Tia Schellstede


Ciao America
Having recently earned his college degree, Lorenzo Primavera (Eddie Malavarca) leaves his home in Boston to travel to his family's ancestral homeland in Italy -- as was requested by his late grandfather. Upon arriving, Lorenzo is offered a short-term position as coach for an American-style football team by the team's manager, Giulio Fellini (Maurizio Nichetti). As the young American immerses himself in his new duties, he makes the acquaintance of Paola Angelini (Violante Placido) and the two begin a friendship that quickly blossoms into something more. In between spending time with Paola and working with the team, Lorenzo also begins investigating his own family's history and learns the reason for his grandfather's departure from Italy, as well as why his grandfather never returned to visit. As Lorenzo begins to forge an identity for himself in Italy -- not to mention strong romantic attachments to Paola -- he must eventually decide whether or not to return to the States.
La cara del terror
Assistant Editor
Una pareja de astronautas regresa de un viaje espacial donde algo extraño ha sucedido. Spencer Armacost y Alex Streck estaban en una en misión espacial cuando, durante una salida de la nave, pierden el contacto con la base de control durante algunos minutos. Luego todo vuelve a la normalidad y ellos regresan a la Tierra. Pero, tras el regreso, muchas cosas extrañas comienzan a suceder en la vida de los astronautas.
The Last Days of Disco
Assistant Editor
Años ochenta. Alice y Charlotte se acaban de graduar de la Universidad de Hampshire. Apenas pueden sobrevivir con un pobre salario, así que se ven forzadas a compartir su vivienda con una tercera inquilina llamada Holly en un minúsculo apartamento en la sección de Yorkville en Manhattan.