Marina Starykh

Marina Starykh

Nacimiento : 1952-05-17, Leningrad, RSFSR, USSR


Marina Starykh


The Parent
Struggling for a daughter, hooked on heroin, the father had to get acquainted with the underground life of Saint-Petersburg. He doesn’t trust the police. Together with his friend he unravels the drug dealers network in order to stop the drug addiction that conquered the city in the 90s. Will they have enough powers to make it to the end?
Mommy’s Darling
This story tells us about a 30 years old guy who still lives with his mother. Their relations are quite tough but she feels so lonely that she just can’t let him go. He suffers a lot but one day he gets the job offer on the North...
Living With an Idiot
The main character is an intellectual from Russia, who sees it as his duty to bring an idiot from an mental institution to his house. He can pick someone out, after bribing the boss of the institution, with two bottles of vodka. He chooses Vova, at first sight a silly man, and takes him home. His wife is at first not very happy with this choice. Vova says and does nothing at all. Then he becomes an aggressive man, who terrorises the house and bashes everything to pieces. After she is raped by Vova, the wife gets sexually dependant on the Idiot. Vova isn't interested anymore, when she gets pregnant and doesn't keep the baby. The idiot goes now to the intellectual for his sexual needs. The wife can't take this anymore and forces her man to take a choice: Vova out, or she will go.
Avstriyskoe Pole
О неполноте и недостаточности простейших чувств: осязания, зрения, слуха. В кино такой взгляд традиционно обозначает коллизию между подлинным и иллюзорным. Истины и мнимости даны в фильме как образы чувств. "Я люблю с вами забыть время, — говорит героиня слепому возлюбленному и добавляет, — Вы самый зрячий из всех зрячих".
The Werewolf Hour
The middle-aged journalist Kovalev finally gets the chance to become the chief editor of the newspaper. Not wanting to tempt fate, the hero turns to the party organizer for support. And then something unexpected happens - Kovalev is bitten in the ankle by a dog, and he becomes a werewolf. Turning into a terrible dog at night, Kovalev has been prowling around the city ever since and instilling fear in his readers. Police officer Vasya Kovalev, the son of an unfortunate journalist, is instructed to find and neutralize the beast ...
A completely prosperous couple on their own brand new Volga got lost in the desert. And when they joyfully rushed towards the truck, counting on help, it turned out that there were two recidivists in the cab who had just escaped from the colony ...
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