Stewart Young


Australia, la isla más grande del mundo y el continente más pequeño, es una tierra exótica e intrigante formada por si sola y aislada de otras tierras. Miles de millas de desierto rojo y dunas de arena que caracterizan su famoso Outback. Selvas tropicales ricas en vida salvaje única y espectacular; hacen de Australia un lugar de extremos.
Year of the Dogs
The people of Footscray are battlers and so is their football team. The 'mighty' Bulldogs haven't won a premiership since 1954. The club is close to broke and the AFL keeps trying to kill them off for the sake of the national competition. Year of the Dogs is a documentary following the fortunes of the Footscray Football club, its players, fans and staff as the club struggles to survive the 1996 Australian Football League season.
Posesión obsesiva
Lisa se ve frustrada al comprobar que Tom, el hombre casado con el que tiene una aventura, decide abandonarla para salvar su matrimonio. Entonces, Lisa decide recurrir a un exnovio para darle un escarmiento, pero todo se complica y lo único que consigue es que su ex-amante se aleja aún más de ella. Mientras tanto, la mujer de Tom, que nunca había dudado de su fidelidad, empieza a sospechar de su esposo...
Over the five days after a military coup, army troops arrive to enforce martial law and encounter a growing resistance movement.
Ghosts... of the Civil Dead
The inmates and guards of a modern, clean and efficient maximum security wing are slowly and increasingly brutalized until they erupt in violence. Dark and macabre, and based in truth, the story is told in a traditional dramatic style combined with telephone interviews and narration.
Chile: Hasta Cuando?
A portrait of a brutal Pinochet military dictatorship made during a three month visit to Chile in 1985 by David Bradbury. The footage reveals a country torn with civil strife and political unrest; military intimidation of the population; indiscriminate arrests: murder torture and disappearances were facts of Chilean life.
Nicaragua: No Pasaran
In 1978 the revolutionary Sandinista movement came to government after 43 years of organised resistance and the death of 50,000 Nicaraguans. This film follows charismatic guerilla leader Tomas Borge opposing CIA attempts to overthrow the Sandinistas.
After Dan collapses at a train station, he enlists Maxie to watch his beloved dog, Molly. Maxie develops a soft spot for her new furry companion - a dog which has a unique ability to sing in tune.
Sons of Namatjira
One of Curtis Levy’s finest documentaries, Sons of Namatjira, follows Keith and his wife, Isabel, and other relatives, in their interactions with the wider world including art galleries in town and bus-loads of middle-aged tourists from the big cities. The film highlights communication difficulties between black and white, and in Levy’s terms, becomes “a parable of black-white relations in Australia”.
Pig Tusks and Paper Money
In Papua New Guinea, pig tusks and shell money are currencies which can buy most things. Henry Tokubak’s dream is to create the first bank where traditional money counts as legal tender.