Mircea Cristescu


Streets Have Memories
During the Second World War, a writer meets two young people, a girl and a boy, who are doing actions to undermine the fascist regime in power.
Soldiers without Uniform
An engine driver is taken prisoner in 1944 and ends up in a camp behind enemy lines. He escapes together with a soviet prisoner and a professor and make their way back to Romania.
Geared more for the home crowd with a good knowledge of their own history, this Romanian political comedy takes place at the turn of the 20th century, when two opposing factions are going at each other tooth and nail to win an election. One candidate is a staunch if not deluded conservative and the other is a radical liberal. Anticipating modern election campaigns by a good half a century, the two candidates decide that the best way to win is to sling as much mud as possible. Lacking the Internet and fifteen-second TV spots, they do the best they can -- they send each other virulent telegrams denouncing each other's personal failings.
Hello? Wrong Number
A music school student immersed in the music that he loves. One time he happens to dial a wrong number, thus starting an adventure in which he will find love.
Family Jewels
A bourgeois family life in Romania around the time of the Great Peasant Uprising of 1907.
The eruption of an oil well is much needed for the survival of the workers and their families living nearby.