Kim Kyung-ho


Production Design
A former Naval officer with a dark past must face off against an insurgent with a sound sensitive bomb.
Goodbye Summer
Production Design
A timeless teenage romance chronicling an impossible relationship that fights against the advance of a terminal disease.
La gran batalla
Art Direction
Año 645. Yang Manchun y sus tropas del reino de Goguryeo lucharán en el asedio de la fortaleza de Ansi para defenderla frente a 500.000 invasores de la dinastía Tang.
Roman Holiday
Production Design
A comedy about a hopeless trio who live to become robbers and hold hostages.
Asura: La Ciudad de la Locura
Art Direction
El Detective Han Do Kyeong, que durante años en secreto ha estado haciendo el trabajo sucio para el alcalde corrupto Park Seong Bae, está ahora presionado por un fiscal implacable llamado Kim Cha que lo instiga para que coopere en una investigación contra el alcalde. Al sentirse atrapado, Han convence a su joven compañero Moon Seon Mo para hacerse cargo de su trabajo para el alcalde, pero las cosas empiezan a enredarse de manera impredecible. Como las cosas están empeorando, sólo los más malos sobreviven en este mundo del perro-come-perro.
Han River
Art Direction
Catholic priest, Myeong-jun, climbs up one of the bridges crossing the Han River to commit suicide after learning that a woman who loved him in the past, has killed herself. Then Jang-hyo, a homeless person, tells the man on the bridge that he bet with other homeless people that the suicide attempt will fail. Myeong-jun jumps into the river anyway. But Jang-hyo rescues the suicidal priest and lets him join the homeless community. Chu-ja, a transgender homeless person, is on bad terms with his daughter. When he hesitates about attending his daughter’s wedding, the two men visit the daughter and ask her to forgive her father. Another homeless person, Maria goes to a soup kitchen at a Catholic church, where she sees the beautiful nun Angela. Maria, who was pregnant at the time, gives birth to a baby later and decides to remain at the church to be a sister. Despite their own painful history, each of these four people finds a way to reconcile with the past.
The Last Ride
Production Design
Go-hwan, who suffers from Lou Gehrig’s disease realizes that he is going to die. When his best friends ask him what his wish is, he tells them he wants to have sex for the first and last time in his life.
Untouchable Lawmen
Production Design
Jung-Jin is a criminal profiler and he came from the FBI in the United States. Yoo-Min is a detective and he graduated from the top police university, but he is more interested in women then arresting criminals. Jung-Jin and Yoo-Min are called to the special investigation headquarter for a secret meeting. There, Jung-Jin and Yoo-Min receive an order to take down the boss of a criminal organization. The crime boss, with the help of people in power, appears untouchable.
Art Direction
Changsu does not have any family, friends or lover living in prison as a substitute prisoner for the others. After 3 years in prison, he came back to his normal life with gambling and drinking. One day, Miyeon, appears to him, and everything changes. She enlightens his life for the first time. Changsu bets his everything to save this woman for the first, and for the last time in his life.
My Way
Art Direction
Jun-shik, que trabaja para la granja del abuelo de Tatsuo mientras Corea es colonizada por Japón, sueña con participar en los Juegos Olímpicos de Tokio como corredor de maratón. Tatsuo también aspira a convertirse en corredor de maratón, por lo que los dos se convertirán en rivales. Pero la guerra estalla y ambos se ven obligados a alistarse en el ejército. Tatsuo se convierte en el jefe de defensa de la unidad de Jun-shik y elabora un plan, pero falla. Jun-shik y Tatsuo están cautivos de los soviéticos. Huyen, pero pronto son capturados por los alemanes y obligados a separarse. En 1944, se reencuentran en las costas de Normandía. Esta película está inspirada en la historia real de un coreano llamado Yang Kyoungjong.
winter smells
Production Design