Andrucha Waddington

Andrucha Waddington

Nacimiento : 1970-01-01, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Andrucha Waddington


Inspired by a real woman, who filmed for two years, hidden, the routine of drug dealers on Ladeira dos Tabajaras, in Copacabana, in 2004. At the time, the material was passed on to the police, who opened an investigation and carried out an operation that resulted in in the arrest of more than 30 people, including military police involved with the gang.
Gilda, Lúcia and The Goat
The special brings the continuation of the plot starring Gilda and Lúcia in the series 'Amor e Sorte'. After a period of forced coexistence due to social isolation, they face a new reality.
O Juízo
Augusto moves with his family to an abandoned farm, inherited from his grandfather, hoping to put his life back on track. The property, however, carries the karma of the betrayal of the slave Couraça who seeks revenge against Augusto's family.
O Juízo
Augusto moves with his family to an abandoned farm, inherited from his grandfather, hoping to put his life back on track. The property, however, carries the karma of the betrayal of the slave Couraça who seeks revenge against Augusto's family.
Chacrinha: O Velho Guerreiro
The story of José Abelardo Barbosa, narrated from the time of his youth, when he was at medical school, and dropped everything to become a radio announcer. After that, we follow the transformation of his life and the creation of his alter ego, Chacrinha.
Acabou Chorare Novos Baianos se Encontram
Brazilian Cinema in the 20th Century
Two years of research and visits to collections, cinematheques and museums; almost seventy interviews that generated 30 hours of recorded material; more than two hundred scanned photos and more than one hundred films watched. In total, more than a thousand hours of work were needed to prepare Brazilian Cinema in the 20th Century. The work is a fascinating journey through all the cinematic cycles that Brazil lived, from the pioneering Belle Époque, through the great studios like Atlântica and Cinédia, Cinema Novo, the urban comedies of the 70's, until the resumption in the late 90's. The documentary is unique, it gives the floor to who really wrote and lived this story intensely.
Party Crashers 2
The quartet of coup plotters is back, but before they need to resolve some minor internal disagreements, since Marco has struck a blow at his best friend, Beto, who, desolate, stops at a psychiatric clinic. It is up to Laura and Nelson to help him out of the institution.
Under Pressure
Over a tense day in the emergency hospital, we follow the surgeon's work Evandro and staff in three cases that require risk surgery: a drug dealer, a military police officer and a rich family child, all injured during a shootout in a slum next to the hospital.
Under Pressure
Over a tense day in the emergency hospital, we follow the surgeon's work Evandro and staff in three cases that require risk surgery: a drug dealer, a military police officer and a rich family child, all injured during a shootout in a slum next to the hospital.
Rio 2016 Olympic Opening Ceremony
With fireworks forming the word “Rio” in the sky and supermodel Gisele Bundchen shimmering to the tune of “The Girl from Ipanema,” Rio de Janiero welcomed the world to the first Olympic Games in South America with a serious message underlying the celebration: Let’s take care of our planet.
André Midani - An Insider’s Story Of Brazilian Music
Based on the autobiography of noted music executive André Midani, André Midani — An Insider’s Story of Brazilian Music (2015) explores Brazilian music throughout his five-decade career through informal gatherings and jam sessions at his home, featuring Caetano Veloso, Jorge Ben Jor, Gilberto Gil, and Marisa Monte, among other luminaries of the industry.
Rio, I Love You
Película rodada a modo de antología que está formada por diversas historias de amor unidas por un mismo fondo, en este caso la ciudad de Río de Janeiro.
Rio, I Love You
Película rodada a modo de antología que está formada por diversas historias de amor unidas por un mismo fondo, en este caso la ciudad de Río de Janeiro.
Los Rompefiestas
A dos días del Año Nuevo, el enamorado Beto va a Rio de Janeiro tratar de reconquistar Laura y, despreciado, intenta el suicidio. El embustero Marco Polo es quien lo salva de la muerte y, delante de la posibilidad de ganar algún dinero, promete ayudar a su nuevo y excéntrico amigo en la reconciliación con su amada. ¡El farsante, sin embargo, se encanta por Laura y, hum..., irrumpe la relación ajena!
Los Rompefiestas
A dos días del Año Nuevo, el enamorado Beto va a Rio de Janeiro tratar de reconquistar Laura y, despreciado, intenta el suicidio. El embustero Marco Polo es quien lo salva de la muerte y, delante de la posibilidad de ganar algún dinero, promete ayudar a su nuevo y excéntrico amigo en la reconciliación con su amada. ¡El farsante, sin embargo, se encanta por Laura y, hum..., irrumpe la relación ajena!
Los Rompefiestas
A dos días del Año Nuevo, el enamorado Beto va a Rio de Janeiro tratar de reconquistar Laura y, despreciado, intenta el suicidio. El embustero Marco Polo es quien lo salva de la muerte y, delante de la posibilidad de ganar algún dinero, promete ayudar a su nuevo y excéntrico amigo en la reconciliación con su amada. ¡El farsante, sin embargo, se encanta por Laura y, hum..., irrumpe la relación ajena!
Un joven soldado regresa de la guerra al Madrid en construcción del siglo XVI. Como cientos de jóvenes, aún no tiene claro el camino que quiere seguir. Mientras lucha por sus inquietudes y ambiciones, dos mujeres se cruzan en su vida: una liberal, empresaria de éxito; la otra noble, soñadora. Junto al amor se le presenta la aventura y mientras aprende lo que de verdad significa amar, es perseguido por la justicia, encarcelado y amenazado por sicarios hasta esconderse en el puerto de Lisboa, donde se está preparando el mayor ejército naval que haya contemplado el mar. Un relato de amor y aventuras tremendamente actual, sobre un joven Lope de Vega, un hombre que supo enamorar y contar las historias mejor que nadie.
Seventy critics and filmmakers discuss cinema around the conflict between the artist and the observer, the creator and the critic. Between 1998 and 2007, Kléber Mendonça Filho recorded testimonies about this relationship in Brazil, the United States and Europe, based on his experience as a critic.
Maria Bethânia: Pedrinha de Aruanda
A unique and intimate portrait of singer Maria Bethania, that starts at the artist’s 60th birthday, celebrated during a concert in El Salvador and a Mass in Santo Amaro, her hometown, in 2006. In the same house where she spent her childhood and adolescence, and beside her mother, Dona Canô, and brother Caetano Veloso, Maria Bethânia tells us her own story and about the tunes that followed her throughout her life.
The House of Sand
A woman is taken along with her mother in 1910 to a far-away desert by her husband, and after his passing, is forced to spend the next 59 years of her life hopelessly trying to escape it.
The House of Sand
A woman is taken along with her mother in 1910 to a far-away desert by her husband, and after his passing, is forced to spend the next 59 years of her life hopelessly trying to escape it.
Outros (Doces) Bárbaros
Almost thirty years after the first reunion of Doces Bárbaros (four of Brazil's major popular music stars: Caetano Veloso, Gilberto Gil, Gal Costa and Maria Bethânia), the artists involved decided to get together again for limited concerts in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, in December 2002. The film documents the group's live performances, rehearsals and interviews.
Outros (Doces) Bárbaros
Almost thirty years after the first reunion of Doces Bárbaros (four of Brazil's major popular music stars: Caetano Veloso, Gilberto Gil, Gal Costa and Maria Bethânia), the artists involved decided to get together again for limited concerts in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, in December 2002. The film documents the group's live performances, rehearsals and interviews.
Outros (Doces) Bárbaros
Almost thirty years after the first reunion of Doces Bárbaros (four of Brazil's major popular music stars: Caetano Veloso, Gilberto Gil, Gal Costa and Maria Bethânia), the artists involved decided to get together again for limited concerts in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, in December 2002. The film documents the group's live performances, rehearsals and interviews.
Viva São João!
Gilberto Gil: Tempo Rei
Tempo Rei is the first audiovisual record of Gilberto Gil's vast work, celebrating the artist's thirty-year career, celebrated in 1996. Gil recalls his artistic trajectory, recalls striking facts and reveals some intimacies. Completely filmed on film, it includes great successes of the artist like Madalena, Cores Vivas, Vamos Fugir, Procissão and Expresso 2222.
Bufo & Spallanzani
Ivan Canabrava is a writer, turned insurance ivestigator who investigates mysterious deaths involving Bufo Marinus. Bufo Marinus is a frog poison causing catalepsy in humans, simulating death, enabling grand insurance fraud and other crimes. Ten years later, now as a successful writer, similar characters possibly using Bufo Marinus reappear and create an intricate plot full of surprises.
Me, You, Them
A true story that comically depicts the relationship between an ordinary woman and her three husbands, who live in the same house in a poor and arid small village of the Brazilian northeast.
Me, You, Them
A true story that comically depicts the relationship between an ordinary woman and her three husbands, who live in the same house in a poor and arid small village of the Brazilian northeast.
Identical twins Iara and Marilena like to play games and deceive men by pretending to be each other. But when they fall in love with the same man, a rivalry with devastating and horrifying consequences begins.
Identical twins Iara and Marilena like to play games and deceive men by pretending to be each other. But when they fall in love with the same man, a rivalry with devastating and horrifying consequences begins.
Paralamas em Close Up
"A journey within the brazilian rock history, having as guide the band Paralams do Sucesso. Interviews with Jorge Ben Jor, Evandro Mesquita, Roberto Frejat, Kid Abelha, Roger, Arnaldo Antunes and others."
João & Antônio
Executive Producer
A documentary about the fathers of Bossa Nova: João Gilberto and Antonio Carlos Jobim.