Éva Igó

Éva Igó

Nacimiento : 1956-05-04, Budapest, Hungary


Éva Igó is a Hungarian stage, film and television actress and singer.


Éva Igó
Éva Igó


A diktátor (színházi felvétel)
Zsaruvér és Csigavér II.: Több tonna kámfor
Vadkörték - A tihanyi kincsvadászat
Ilusiones de un mentiroso
Lina's Mother
Jakob era el propietario de un popular café del barrio judío de una localidad de Polonia. Después de la ocupación, sobrevive como puede en el ghetto implantado por el ejército nazi, antes de correr la misma suerte que su mujer, asesinada en un campo de concentración. Un día, por casualidad y estando cerca de un oficial alemán, oye las noticias por una radio, las cuales no son nada favorables para Hitler. Después de contarlas a los demás, todos creen que Jakob tiene una radio, momento a partir del cual decide inventarse noticias. Remake del film alemán "Jakob, el Mentiroso", dirigido en 1975 por Frank Beyer
The movie is set in the actual "Ki Mit Tud?" talent contest in 1962. In reality the contest in dance music category was won by an army brass band. "Omega" which later became one of the most successful Hungarian rock bands came out in the second place.
The Wondrous Voyage of Kornel Esti
Middle-aged writer (Kornél Esti) travels to Germany to deliver a lecture. During the long journey he recalls the memories of an other journey he made thirty years ago.
Mari (voice)
Lajos Kovács (WINGS OF DESIRE) stars as the misused Woyzeck, who ekes out a miserable existence sweeping train tracks, running errands for a bullying army captain and acting as a human guinea pig for a local doctor with ideas about free will. When his common-law wife begins an affair with a local cop, Woyzeck's pocket Bible and near-starvation diet point him on a downward spiral of twisted redemption.
Póka Katalin, bankfiókvezető
Ambrus, the canon pretender and Gerzson, the stinking rich lawyer, taking advantage of a sect and a fake hospice, are engaged in doing unsuspecting old people out of their money.
Adaptation of Adalbert Stifter's novella.
The Last Summer
Imre Horváth and his friends gather to celebrate his wife's birthday. They are confused because of the changes in the country's politics and want Horváth to be much more active politically, but he is more concerned about his affair with his best friend's daughter.
A padlás
Süni, fiatal lány, aki hegedülni tanul
Titania, Titania, or the Night of the Stand-Ins
Never miss a satire if you'd like to have a wider view of the 60's or 70's (and maybe the 80's) Eastern Europe. Both the regime and behavior of people are pilloried, with many-many hints that show deeper details of the correlation of the two. And the creators didn't miss to have some words about the West and it's part of this history. But don't sit down to see the film if you'd like to have a light funny evening movie, 'cause that will lash up your feelings alright. The director is that same Peter Bacso, who directed the legendary satire 'A tanu' (The witness) which deals with the same historical era, the same relations between politics and the people, just from a little different point of view.
Maria's Day
Szendrey Marika
The Hungarian Maria's Day is set in that most fateful of years, 1848. The incredible changes and reverses in European politics and culture exert a potent influence on one aristocratic Hungarian family. Losing virtually everything in the way of creature comforts, the family tries to keep up appearances. Eventually every member of the clan falls victim to illness, syphilis and their own headstrong foolishness. The parallels drawn by director Judith Elek between the dissipation of 19th century Hungarian aristocracy and the corruption of Communist ideology in modern times are inescapable.
The Day before Yesterday
In 1947 Dorottya is dismissed from girl school by the nuns for her views.
La elección de Hanna B
Película que narra la historia de amor entre Eva, una periodista de firmes principios y abiertamente lesbiana, y Livia, una periodista casada con un oficial del ejército. Las dos trabajan en la misma oficina y poco a poco Livia empieza a sentir interés por las insinuaciones de Eva.
A bolond lány