Narra un viaje al pasado de la II Guerra Mundial y al abismo de la sociedad europea actual a través de la experiencia vital de Sita, una joven de 25 años. Un recorrido que va de Berlín a Viena, de Varsovia a Rumanía en un film sobre la pérdida y la necesidad de descubrir la propia identidad.
Mrs. Wachter
A greater-Vienna seniors' home is run like a prison by the stuck-up female executive and staff. Hippie-type rebel Rochus 'Rocco' Siwak incurs a community service to be spent there as orderly. Sympathizing with seniors who still aspire to some dignity and self-realization, he helps them get around the rules, such as smuggling in contraband, and ends up inspiring them to form a rock band and enter a free podium competition. But it doesn't square with his own last shot as band guitarist.—KGF Vissers
Johanna Stadler
Jäger's Mother
Former detective Brenner has become an ambulance driver and finds himself, much to his dismay, caught up in a war between two rival first aid organizations.
Narra la historia de un famoso sexteto alemán de música de cámara (cinco voces y un piano) desde 1927 hasta 1934, año en el que las autoridades nazis prohibieron sus actuaciones, porque tres de sus componentes eran judíos.
Fräulein Wehner
Stubenmädchen Nannette