Micha Hulshof

Micha Hulshof


Micha Hulshof
Micha Hulshof


Samuel (35) and Sarah (33) Ofori, together with their daughter Faith (15), have fled their home country of Ghana. When working as a police officer, Samuel was on the trail of a corruption scandal, but has since then felt that his life is in danger. Finally, after years of waiting, they are offered housing in The Netherlands. Their new home is in a wealthy neighborhood on the outskirts of the city. The young family is amazed when they enter the beautiful, large house: could they finally start over here? However, their happiness proves to be short-lived, for, as Samuel begins to observe frightening events, this home turns out to be just the start of a disturbing new nightmare.
Summer Brother
As Brian cares for his severely mentally disabled brother over a sweltering summer holiday he is forced to grow up, and finds unexpected love and affection.
Capitana Nova
police officer
Una piloto de combate viaja en el tiempo para salvar al mundo de un futuro desastre ambiental. Pero debido a un efecto secundario, se acaba volviendo joven de nuevo y nadie la tomará en serio.
The undocumented refugee Sabr (35) works in the Dutch illegal male prostitution. Short, gritty drama about the tragic cycle of abuse, dominance and power. Following his feature debut Paradise Drifters, Mees Peijnenburg presents a short, gritty and significantly less hopeful portrait, in his by now idiosyncratic, poetic-realistic style. The 35-year-old undocumented refugee Saba is caught within illegal male prostitution. His date with a john turns out different than expected, when several men are present at the meeting address. Should he pass over the money and run the risk they will call the police? Sort drama about the tragic cycle of abuse, dominance and power.
El este
Lieutenant Smit
Un joven soldado holandés desplegado para reprimir los esfuerzos de independencia posteriores a la Segunda Guerra Mundial en la colonia holandesa de Indonesia se encuentra dividido entre el deber y la conciencia cuando se une al escuadrón de élite de un comandante cada vez más despiadado.
Quo Vadis, Aida?
Major De Haan
Bosnia, julio de 1995. Aida trabaja como traductora para la ONU en la pequeña ciudad de Srebrenica. Cuando el ejército serbio ocupa el pueblo, su familia está entre las miles de personas que buscan refugio en los campos de la ONU. Como participa en las negociaciones, Aida tiene acceso a información importante.
Paradise Drifters
A fragmented portrayal of three homeless young adults who are heading to southern Europe in search of money, love and happiness.
Romy's Salon
Romy’s mother has to work a lot. That’s why Romy goes to her grandmother every day after school. Grandma Stine is very busy working in her hairdressing salon, and is very strict. But everything changes when Romy discovers a totally different side to her grandmother.
Chris's Father
When a boy is framed after an act of senseless violence by his friends, they turn against him for trying to tell the truth.
Riphagen, el carnicero holandés
Albert Kok
Amsterdam, Países Bajos, 1944, durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Andries Riphagen, un poderoso jefe de los bajos fondos, ha hecho su fortuna poniendo sus muchos talentos criminales al servicio de los ocupantes nazis. Pero la larga batalla está a punto de terminar y los luchadores por la libertad, que han sido perseguidos y asesinados durante años, están abandonando sus escondites para cazar sin piedad a los que han colaborado con los asesinos.
Jongen Snackbar
Cuenta la historia de Sieger, un deportista y tranquilo muchacho de 15 años de edad que descubre el amor durante las vacaciones de verano. Sieger está entrenando en el nuevo equipo de atletismo para los campeonatos nacionales de relevo.
Doodslag (Dutch for "Manslaughter") is the story of Max, a paramedic who is repeatedly hindered in performing his duties by loutish behaviour. As his ambulance hurries towards a complicated childbirth, some youths prevent Max from reaching the distressed woman in labour. Spurred on by the emergency and the incendiary words of a TV pundit, he reaches a boiling point and forcefully hits one of the men obstructing his ambulance. Max's strike has far-reaching, unintended consequences.
My Grandpa the Bankrobber
In order to find her father in Surinam Grace is forced to take some desperate measures. Grace is the only black child of an all-white family, desperate to find out everything about her Surinam father. Grandpa can help her, but his memory gets worse every day since the death of his wife. When the family decide to put Grandpa into a retirement home, he and Grace decide to use his savings to travel to Surinam - but the family has blocked access to his bank account. But their dreams can come true if they rob the bank
Sonny Boy
Adaptación de Sonny Boy, la novela homónima de Annejet van der Zijl, un bestseller basado en una descorazonadora historia real de un amor prohibido que tuvo lugar en los Países Bajos durante la primera mitad del s. XX. Sonny Boy empieza en 1928 y narra la tumultuosa historia de Waldemar, un estudiante negro de 19 años de Surinam (que por entonces pertenecía a los Países Bajos), y Rika, una mujer holandesa, casada y respetable, que ronda los cuarenta. A pesar de las diferencias, se enamoran perdidamente el uno del otro. Sin embargo, su amor se pondrá a prueba cuando, primero, ella se quede embarazada, y, después, diez años más tarde, escondan a varios judíos bajo su techo durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. (FILMAFFINITY)
Drop Dead!
What begins as an exciting parachute jumping adventure takes a nightmarish turn, when the instructor shows signs of suicidal behavior.
The Storm
Piloot Theo
Una terrible tormenta en Zelanda causa en 1953 la ruptura de los diques que protegen estas tierras de los embates del mar. Julia, una madre soltera que vive en la granja de sus padres, queda atrapada en mitad de una inundación que afecta a toda la región del sur de los Países Bajos. A pesar de que su joven vecino Aldo consigue rescatarla la mujer está desconsolada ya que su bebé quedó atrapado en una caja de madera en el ático de la casa. Cuando vuelven a la zona del desastre descubren que el niño ha desaparecido. Las posibilidades de que su hijo siga vivo son mínimas, pero Julia está convencida de que su hijo vive y comienza su búsqueda en compañía de Aldo (FILMAFFINITY).
Stella's oorlog
Dutch working mother, Stella, was supportive of international mission in Uruzgan, even if that meant missing her husband Jurre for months. After her brother is killed in action there, nothing can return life to normality, not even the return home of her military husband, Jurre. Flash-backs from a trial nine months later show the tragic developments
El vuelo de las  novias
Derk Visser
Ada, Esther, Marjorie y Frank son cuatro jóvenes holandeses que se embarcan en un vuelo hacia Nueva Zelanda para tratar de empezar una nueva vida. A las tres mujeres las esperan sus muchachos, que se habían adelantado para preparar el terreno, con la idea de casarse. Frank va con la esperanza de comprar tierras y dedicarse al cultivo de la vid ya la elaboración de vino. Pero, una vez en Nueva Zelanda, los cuatro verán que no siempre los sueños se hacen realidad, y la relación entre ellos también se convertirá en una montaña rusa de emociones y experiencias no siempre agradables.
Dunya & Desie
Dunya and Desie are two 18 year old best friends from Amsterdam North. Dunya is Moroccan and Desie is Dutch. On Dunya's Birthday she is told that her marriage has been arranged with a distant cousin in Morocco. Dunya and her family will travel to Morocco to meet him. After Desie discovers that she is pregnant she joins Dunya in Morocco in a search for Desies father.
Happy Family
Thijs is a ripe-age Dutch tomato grower. His adult daughters plan to have him move in a skyscraper-flat, leaving home and professional life, but he takes his adolescent (half-)Moroccon grandson Omar's advice to refuse and keep living. Thijs even lets the cheerful rascal coach his love-life, which lands him on a blind date with Jacky, an energetic Flemish woman, who won't take no for an answer but turns up at his door-step till he consents, and soon drags him into evening life, preparing for a dance contest. Soon after Omar turns up, listless and lazier then ever, runaway from school and home. The obvious reason for the horny hound's hanging head is a girl: Mergal is foxy, Turkish and as smitten as he, but her burly big brother Erhan will only allow a boy to go steady with her who has proven himself his better on the field in the traditional manly sport of oil-wrestling. Now Thijs...
Dead End
A group of young people head off on a vacation. When the car breaks down they're forced to find help. In the woods they find a house and some angry dogs which were by their car too. They decide to enter the house and that's where all the madness begins.
Schnitzel Paradise is a Dutch film about a young Moroccan man working in the kitchen of popular Dutch restaurant.
For all Frits, a farmer's son, knows, his mother died when giving birth to him. He and his father make up a strong team. In the literal and figurative sense, because his father not only teaches him to milk the cows and hunt, he is also the coach of his soccer team. The happy tide turns when the boy turns eighteen and is scouted as a promising soccer talent. Suddenly, Frits's future is no longer with his father on the farm, but on the green grass of the Nijmegen soccer club NEC. His son's splendid soccer career may be the crowning glory of the farmer's hard work, but he is afraid he will also lose his only child. Desperate, he reveals the lie with which he raised his son. Frits is bewildered and makes a dramatic decision.
Koen is a fatherless, eighteen year old boy who wants to free himself from the suffocating relationship with his mother. He struggels with the balance between independency and love. When he meets Colet, he tries to keep his distance, but she is both anarchistic and audacious. She does not understand the fact that Koen does not have the slightest curiosity about his unknown father. It is because of her that he begins the search for his father.
Man, vrouw, hondje
When Louise (70) and Max (72) meet, it is love at first sight: they abandon their sleepy lives and travel to the South of France, where they become the terrors of the 'Route du Soleil'. They rip off naïve tourists with their act as a sad old couple: a second youth that goes further than their wildest dreams. Based on a true story.
The Purse Snatcher
Alex is very close to his elderly grandmother partly because his busy parents seem to have little or no time for him. One day he surprises two boys from his school leaving her house and is shocked to find her tied up inside – they have robbed her! Alex is sworn to secrecy as his gran is worried that her daughter will think her incompetent. This secret leads Alex into trouble as the two boys accost him in the street and bully him into becoming a pickpocket ("tasjesdief") for them, mugging old ladies. Alex learns how to deal with this situation in the end.
De Orde Der Dingen
Henry Snijders