Giovanni Canevari

Nacimiento : 1967-05-16, Rome, Italy


Romeo è Giulietta
Director of Photography
Billie's Magic World
Billie is a lively and intelligent little girl, but not very studious. Her father adores her, but because of his hard work, he sometimes fails to give her the attention she would like. One day, after yet another argument, Billie imprudently accepts an invitation from two strangers to a mysterious castle, full of sweets and toys. She soon discovers that it is the trap of a supervillain, who uses the anger and sadness of his captives as fuel for his maxi-cannon that is to destroy the entire world. It will be the Puffins who come to the rescue of young Billie, saving her from the evil villain’s clutches.
Tramite amicizia
Director of Photography
Non è mai un errore
Director of Photography
After a story of love and passion, lived on holiday in Brazil, Leonardo will have to face the hard separation with the help of his family and closest friends, to rediscover the happiness and joy of life
Si vive una volta sola
Director of Photography
Umberto, Lucia and Corrado discover that their co-worker and friend Umberto is terminally ill, but they can't bring themselves to tell him. They decide instead to organize him an unforgettable holiday trip to the South.
Tutti per 1 - 1 per tutti
Director of Photography
Now without Aramis, the Musketeers embark on a new mission.
Il gioco
Director of Photography
A man and a child sit on a table but we don't know who they are: they talk about a weird "game of happiness", revealing a shocking truth.
27th March 2020
Director of Photography
27th March 2020: a man seeks a remedy for the gloomy and unnerving loneliness of the lockdown.
Good Gals
Director of Photography
The story of a gang of French female robbers disguised as men, who operated in the Avignon area in the mid-1980s.
Moschettieri del Re - La penultima missione
Director of Photography
In 17th-century France, the Queen brings the Three Musketeers — Athos, Porthos, Aramis, and an aging d'Artagnan — back from retirement for one last mission: saving her son Louis and the whole kingdom.
Nine and a Half Moons
Director of Photography
Two contrasting visions of life: on the one hand, the "rock" and adventurous of the brave Livia, cellist without maternal instinct; on the other hand, the reassuring routine of his sister Tina, shy urban vigilant with an ardent desire for maternity.
Lasciami per sempre
Director of Photography
Celebration of an extended family
No es país para jóvenes
Director of Photography
Sandro is very polite yet a little unsure of himself. Luciano on the other hand is bold and sharp but has a mysterious dark side to him. They meet at a restaurant where they both work as waiters. Like many of their peers, Sandro and Luciano have the feeling Italy has little to offer and decide to seek their fortune together in Cuba, the new frontier of hope where anything is still possible.
Natale col boss
Director of Photography
Torno indietro e cambio vita
Director of Photography
Marco is married to a gorgeous woman, has a child and a great job. Everything seems perfect, at least until his wife of 25 years announces that she has another man and wants a separation. Marco is forced to leave home.
Un Natale stupefacente
Director of Photography
Colpi di fortuna
Director of Photography
La brutta copia
Director of Photography
Lightning Strike
Director of Photography
Vacanze di Natale a Cortina
Director of Photography
During the Christmas holidays, in Cortina d'Ampezzo interweave three stories.
Manuale d'amore 3. Las edades del amor
Director of Photography
Film dividido en tres episodios sobre las distintas fases del amor: "Juventud": Roberto (Riccardo Scamarcio), un joven y ambicioso abogado que está a punto de casarse, conoce a Micol (Laura Chiatti), una mujer guapísima, provocativa y misteriosa. "Madurez": Fabio (Carlo Verdone), un famoso presentador de TV, fiel a su esposa desde hace 25 años, conoce a la intrigante Eliana (Donatella Finocchiaro). "Adelante": Adrian (Robert De Niro), un profesor americano de historia del arte, se ha establecido en Roma tras su divorcio; es un hombre reservado y solitario que sólo habla con el portero de su edificio (Michele Placido) y puede que le haya revelado que hace siete años se sometió a un delicado trasplante de corazón. El encuentro con Viola (Monica Bellucci), la fascinante hija del portero, perturba su tranquila existencia y le hace sentir nuevas emociones.
The Father and the Foreigner
Director of Photography
Feisbum - Il film
Director of Photography
The title translates literally as "Faceboom." An omnibus film helmed by seven top-tiered Italian directors, this comedy explores the worldwide Facebook craze of the early 21st century by recounting the adventures of numerous Europeans whose lives are altered by that social networking site.
Director of Photography
Fortunato, un camionero desencantado y un poco canalla que, durante muchos años, ha transportado Ferraris robados a los Emiratos Árabes, emprende el último viaje, pues ya es hora de que lo releve el joven Marcello, que trabaja desde hace pocos meses en su empresa. Giulio, un dentista de cincuenta años, sufre el lastre de un matrimonio fracasado que lo ha sumido en la depresión. Debe asistir a una conferencia en San Petersburgo en la que no desea participar, pero su colega y amigo Fausto es inflexible: Rusia es el país del sexo fácil y una semana allí es mejor que un año de psicoanálisis.
Natale in crociera
Director of Photography
Ghost Son
Director of Photography
A widowed newlywed stays on her deceased husband's South African farm, then bears a child who seems to be possessed by the dead man.
Manuale d'amore 2 (Corregido y aumentado)
Director of Photography
Película dividida en cuatro episodios. Un joven que ha sufrido un accidente se enamora de su fisioterapeuta (Monica Bellucci), a pesar de tener novia. Una guapa española de origen italiano (Elsa Pataki) vuelve a Roma para que su hijo conozca a su padre. Una vez allí, tiene un romance con un hombre casado mucho mayor que ella. Dos homosexuales de mediana edad que quieren casarse tropiezan con la desaprobación del padre de uno de ellos. Finalmente, una pareja que no puede tener hijos decide recurrir a la inseminación artificial en una clínica de Barcelona.
Christmas in Miami
Director of Photography
Three heartbroken Italians look for sexual escapades in Christmastime Miami: divorcée Giorgio invites himself to stay with his best friend Mario—unaware the latter's having an affair with his ex-wife—and ends up pursued by Mario's barely-of-age daughter; Paolo and his friends have their plans to get laid foiled by his busybody and out of touch father Ranuccio, who'll soon crash also Giorgio's vacation.
Manuale d'amore
Director of Photography
Describe las cuatro fases del amor: "el flechazo", «la crisis», «la traición» y «el abandono». Consta de cuatro episodios protagonizados por parejas diferentes. Se trata de historias normales y extraordinarias, dulces e irónicas, románticas y divertidas.
La mia vita a stelle e strisce
Director of Photography
El Santo Padre Juan XXIII
Director of Photography
Juan XXIII fue Papa sólo 4 años (1959-1963), pero promovió profundos cambios y lanzó al mundo un contundente mensaje de paz. Era la época de la Guerra Fría, y las relaciones internacionales eran muy tensas. Convocó el Concilio Vaticano II, que supuso una auténtica revolución en el seno de la Iglesia Católica, que tuvo que reconocer que se había ido alejando cada vez más del mensaje de Cristo y que era necesario reflexionar sobre las necesidades del hombre moderno.
Faccia di Picasso
Director of Photography
The usual story of the young director who tells the movie that fails to do. Zany gags, quotes, the eternal exasperation to get at all costs to laugh, to any.
Il ciclone
Steadicam Operator
The everyday life of accountant Levante, his family and the other people of a small town in the Tuscan countryside is taken by storm by the serendipitous arrival of five beautiful flamenco dancers from Spain.
Il barbiere di Rio
Steadicam Operator
Matteo is a Roman barber whose business is full of debts. He decides to escape from this depressing reality by accepting his sister Angelina's invitation to Brazil.
Il barbiere di Rio
Camera Operator
Matteo is a Roman barber whose business is full of debts. He decides to escape from this depressing reality by accepting his sister Angelina's invitation to Brazil.
La gran calabaza
Steadicam Operator
Después de muchos años de tratamiento por epilepsia, Valentina ingresa en una clínica psiquiátrica. Allí conoce a Arturo, un joven psiquiatra, que a pesar de su conflictiva vida personal y de la enorme ineficacia de la Sanidad Pública italiana, entabla una intensa relación con ella. Centrando la terapia más en su vida familiar que en las drogas, acaba descubriendo la verdadera naturaleza de la enfermedad de Valentina.
Parenti serpenti
Steadicam Operator
Al llegar la Navidad, y con toda la familia reunida en casa, una pareja de ancianos comunica a sus hijos su deseo de pasar los últimos años de su vida con uno de ellos, al que transmitirían la mayor parte de la herencia. El problema es que ninguno quiere asumir esta responsabilidad. (FILMAFFINITY)
Dimenticare Palermo
Assistant Camera
Carmine Bonavia (James Belushi) es un italoamericano que gana las elecciones a la alcaldía de Nueva York gracias a la promesa de legalizar las drogas. Tras la victoria, se casa con Carrie (Mimi Rogers) y van a pasar la luna de miel a Sicilia, la tierra natal De Bonavia. En el hotel conoce a El Príncipe, que vive recluido desde hace años debido a las amenazas de la mafia. En medio de la extraordinaria belleza del paisaje siciliano, Carmine descubre que hay gente que está dispuesta a emplear todo tipo de medios con tal de impedir la legalización de las drogas.
Kid Santa
Director of Photography