Aleksandra Nazarova

Aleksandra Nazarova

Nacimiento : 1940-07-17, Leningrad, RSFSR, USSR [now St. Petersburg, Russia]


Aleksandra Nazarova


Happy New Year!
War destroys hopes, dreams, mercilessly burns generations.
Новогодний ангел
Зинаида Петровна Ильясова, бабушка Виктора, Сергея и Ксюши
Happiness! Health!
Three young couples are getting ready for the weddings and each of them faces different problems.
Three Sisters
Anfisa, nanny
Preserving the text of the play, the amazing dialogues, the brilliant characters, we have transposed the action into today’s Russian provinces and changed only one thing: the age of the heroes. In Anton Chekhov’s play the heroines are aged around 25; now they are 55. What does that do? The heroes’ retorts, stylistically inappropriate from today’s twenty-year-olds, are absolutely organic for the older generation, the ‘Soviet’ intelligentsia. The problems of Chekhov’s classical work concerning the search for a meaning in life, the loss of ideals, the fear before death without having achieved anything in the world, the desire to be useful to others – all these things are also a typical attribute of the Soviet intelligentsia.
Take the Hit, Kid!
Lenya's grandmother
A funny story about the adventures of two tween sisters - TV star and boxing champion.
Remember or Not
A modest girl Alena lives in the world, works in the library and dreams of playing Juliet in an amateur theater. She can not imagine that literally tomorrow her life will change dramatically. Faced on the street with a gorgeous blonde, she loses consciousness and ... wakes up in the hospital... in someone else's body.
Six Degrees of Celebration 1914
Mariya Afanasyevna
100 years ago, the Russian Empire ... Christmas Eve. December plugs, holiday celebrations, balls and modest luxury holidays, titled nobles and ordinary peasants, the royal family and the soldiers of the First World War, progressive poets and the first skaters - everything was different, except ... the holiday. People prepared, lived, believed dreaming and waiting for this miracle - Christmas!
Mixed Feelings
The feelings of Phil and Pyotr are really mixed. Whatever one of them feels - the second experiences the same feelings immediately.
Overweight Dasha works as a proof-reader for a glossy magazine. Commonsense and previous experience have taught her not to harbour any illusions concerning a happy private life. So instead, she finds solace in detective novels, television and cakes, which she consumes in large quantities. However, when two men appear almost simultaneously, her life is turned upside down. The first is Stas, her tall and handsome new neighbour. Dasha is smitten but is aware that he will never return her love. The other 'man' is Vanka, her eight-year old nephew, whom she has agreed to look after while his mother is away in a resort town looking for a looking to land herself a good catch. Living with Vanka is a lesson in survival. Unable to spend even an hour without performing a prank or joke, Vanka turns his aunt's home into a death trap, and Dasha is either chasing after him or dealing with the consequences.
Под прицелом любви
Eight different greetings and situations on March 8th... Eight different Moms.
Sakura Jam
A young Russian businessman is tired of the unprofessional behavior of his employees so he decides to invite a general manager from Japan in order to improve the situation in the firm.
Sakura Jam
A young Russian businessman is tired of the unprofessional behavior of his employees so he decides to invite a general manager from Japan in order to improve the situation in the firm.
Problemas con suerte
Slava Kolotilov es un maestro que llega a Moscú con el manuscrito de su novela debajo del brazo, decidido a conquistar la ciudad. Consigue ganarse el corazón de la preciosa Nadya. Se acerca el día de la boda; el restaurante está reservado, las invitaciones se han mandado, pero Slava no puede escapar de las garras de Dedos, el director del colegio, que le obliga a ser el entrenador del equipo de fútbol en los campeonatos de la provincia. Decide llamar a Nadya y contarle una increíble historia acerca de accidentes y catástrofes varias que le impiden llegar a tiempo a la ceremonia. Pero la celebración en la lejana Moscú ya está en pleno auge, a pesar de que el novio no esté.
Night Nurses
After an accident, an unconscious and charming millionaire from Moscow lands in a provincial boarding house where he is surrounded with loving care by four sexy nurses.
Pirozhki s Kartoshkoy
Mama Leonida
Веселая история о том, как уберечь отношения и жениться на любимой девушке. Не дать брачному аферисту разрушить союз и увести свою невесту. Иногда для этого нужно приложить много усилий, а иногда нужно просто... просто проснуться. А пирожки? Просто хорошо, когда твоя девушка вкусно готовит.
Money Day
A criminal comedy about the adventure of three friends: Zmey, Parfen and Pisatel, who accidentally found $33.000 which belong to criminal boss imya Moe
Based on a short story "Ward No. 6" by Anton Chekhov.
Goodbye, Dr. Freud
Anna Pavlovna
A mysterious comedy set during New Year Eve.
Winter Romance
Nina Petrovna and Yegor Ilyich have been living in urban apartments with children, grandchildren, and even great-grandchildren, who, however, have no desire to reckon with the interests of their elderly relatives. But one day there comes a time when old people have to leave home. An accidental acquaintance in a bistro - and instead of despondently complaining about each other's fate, they leave to live at Yegor Ilyich’s dacha. The children of both, joining forces, are trying to put their "romantic" pensioners in their place ...
Guardianes de la noche
old woman on film
Al caer la noche, las fuerzas de la oscuridad combaten a los “Otros”, sobrehumanos, Guardianes de la Noche, cuya misión es patrullar y proteger a la humanidad, manteniendo la calma. Pero existe un temor constante de que una antigüa profecía se convierta en realidad: que un poderoso “Otro” aparecerá, será tentado por uno de los lados e inclinará la balanza, haciendo que se desate una guerra entre la luz y la oscuridad, cuyos resultados pueden ser catastróficos.
Pa: Sovremennaya Gorodskaya Skazka
Оксана Чернова живет в маленьком провинциальном городке и мечтает о танцах. Учеба в экономическом техникуме не клеится, отношения с отцом и мачехой не складываются. Она убегает из дома в Москву к деду. А Москва, как известно, слезам не верит, она испытывает: любовью, предательством, болезнью. Друг деда Глеб, «новый русский», в исполнении Николая Караченцова, со сложным отношением к жизни и массой недостатков, помогает девушке. Все в жизни Глеба пошло наперекосяк. Но судьба улыбается ему, и он влюбляется.
White Gold
In 1919 a White Army train carrying the bulk of Czar Nicolas' gold reserves arrives empty at Siberia's Ikutsk station. Decades later the grandson of a White Army officer inherits a map to the treasure.
Life is full of fun
Provincial town near Moscow. Here in a large communal apartment several families live. Each has its own concerns, its interests, its troubles and joys. A communal apartment is not just a habitat. This is a kind of section of society. They are all very different, members of this "communal dormitory": the intelligent Vera and the philistine Larisa, old-age pensioners who live their lives, and the invalid Lyra, who dreams of a happy life in faraway Australia, the soulless clerk Bozhok and the young scientist Victor, forced to look for tutoring . However, their fates are inextricably linked with events and difficult collisions taking place in the country, with a sense of instability, fear, anxious expectation: something must happen.
Border: Taiga novel
Anna Pavlovna - sanitarka
Far East. 70th years. A small garrison on the border with China. Here, as everywhere, there are men and women. Everyone has his own story, his own destiny, his own love. The common thing is that they all came here once on duty and stayed for a long time. Marina Goloshchekina is nice, kind, right. Galya The tourniquet is intelligent, passionate, determined. Albina Raven - extravagant, unpredictable, thin. Three friends, three sisters in happiness and misfortune, officers' wives. They help each other stand in this completely feminine world, where every man has a gun! And this means that love and danger go hand in hand. Marina quite unexpectedly meets her true love of the young officer Ivan Stolbov. Learn about this new secret love girlfriend. On the one hand, you can rejoice over Marina. But how can she rejoice herself, if behind five years of marriage with a strong, strong-willed and very unpredictable Nikita Goloshchekin?
The Princess and the Beans
A wealthy businessman tries to change his not so good sounding last name by marrying the heir of aristocratic family.
Two men are searching for a woman between the shipwrecking accident victims.
Слонёнок пошёл учиться
мышата (голос)
Lullaby for Brother
Kirill's mother
Every year in the summer the guys meet in order to go on another sailing trip. All of them were very lucky to have faithful and devoted friends. But the seventh grader Kirill is keenly aware of the lack of friendship in his class. He especially felt this when he was accused of stealing a wallet. Kirill himself found a thief — he turned out to be a quiet and defenseless Chirok, following the courtesy of yard hooligans. Taking Chirok under his protection, Kirill managed to fend for himself and his new friend.
Aeropuerto en llamas
Boy's Mother
Story of the lives of three Soviet pilots who are united by disaster in a small town in the mountains.
Дома вдовца
მშვიდობით ჯაკო!
маленький Джако (voice)
Sofiya Perovskaya
Sofiya Perovskaya
A biopic, looking at one of the major leaders of the assassination of Czar Alexander II.
But What If This Is Love?
High school students Ksenya and Boris are in love but all the world is against them.