estabilidad familiar que han marcado su vida desde la niñez acabarán creándole problemas de salud.
100 Sundays
Antonio, a former shipyard worker, leads a mild and peaceful life: he plays bowls with friends, takes care of his elderly mother, has an ex-wife with whom he is on excellent terms and Emilia, his only and beloved daughter When Emilia announces to him one day that she has decided to get married, Antonio is filled with joy, he can finally fulfill his dream by giving her the reception they have always dreamed of together being able to count on the savings of a lifetime.However, the bank of which he has always been a client seems to be hiding something, the employees are suddenly elusive and the director inexplicably changes constantly.The task of paying for his daughter's wedding will prove increasingly difficult and Antonio will discover, against his will, that those who keep our treasures don't always keep our dreams as well.