Him Law

Him Law

Nacimiento : 1984-08-28, Hongkong, China


Him Law


The Monkey King: The Legend Begins
Sha Wujing (as Chung Him Law)
The Monkey King: The Legend Begins is the re-imagined version by Hollywood of the film The Monkey King: Havoc in Heavens Palace, the origin and birthplace of The Monkey King Story.
Mundo Doble
Wen Tianyu
La historia sucede en un planeta falso llamado Central Plains. Hay diez reinos, al tiempo que el reino del sur de Zhao y el norte de Yan se sitúan uno al lado del otro. South Zhao organiza un campeonato para escoger guerreros talentosos para combatir contra North Yan como defensa. La nueva sobre el campeonato se extiende a una aldea recóndita llamada Qing Yuan, un campesino que no tiene idea de los antecedentes de su familia llamada Dong Yi Long desea representar a la aldea como portador de la bandera para participar en el campeonato. No obstante, los campesinos tienen dudas sobre él y debe batallar durísimo por su sitio. Dong Yi Long por último gana su sitio y se une a un guerrero llamado Chu Han para representar a la familia Qing Yuan y se une al campeonato, se hallan con una joven guerrera llamada Vajra en su camino. Para llevar el honor a su clan, el joven Dong Yilong se embarca en un peligroso viaje para competir en un campeonato que escoge a guerreros para la batalla.
Little Q (Pequeña Q)
Little Q es un aspirante a perro guía, entrenado para ser un guía para ciegos. Little Q se asocia con Bo-ting, un renombrado chef de repostería que está perdiendo la vista. Pero Bo-ting es irritable y reacio, constantemente pierde los estribos con quienes lo rodean y rechaza a Little Q. Finalmente, el perro y el dueño se unen cuando Little Q gana a Bo-ting con su inquebrantable lealtad. Sin embargo, a medida que Little Q envejece y la salud de Bo-ting sufre, los dos se enfrentan a una separación involuntaria ...
El rey mono 3
Sha Wujing
¡La tercera entrega de la exitosa serie de fantasía ve el regreso del Rey Mono (Aaron Kwok) en su aventura más llena de acción hasta el momento! Mientras continúan su viaje épico hacia el oeste, el Rey Mono y sus compañeros son tomados cautivos por la Reina de una tierra exclusivamente femenina, quien cree que son parte de una antigua profecía que anuncia la caída de su reino. Con mucha brujería y un poco de encanto, los viajeros idean un plan para escapar. Pero cuando su engaño enfurece al poderoso dios del río, se dan cuenta de que podrían provocar la destrucción predicha, a menos que puedan encontrar una manera de sofocar su ira.
El rey Mono 2
Sha Wujing
En la dinastía Tang, Xuanzang un sacerdote es enviado hacia el oeste para recuperar las escrituras sagradas del budismo. Durante el camino, Xuanzang libera por accidente a Sun Wukong, el Rey Mono, encarcelado hace 500 años. El vigor y el poder del Rey Mono son conocidos por todos. En ningún caso, él se someterá a un sacerdote. Sin embargo, en un frágil equilibrio, el Rey Mono luchará junto a Xuanzang. Será una pelea para encontrar la búsqueda de la verdad y para hacer reinar la paz.
The Seventh Lie
Lying is a universal language, spoken and understood by 7 billion people. none of us can evade the jinx of The Seventh Lie - Self Deception. Chauffeur Song claims to be a part-time killer. Or is he a womanizer, tries to get in the heart of his chum's wife Julianne? Julianne checks into a hotel with Song to discover his frightful plan. A sneaky Hotel Bellhop bumps into them. Could he come to Julianne's rescue? Or is he a brilliant con-artist who attempts to rip off moneyed guests of the hotel? In this hotel, he uncovers his darkest secret and comes across a Runaway Bride Gwen. The lives of these seemingly unassociated souls are interlaced together to face the appalling truth beneath their lies.
El rey Mono
Sun Wukong, (El Rey Mono) es un mono nacido de una piedra celestial que adquiere poderes sobrenaturales. Tras rebelarse contra el cielo y ser encarcelado bajo una montaña de 500 años, que más tarde acompaña al monje Xuanzang en un viaje a la India. Por lo tanto, según la leyenda, el budismo es llevado a la antigua China. Esta historia muy querido, es una parte tan importante de la cultura asiática como La Ilíada y la Odisea o El mago de Oz se encuentran al oeste. Esta primera entrega de una trilogía de películas de acción en vivo en 3-D es en realidad una precuela de El Viaje al Oeste, la historia mucho hablado de las aventuras del Rey Mono en el camino a la India.
Young and Dangerous: Reloaded
Chan Ho-Nam
On a dark Mongkok night, May, the cousin of Dai Tin-yee (Dominic Ho), was gang-raped to death by Med King (Deep Ng) and his men. The furious Tin-yee, together with his buddies, Ho-Nam(Him Law), Chicken (Oscar Leung), Pou-Pan (Jazz Lam) tracked down Med King to revenge May’s death. As Med King was under the wing of Ugly Kwan (Sammy Sum), a leader of the Hung Hing triad, Kwan gave orders to get rid of Ho-Nam by all means….
Hong Kong Ghost Stories
Wong Jing's Classroom follows Ling, the new substitute teacher at a suburban high school. She feels something wrong about her class. The students in her Class 4E are an unruly bunch, except for Don Don, who always sits quietly in the corner. Suspecting that her students Gi Gi, Co Co, and Fong engage in prostitution, Ling reports the problems with her class to the dean, only to be told that there has never been a Class 4E in the school... In Patrick Kong's Travel, a group of friends go on vacation in Mainland, during which Bo gets killed in a road accident. At Bo's funeral, her travel mates meet Bo's estranged lover Ka Ming , with whom Bo had a heated quarrel on the phone just prior to her tragic death. At the hot-pot dinner after the funeral, a pale-faced Ka Ming reveals to the survivors the secret of his relationship with Bo before going on a killing spree...
Love is the Only Answer
During Bo and Cheong's wedding reception, a video clip intending to show their journey of love suddenly flashes a clip of Cheong being intimate with another woman. This leads to the cancellation of the wedding. A year has passed and the single Bo and flirty Cheong maintains their relationship as good friends. One day, the womanizer Cheong brings the conservative Bo to a wife swapping party, at the party, they meet Kit and his wife Man Lai. The four developed a romantic and passionate relationship.
Beach Spike
In Hong Kong's Paradise Cove Sharon (Chrissie Chau) and Rachel (Theresa Fu) work at a restaurant of their kung fu master uncle Tao (Lo Mang) while taking on rivals in beach volleyball matches. The wealthy Bu family has plans to have the beach made into a playground for the rich and getting rid of the youth at the beach. Mrs. Bu's two Eurasian daughters, Natalie (Jessica C) and Phoenix (Phoenix Valen) challenge Sharon and Rachel to a volleyball match which Natalie and Phoenix win. Phoenix and Natalie give Rachel and Sharon a challenge: if the two local girls enter and win the upcoming All Hong Kong Women’s Volleyball tournament, Mrs. Bu will revise her plans to further develop the area. Sharon and Rachel feel they don't have a chance to win the tournament. Their uncle then Tao teaches the girls kung fu skills that they apply to volleyball.
Marriage With a Liar
Kiki, a sexy and charming OL, will be married to her cop boyfriend Sean in a week. During the hen night, Kiki encounters a handsome photographer named Jack and falls head over heels for him.
Ocean Flame
Li Chuan's brother
A turbulent love affair between a punk and a youthful waitress.
Happy Funeral
See You in You Tube
Chung Him Law
Eye in the Sky
Snakie / SU agent
The head of an elite Hong Kong surveillance unit keeps one eye on his rookie apprentice and the other on a notorious criminal he suspects of masterminding a recent jewel heist in this tense thriller from filmmaking duo Johnnie To and Nai-Hoi Yau. Of course, the criminal knows all along he's being watched. But that doesn't stop him from trying to pull off the biggest score of his career.
Mob Sister
In the macho triad world where heroes are molded from blood, brawn and brains, what place is there for a defenseless girl? The only exception to the rule is if you earn your respect as 'Ah Sou' - the big boss' wife. Ah Sou tells the extraordinary story of an innocent girl who becomes appointed successor to Hong Kong's ruling triad. This role becomes a double-edged sword for our young heroine, who is sucked into a maelstrom of vicious gang wars, hair-raising assassination attempts and ruthless power struggles and betrayals. Through numerous violent episodes and unexpected reversals, she discovers her own inner strength and re-writes the laws of the triad kingdom.