Glenn Salvage

Glenn Salvage


Glenn Salvage


Ten sex trafficked young women are taken from an island resort by a violent criminal gang for shipping to an overseas client. A young nurse and feisty dancer hatch an escape-plan, finding themselves in the desert fighting for survival against ruthless traffickers.
Six Years Gone
Darren Blake
Six years ago, single mother Carrie Dawson suffered every parent's worst nightmare. Now she seeks redemption.
Saltwater: The Battle for Ramree Island
Durante los últimos meses desesperados de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, una misión aliada para recuperar la isla Ramree frente a la costa de Birmania termina con horror cuando un grupo de soldados asediados se encuentran atrapados en un denso pantano infestado de mortales cocodrilos de agua salada. A medida que los reptiles hambrientos eliminan a los hombres uno por uno, los que quedan recurren a medidas cada vez más desesperadas para sobrevivir al ataque de la carnicería y salir con vida de la isla.
La Aventura Sobre Dos Ruedas
Cuando dos niños en sus bicicletas BMX y su papá de carreras Speedway se enfrentan a un famoso jefe del crimen y su banda criminal que han robado un montón de diamantes del castillo más grande de Inglaterra, se desencadena una cadena de eventos que cambiará sus vidas para siempre. ..
13 Graves
Dos veteranos asesinos a sueldo que se deshacen de su última víctima en un "cementerio de la mafia" son acechados, en un antiguo bosque, por una fuerza sobrenatural malévola.
Beyond Fury
Ex-Mercenary Michael Walker and his pregnant girlfriend Claudia are brutally attacked. Now with Claudia and the unborn child dead, Walker reverts to his military training to hunt down and serve his own kinda street justice.
Bob Pearce
When two young boys playing in the woods discover a military bunker they unintentionally release the ghost of a World War II auxiliary soldier who mistakenly believes the Nazis have landed.
60 Seconds to Die
Horror Anthology "60 second short films that will scar you for a lifetime"
Essex Heist
Times are tough for Jez .and his motley crew of car mechanics, scraping a dishonest living in a small town on the Essex coast. So when they hear on the grapevine that a million pounds in cash is being transported across town, Jez plans an elaborate heist. There's just one problem - the cash belongs to local crime kingpin.
Rescate en La Kasbah
Lisa es una madre soltera que deberá tomar la ley por su mano para recuperar a su hijo secuestrado. Cuando las autoridades le dan la espalda, el dolor y la rabia la obligarán a actuar de forma drástica.
Los Muertos
El film está protagonizado por el teniente Brian Murphy que deberá formar equipo con Daniel Dembele para enfrentarse y sobrevivir al terrorífico peligro que los acecha encarnado en una horda de muertos vivientes en el continente africano.
The Twisted Tale Of Bloody Mary
Norfolk Noble
She was loved, she was a princess, heir to the throne - but the childhood fairytale turned to lifelong nightmare for Mary Tudor, Henry VIII's first child. When Henry divorced her mother and married Anne Boleyn, Mary became an outcast and a threat to the Protestant succession. By a twist of fate, on the death of her brother, she became queen at last in 1553, but her attempts to make England Catholic again were a disaster for her and the country. History has called her "Bloody Mary" for the burning of the Protestants, but how fair is this? This film paints another picture, of a woman true to her beliefs, pushed towards a terrible psychological disintegration.
Father Salvage, The Priest
En los suburbios del Reino Unido, un torneo clandestino desafía a doce luchadores de diferentes orígenes a competir por un premio de $500.000.
Left for Dead
Ben Williams
Left For Dead is a revenge thriller set in a city called Hope, where a crimelord called Kincaid rules with an iron fist. Williams, a former hitman for Kincaid is attacked and left for dead when he tries to leave the organisation. He teams up with Kelso, a kickboxer who had his hands smashed by Kincaid, and together, they seek revenge.