Giovanni Visentin

Giovanni Visentin

Nacimiento : 1953-06-02,


Giovanni Visentin was born on 2 June 1953 in Udine, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy. He is an actor and director, known for I paladini - Storia d'armi e d'amori (1983), Le maratone di Peter (2014) and Escape from Paradise (1990).


Giovanni Visentin


Lord of the Ants
A finales de los 60 un juicio celebrado en Roma causó sensación. El dramaturgo y poeta Aldo Braibanti fue condenado a nueve años de prisión por plagio, es decir, "lavado de cerebro", por haber sometido a su voluntad, en el sentido físico y psíquico, a uno de sus alumnos y amigos, que acababa de cumplir 18 años. El chico, a instancias de su familia, fue encerrado en un hospital psiquiátrico y sometido a una serie de descargas eléctricas devastadoras, destinadas a ayudarlo a "recuperarse" de esta influencia "diabólica". Unos años más tarde, se eliminó del código penal el delito de plagio. Pero en realidad, había servido para acusar a todo tipo de personas "diferentes", cualquiera que viviera fuera de la norma. Inspirándose en hechos reales, la película cuenta una historia desde varias perspectivas diferentes, donde, junto a los acusados, familiares y amigos
A sudden tragedy hits a wealthy middle-class family from North-East Italy. Tensions, hidden secrets and small hypocrisies emerge.
Piazza Fontana: The Italian Conspiracy
On December 12, 1969, a bomb kills 17 people and injures many more at a major national bank in Milan, marking the beginning of the Years of Lead. Local anarchists are scapegoated for the massacre by police and the media, but an investigator uncovers a larger subversive project made of far-right fringe groups, corrupt secret services, and other interests that seek to undermine democracy.
6 días sobre la tierra
Principe Gotha
Cuenta una historia de abducciones y posesiones, que se centra en el doctor Piso, una atrevido científico que hace años que estudia el inquietante fenómeno de las abducciones alienígenas a través de la hipnosis. El encuentro con la joven Saturnia lo llevará a los descubrimientos más sorprendentes, conduciéndolo a una realidad escondida por milenios tras los bastidores de la historia
Wild Blood
The story of two renowned actors of Fascist cinema, Luisa Ferida and Osvaldo Valenti, who were supporters of the regime until the very end. Accused of collaborationism and torture, they were summarily executed by Partisans during the Liberation.
Non prendere impegni stasera
El jugador
C.I.D. Chief
A manos de la policía llega un vídeo que muestra los crueles asesinatos filmados por "El jugador", un despiadado asesino en serie que secuestra jóvenes y las retiene hasta que las ejecuta. A través de Internet, el asesino se enfrenta, en unas perversas partidas de póker, con una policía y un equipo de anti-hackers. Se trata de la detective Anna, que, con la ayuda de un investigador británico, consigue penetrar en el universo del psicópata y decide jugarse la vida enfrentándose a él en una partida de póker.
Alex the ram
Grande Maiale
Alessandro Corso is a special forces carabiniere. During an operation he saves a child but cause the death of one of his comrades. He's then transferred to a peaceful little town, where he will be unexpectedly forced to help an hot witness named Antavleva, protecting her and bringing them safely to the trial.
Libero Burro
Raffaele Pomba
Open Sea
For personal and humanitarian reasons, Edoardo, a Ligurian sea captain, agrees to run a shipment of arms to Bosnian rebels for a shady Russian in Toulon who calls himself Riffaud. Edoardo's lover Clara wants him to quit the sea and Riffaud's wife warns Edoardo not to trust her husband, but Edoardo takes the job anyway. Sailing up the Adriatic, the crew threatens mutiny when they learn they must dock in a war zone. Once in port, little goes as Riffaud promised, and Edoardo must travel with a translator to the rebels' mountain stronghold to get payment for the crew. The war is all around them as Clara waits at home and the translator begs passage to Italy.
Private Crimes
Claudio Zappi
This Italian TV mini-series (4 episodes) is directed by giallo great Sergio Martino and stars some of the most recognizable stars of Italian genre cinema, including Edwige Fenech, Ray Lovelock, and Alida Valli. Story: Sandra Venturi, studying to be a singer at the conservatory of music in the Italian town of Lucca, has a promising career in opera ahead of her. On the eve of her nineteenth birthday, during a thunderstorm, the young singer leaves the apartment she shares with her mother Nicole Venturi, a journalist. Sandra is on her way to a secret rendezvous with a married man. He is murdered shortly before Sandra arrives at the deserted villa outside the town which they had chosen as their meeting point. When Marco's corpse is discovered the next morning, Nicole senses that reporting this case will make her famous outside her local region. What she doesn't know is that her daughter is also missing ...
Crazy Underwear
Art critic
Four ambitious women are ready to do anything to make a name in show business.
Gianmario Lande
Bala blindada
Creasy, un traumatizado exagente de la CIA, consigue trabajo como guardaespaldas de Samantha, la hija de doce años de una rica familia italiana que reside en una ostentosa villa a orillas del lago Como.
El asesino sigue con nosotros
Mientras escribe su tesis en criminología, una joven comienza a sospechar que su nuevo novio es un asesino en serie.
Los paladines
Ganelon (Gano)
Bradamante, una mujer que lleva una invencible armadura, está viajando por el campo en el momento de las Cruzadas. Después de terminar en medio de una red de enredos románticos y culturales, se encuentra enamorada de un príncipe Moro, mientras que uno de los caballeros cristianos se ha enamorado de una princesa Mora. Otros, sin embargo, están en contra del romance intercultural, y el amor de Bradamante pronto se ve forzado a un duelo a muerte. ¿Estará ella alguna vez con su verdadero amor? Escrito por Jean-Marc Rocher
Un anno di scuola
Siate pronti - Le chiavi di Papa Celestino V
Papa Bonifacio VIII
Soldato Ignoto
Hans Schlemmer
In 1943, a group of Italian and Allied soldiers find themselves trapped inside an abandoned villa. When they discover that they are in fact dead and that the villa is the starting point of their journey into afterlife, each character tells his life story, united in the belief that they have died unjustly in a senseless war. The youngest, whose wife is expecting a child, wants to return to the world.