Sebastian, a novice in a post-apocalyptic Brazilian monastery, prepares to be ordained while struggling with intense doubts. Before priesthood, he must confess his greatest secrets: his rape as a child and the passion he has for another monk. He turns to penance and martyrdom to relieve his guilt.
Ceará, 1889. Father Cícero Romão Batista ministers to the faithful in the parish of Juazeiro do Norte. Among them is Maria de Araújo, a simple and religious woman who, on receiving communion from the hands of father Cícero, transforms it into blood.
En los asfixiantes pasillos de la Estación Central, en Río de Janeiro, una antigua maestra se gana la vida escribiendo las cartas que le dictan los analfabetos. Endurecida por la soledad y por la adversidad, Dora ha ido cayendo en una estoica indiferencia. Sin embargo, cuando una de sus clientes muere atropellada a la salida de la estación, decide hacerse cargo de su hijo y llevarlo a casa de su padre en una remota zona del nordeste de Brasil.
After witnessing the assassination of her parents, Luzia is raised by a cowboy and starts behaving like the men of Brazilian "Sertão". As a grown-up, she sets out to find her parent's murderer, but ends up discovering love.