Elena Polyakova

Elena Polyakova

Nacimiento : 1979-08-02, Moscow, RSFSR, USSR


Elena Polyakova


Солнце на вкус
Silver Spoon in Sochi
Moscow with its glossy skyscrapers and busy highways is no longer home for Igor Sokolovsky. He took his daughter Sonya and moved to the picturesque countryside in the south. A cottage in the mountains, steep winding tracks, and a new eco-hotel as a family business - that's what his life is about now. But before the hotel's grand opening everything goes awry. The place gets smashed, then Sokolovsky meets another silver-spooner and steps on the toes of a local power broker who wants to destroy an entire residential area and build a winery there.
Did You Love Him?
Nothing is forever. Everything passes. Are you sure? And a woman’s insult? Vera has come with her grandson to see her old childhood friend, Yura, and wish him a happy birthday. She has come with a gift that Yura remembers all his life. The remaining life.
Did You Love Him?
Nothing is forever. Everything passes. Are you sure? And a woman’s insult? Vera has come with her grandson to see her old childhood friend, Yura, and wish him a happy birthday. She has come with a gift that Yura remembers all his life. The remaining life.
Did You Love Him?
Nothing is forever. Everything passes. Are you sure? And a woman’s insult? Vera has come with her grandson to see her old childhood friend, Yura, and wish him a happy birthday. She has come with a gift that Yura remembers all his life. The remaining life.
Красная лента
Ника Штерн
Not a word about your mother
Anna has a sweetheart and a beloved mother. An insane attachment to the mother, who doesn't want to let her daughter go, prevents her from a relationship whit the man, and gives her no chance to lead an independent life.
Generation P
esoteric shopgirl
A chronicle of Russia's transition from communism to capitalism.
Голоса рыб
Bear Hunting
Остросюжетный боевик, где переплетаються большие деньги и большая политика, любовь и предательство, жизнь и смерть. Олег Гринев по прозвищу Медведь (Валерий Николаев) работает на фондовой бирже. Безошибочное финансовое чутье и многолетний опыт брокера позволяют ему задумать большую игру. Начиная ее, он не просто хочет заработать много денег. Главная цель - создать условия для возрождения экономики новой России, но есть и ещё одна, личная - отомстить за смерть отца. Олег даже не подозревает, насколько круто ""большая игра"" изменит его жизнь, и что в финале будет раскрыта тайна, хранимая несколько десятилетий...
Kings Can Do Everything
On a visit to Russia, a young princess escapes her handlers for an adventure in the city.
After Life
They play tough, masculine games, when the passion of hunting turns into a thirst for profit, paint into blood, fidelity into betrayal, when betting is friendship, and winning is life. One of the three old institute shareholding partners "orders" the fourth - the head of the Bank of Daniel. But even the hired killer did not know about the explosives in the house. And so, after the explosion in the basement, there are three - the killer, the victim and his daughter. When there is almost no air left, and the search engines have already stopped working, Daniel’s mind starts a dangerous game: which of the worlds is fictional, and which one is the real one, the one in which you save your friends, or the one in which friends kill you ... Daniel solves the problem with three unknown ...
Quartet for two
An aging composer, caressed by fame, realizes that his finest hour has passed. And in his troubles, the creator blames first of all his wife Elena. To return the capricious muse, Eugene brings a young mistress, a student of the conservatory, into the house. And the wife has to put up with the fact that from now on she will live under the same roof with the "doves."
Жёлтый дракон
Cazadores de Tesoros
Cazadores de tesoros. La historia nos traslada hasta tierras rusas. Allí un profesor de historia, que imparte clases en la Universidad de Moscú y participa en carreras ilegales de coches, recorrerá toda la ciudad en busca de un legendario tesoro templario. A su lado tendrá a un joven e impulsivo corredor de carreras ilegales y a su guapa hermana. Lo que no podían sospechar es que todo el mundo les pondrá obstáculos en su camino, desde la policía hasta la temible mafia rusa.
Марфа и её щенки
The sea, August, interesting and simple people. They tan, swim, play volleyball, basketball, drink, dance and then find someone to spend the night with. Many grew out of their student phase and can afford a more comfortable holiday but when July comes they grab a tent, jump into their cars and come here. Here, nobody talks about work and the size of your wallet means nothing.
Velvet Revolution
Vershinin, un duro agente especial que no siempre sigue las normas, tiene como compañero al fastidioso Suvorovtsez, un tipo que sigue a rajatabla su manual. Esta extraña pareja de policías ha de unir sus fuerzas para desarrollar una estrategia que les permita atrapar a una nave repleta de drogas, que cuenta con la inmunidad diplomática del temible Sors.
The Greenhouse Effect
Rita is a naive 18-year-old from the sticks who has come to Moscow to meet up with the man who impregnated her a few months earlier. Unfortunately, his name and address was written on a piece of paper in her luggage, which was promptly stolen upon her arrival in Moscow. Thus, she is a bit at loose ends, and going back home is clearly not an option.
We Will Die Together
The film built a classic love square: two pairs of MSU students are living vicissitudes. Everyone has their own destiny. It all depends on the choice of path. Some neglect the principles and norms, sweeping away the barriers of morality. Others remain true to their love and duty. The ending of the film is completely unpredictable…
Goodbye, Dr. Freud
A mysterious comedy set during New Year Eve.
Dnevnoy Predstavitel
Матерый вампир граф Дарлак возвращается в свой замок после столетнего отсутствия. У него прекрасный аппетит, и вскоре начинают пропадать и умирать люди. И только слуга графа, человек по имени Адам, остается жив и здоров. Хотя единственное его желание... самому стать вампиром. Адам - жертва кораблекрушения. В свое время граф подобрал его на берегу моря, вылечил и сделал его своим "дневным представителем". Адам - послушное орудие в руках зла, но любое орудие однажды может выйти из-под контроля.
"Лавина" - рассказ о человеке у которого есть всё, о чём он всегда мечтал: талант, слава, семья. Но есть и скука, которая съедает его. Ему больше нечего желать - всё достигнуто. Наверное, его жизнь продолжалась бы в том же духе, если бы он не встретил молодую и красивую женщину. И он понимает, что единственное чего у него не было - любви. Все самые сильные чувства он отдавал музыке. Только её он любил. А что касается людей... Им он позволял любить себя. Ведь только он - солнце, все остальные - лишь планеты. И вот он узнаёт, что такое настоящая страсть, страсть, которая испепеляет его изнутри, сметает на своём пути всё, как лавина. Ради этой страсти он откажется от всего: от денег, семьи, славы. Но будет ли счастлив?
I Hate You
Джульетта Михайлова