Willy Rathnov
Nacimiento : 1937-05-13, Roskilde, Denmark
Muerte : 1999-08-29
Daninvest Manager
Egon plans to exploit knowledge gained during his latest term of incarceration. By stealing the unmanipulated financial records of DanInvest he obtains the majority of the stocks in the department store Magasin du Nord, just in time for their closing sale. The attempt to get the red suitcase that will save the day they rob the main vault at the EEC headquarters in Brussels and end up hijacking a tank.
Adán es un joven ejecutivo que tiene mucho éxito en sus negocios, pero que en su hogar está a punto de ser un fracaso. Su hermosa y joven esposa, may, está aburrida de su vida atada al fregadero de la cocina y se siente absolutamente descuidada en el lecho nupcial. invariablemente, Adán llega de la oficina al hogar cansado y tenso. El nuevo gerente de ventas de la compañia sugiere a su jefe que contraten los servicios de una o dos jóvenes atractivas de una "agencia de acompañantes" para atender a los clientes cuando la firma se halle detrás de algún contrato importante.
Mand Bine lægger an på
Las fábricas de una joven heredera se perderán a causa de los impuestos de herencia a menos que ella se case con el hijo del propietario de una empresa rival. Su amante actual tiene el mismo nombre que el hijo del industrial, y abunda la confusión.
Henrik Mikkelsen
El joven director de un internado de chicos ha decidido que, debido a la virilidad de sus jóvenes, son una especie de tesoro nacional. Él cree que su escuela debe convertirse en coeducativa lo antes posible. Para recaudar fondos para el cambio, los chicos se quedan durante sus vacaciones de verano y convierten temporalmente la escuela en un hotel de amor.
The Olsen gang in Jutland. Ones again Egon Olsen has a plan when he gets out of Vridslose State Prison. He has found out that the Germans left a large sum of money (in American dollars and gold bars) in one of their commando bunkers, when they were defeated in 1945; the only problem it's in Jutland. Egon, Benny and Kjeld "appropriate" a car and drives to Jutland along with Kjelds wife and child Yvonne and Borge. They look forward to fooling the the people in Jutland, but of course, things don't go quite as planed. It ends with Benny, Kjeld, Borge and Yvonne sitting in the train back to Copenhagen, were they are overtaken by Egon in his car on the road next to the track. This is the last time the Olsen gang goes to Jutland.
Comedic western, where the 4 guys this time have to help find a gold transport. They get help from the cunning girl Shannahoo.
Residents of the old house are quite happy with their existence. But once they find out that the authorities plan to demolish the entire neighborhood including their house in order to build a business center they decide to unite and fight the plan...
Wild West Danish comedy.
Student John Søgaard
The Egborg Girl (Danish: Pigen fra Egborg) is a 1969 Danish comedy film directed by Carl Ottosen and starring Dirch Passer.
A gang transport drugs with a little girl inside her teddy bear.
The Soldier
A soldier seeks justice against a group of men who murdered a prostitute.
The German bear Fido from Münich is sweet, easygoing and nice, and just loves Danish soldiers. Thus, the bear marches together with the recruits and even wants to share their beds in this strange Danish comedy.
Sømand Rasmus
Danish family film directed by Carl Ottosen
K. Konradsen
På et sygehus's 5 mandsstue - stue nummer 13 - ligger der 5 meget forskellige mænd, med meget forskellig baggrunde: Byretsdommer Winther, modedesigner Philip André , bankkasserer Madsen, den uforbederlige indbrudstyv Herluf "Smukke Arne" Jensen , og legationssekretær Konrad Konradsen. Legationssekretæren har begået en dumhed og er kommet i lommen på en pengeafpresseren Helmer Gamtofte . Han er i besiddelse af nogle kompromitterende billeder, som han opbevarer i en bankboks i den bank, hvor Madsen er ansat. Det mandfolkekammeratskab der opstår på stue 13, bliver drivkraften, der får byretsdommeren, til at foreslå "Smukke Arne" at hjælpe Konradsen og bryde ind i banken og tilegne billederne.
Georg Holm
Handlingen udspilles på et teater, hvor skuespilleren og teaterdirektøren Poul Bech (Preben Mahrt) bliver skudt ned af sin medspiller Eva Berthelsen (Susse Wold) midt under en premiere. Manuskriptet siger, at han skal skydes ned, men ikke at det skulle være med rigtige kugler! Alle på teatret har tilsynelandende en grund til at ønske ham død. Der skal dog endnu et drab til, inden det lykkes at finde morderen.
Da svenskerne har besat en dansk herregård, beslutter Svend Poulsen sig for at hjælpe familien i sikkerhed. Undervejs bliver Ib taget til fange. Svend Poulsen og hans gønger udgiver sig for at være en deling svenske soldater, der ankommer til borgen hvor Ib sidder lænket på taget. Under middagen om aften bliver den svenske kommendant mistænktsom og snart kæmper soldaterne mod hinanden. Det lykkes dog Svend at befri Ib.
A group of better-off thirty-somethings meet for a weekend in Knud and Beth's home. The host couple is prone to bickering regularly. The married couples (Jan and Ilse, and Kjeld and Tove) that are visiting understand and try to stay out of the way. Bachelor Lars, however, comes into his own and is a constant source of provocative comments.