Lung's Disciple (extra)
Lei Li es un joven luchador imbatible gracias a la técnica de la Espada Gemela. Su fama llega tan lejos que Lung quiere quitarle de enmedio para apropiarse de su prestigio. Lei Li tras ser derrotado por Lung en combate singular, jura no volver a practicar Kung-Fu y se corta el brazo. Su vida se hunde hasta que conoce a Feung. Una profunda amistad surge entre los dos guerreros, pero la tragedia golpea de nuevo a Li cuando su enemigo acaba con la vida de Feung... El juramento tendrá que ser revocado... Tercera parte de la trilogía de Hong Kong de "El Espadachín manco".
Jimmy Wang Yu gets to flex his dramatic muscles in this contemporary Lo Chen drama. Wang is a detective's son whose attempt to punish a swindler leaves him and his father in a thrilling final face-off.
El famoso 'espadachín de un solo brazo' que ha pasado los últimos dos años se retiró del mundo marcial como un simple granjero con su esposa. Por supuesto, esta vida idílica está a punto de ser cortada en pedazos por la perversa imaginación de Chang. Él inventa una configuración sabrosa cuando presenta, no uno, sino ocho villanos únicos conocidos como los Ocho Reyes de Espadas y su séquito de espadas para que Wang Yu eventualmente se abra camino.
A Hong Kong Jane Bond film starring Josephine Siao.
Fang Gang, discípulo de la escuela del maestro Chi Rufeng pierde en un accidente el brazo derecho y está a punto de perder la vida. Le salva Hsiao Man, una campesina que se enamora de él. Fang Gang consagrará su vida al aprendizaje de las técnicas marciales del brazo izquierdo por medio de un manual secreto. Gracias a ello, una vez convertido en un guerrero terrible volverá a la escuela de Chi para salvarla del desastre.
Ghost-faced To is murdered in a mortuary after paying a visit to Muk Lan-fa. A set of teeth is found missing from another dead body. Lan-fa’s sister Sau-chen follows the leads on a business card To left behind to a dental clinic which suddenly bursts into flame. The news of her sister’s abduction by the infamous Japanese criminal Katsu Saburo soon reaches Lan-fa. Working together with her police friend Ko Cheung to crack the case, Lan-fa analyses photo evidences in minute detail. The duo order the retrieval of a pole that has survived the explosion intact while lying in wait at the clinic. Sau-chen, who has escaped, saves the duo from the chiller where they are detained. Inspector Yeung retrieves the operation plan concealed in the pole and the secret codes in the set of teeth, but the spook is shot dead by Katsu before he could reach the Hell’s Gate and the treasure buried there. Constable Kwan, and others and wipes out the gang at the Hell’s Gate.
The person who comes for the pregnant woman
Working as a telephone operator on the nightshift, David Lau received some calls from a woman for a David and agrees to a blind date. Wearing a violet on his lapel, David mistakes someone else for his date. Jennie Lee, a stranger, comes calling at the hotel, addressing a bewildered David with an intimacy that is familiar and awkward. Mok Yu-fuk, the self-proclaimed Sherlock Holmes, follows Jennie but gets robbed. Lau received an invitation to Jennie's birthday party. The guests acting strange at the party. Jennie and Lau take a stroll along the beach. Jennie suddenly hurls herself into the sea in a run. Five years ago, when Jennie was having a heart-to-heart talk with her fiance David Wong on the beach, her neglected brother ran off to the sea and drowned himself. Suffering from a nervous breakdown ever since, Jennie was devasted by the departure of her fiance to America. The hopes Jennie's parents are pinning on the new David to boost their daughter's recovery are merely wishes.
Mona Lam, who works for a swindling syndicate under duress, scours a nightclub for her new prey and finds the rich heir Cheng Siu-chuen. Struggling to find true bliss, the lovers gain the blessing of Lam's second uncle. On the eve of Cheng's father's birthday banquet, Lam is pressured to strike again under the watchful eye of Lucy sent by the man who's pulling the strings on the marionette behind the scenes who has threatened to kill Cheng. The quick-witted woman aborts the operation, claiming to have spotted her previous victims from amongst the guests. Her confession gains Cheng's understanding, but not his father's. The ringleader brings the liaison to an end by blackmailing the father and putting Lam under house arrest. Helping the girl flee, Second Uncle is killed in the commotion. The police act on the father's tip-off and bust the gang, clearing the way for the lovers to tie the knot.
BDG thug [extra]
Celebrity Sadora is seriously wounded in an air crash. Police commissioner Suen and subordinate Ko Cheung find out Sadora was under duress from the Black Dragon Gang to collude with the criminals who had held his daughter hostage. When Ko, assuming Sadora's identity to safeguard his life, is abducted by the gang, Suen turns to 'Black Musketeer' Muk Lan-fa. By blatantly refusing to cooperate with the authorities, Muk escapes the surveillance of both the police and the gang. Acting alone, she scouts the location of the lair but ends up being imprisoned in the same cell with Ko. The captives use every trick in the book to escape. An undaunted Muk returns to infiltrate the den, while her sister Sau-chen, Suen and Ko are lying in wait. The hostages are released and the gang wiped out in a battle fiercely fought. (Synopsis based on visual audiomaterials)
Caravan Guard (extra)
Una banda de salteadores atacan a un convoy del gobierno y secuestran al oficial al mando con la intención de intercambiarlo por su Jefe detenido. La Dorada Golondrina, un agente de la corte, es enviada por el gobernador para salvar al funcionario.
Leader of the Celestial Devil Gang Mo Fu ends an underling to infiltrate the house of code expert Cheung Yuet-ting in pursuit of the Mafia's secret intelligence. The unyielding man is killed, and the Mafia is framed for the crime. Cheung's instrumental role in the Mafia is succeeded by his daughter Oi-lan, who leads both gangs onto a deadly chase. Just then, Oi-lan's bosom friend Chan Yu-lam emerges from years of oblivion as a Mafia member and offers the wanted woman protection and assistance in retrieving the late father's cache. Mo's underling Lau Kei-fung is assigned the task of playing the confidence game in the Cheung household, preempting Oi-lan from accessing the classified information and abducting both Oi-lan and Chan before the Mafia can reach the key witness. Acting on a tip-off, the police raid the apartment and arrest both gangs. Chan, the undercover police officer, gains both Oi-lan's trust and affection. (Synopsis based on audiovisual materials)
Lui Yik-pang is reduced to his wits' end to rein the Golden Butterfly. Chong Tak-ming emerges as the suspect. The friendship and ties between former classmates Lui and Chong date back years ago. When the impoverished Chong turned to banditry, Lui abided by the law and arrested Chong. Chong repented and bore no grudges. Chong's daughter Ching-han and Lui's son Siu-man are lovers. Ching-han reinvents herself as a chivalrous bandit and robs the rich to help the poor after the imprisonment of her father and the death of her mother. Endowed with her father's gifts, Ching-han remains out of the law's reach, until she is tailed by the father enlisted in the police service. A bitter row ensues; the father's underling Sung Sing-biu snatches the stolen goods and activates the security system. Ching-han is prepared to turn herself in when Sung surrenders himself as a gesture of gratitude to his benefactor. Attending the wedding banquet, Lui brings his son and daughter-in-law a golden butterfly.
Family Doctrine is a drama film directed by Chu Kei and stars Wu Fung, Man Lan, Pearl Au Ka-Wai, Ma Siu-Ying, and Kitty Ting Hao.
Jimmy Wang Yu interpreta a un niño que se dirige a Dragon Valley para encontrarse con el amigo de la infancia que le prometieron como su novia. Sin embargo, cuando llega allí, encuentra que la familia de la novia podría no ser un grupo completamente honesto de personas. ¿Cuál es la historia detrás de su enemistad con los monjes en el Templo del Loto Rojo, para empezar?
The Killing Flag (Part 1) is a 1963 Hong Kong martial arts film direcred by Fung Chi-Kong.