Sarah Allen

Sarah Allen

Nacimiento : 1969-12-31, Nelson - British Columbia - Canada


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Sarah Allen is a Canadian actress. She studied acting at Canada's National Theatre School and graduated in 2002. Allen is perhaps best known for playing vampire Rebecca Flynt on Syfy's Being Human. For the role, she watched some of the original BBC version of the series and also researched vampire mythology.About her character Rebecca, Allen has said: "She definitely starts the series with a cross to bear.. you know, really angry and kind of "guard up", but I think she makes a real effort to try to be good. She does make an effort to be good, and she wants to be, and she fails constantly, but I think that even [her] attempts in changing Bernie, the little boy, to a vampire...[were] done with good intentions...she really wanted to care for someone.." About Rebecca's relationship with Aidan, she has said: "She keeps on fumbling through her existence as a vampire. She keeps trying to get involved with Aidan’s life and just keeps messing up." She also mentioned once that having to drink fake blood on Being Human was like "drinking a tube of toothpaste". Description above from the Wikipedia article Sarah Allen, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Sarah Allen


Executive Producer
Raw and unflinching examination of the courageous life of basketball star and social justice activist Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf. Born Chris Jackson, he overcame tremendous adversity to reach the NBA and found his true calling when he converted to Islam. His decision not to stand for the national anthem, however, turned him from prodigy to pariah. Told candidly by Abdul-Rauf himself more than 20 years later it’s the remarkable story of one man who kept the faith and paved the way for a social justice movement.
Ice Road Killer
Helen Taylor
Follows Helen and her daughter Lauren, who go on a trip to an isolated cabin in the cold north and meet a hitchhiker who actually is a thief trying to evade a cold-blooded killer, and now Helen and Lauren are on the murderer's radar too.
Bury the Past
Alice estaba casada con un hombre trastornado y abusivo, un oficial de policía que era considerado un pilar de la comunidad, pero que en secreto era un monstruo. Después de que Alice lo mató en defensa propia y temiendo que su historia nunca sería creída, huyó y se escondió. Pero ahora un viejo compañero de policía de su marido muerto está en su porche. Él la ha rastreado y quiere dinero para guardar silencio.
The Retreat
Renee y Valerie, una pareja en una encrucijada en su relación, dejan la ciudad para pasar la semana en una cabaña remota con amigos. Pero cuando llegan, sus amigos no aparecen por ningún lado. Mientras tropiezan con sus problemas de pareja, descubren que son perseguidos por un grupo de militantes extremistas que están decididos a exterminarlos.
Más allá de la verdad
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Beeba Boys
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The Husband
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En la carretera
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Sin sufrimiento
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St. Roz
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Stripped Naked
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Ellie sufre un fuerte shock al descubrir que, después de sufrir una experiencia cercana a la muerte, puede escuchar voces del más allá. Pronto se da cuenta de que se trata de un don con el que puede ayudar a los demás.
Avispas asesinas
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The Reagans
Girl #2
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Wall Of Secrets
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Seducción obsesiva
Un alumno de un instituto se siente progresivamente atraído por su profesora de química quien, al advertir los sentimientos del joven, trata de mantenerle a raya. Pero cuando esto sucede, el chico persiste en su empeño, lo que empeora la situación de ambos en el colegio. Cuando la profesora denuncia el creciente acoso al que se siente sometida, el muchacho reacciona asegurando que la víctima es él.