Toni Newman
Hosted by HEI Network CEO Tim Heidecker, the On Cinema Oscar Special is an annual tradition that always includes huge special guests, earth-shattering surprises, and expert analysis and insight from film historian, archivist, and ANT-MAN star Gregg “Mister Movies” Turkington. Join us as we all discover who Oscar has smiled upon this year!
Toni Newman
Stroll down Valentine’s lane with Wendy Kerby and other friends of the HEI Network.
Toni Newman
Tim Heidecker returns once again to host the latest beloved and informative 'On Cinema' Oscar Special, now streaming on the new 24/7 broadcasting bohemouth HEI Network.
Toni Newman
Tras haber sido acusado de asesinato por vender cigarrillos electrónicos defectuosos en un festival de Dance, Tim busca venganza y decide presentarse como candidato para quitarle el cargo al Fiscal del Distrito de San Bernardino. Empujado por el ego y por su propia ignorancia, trata de superar su falta de experiencia, fondos y carisma conectando con los ciudadanos más ignorantes. Sin embargo, su plan no sale del todo bien.