Anna-Mart van der Merwe

Anna-Mart van der Merwe


Anna-Mart van der Merwe


Poppie Nongena: Una Mujer Contra un País
Antoinette Swanepoel
Película basada en la novela de Elsa Joubert "El largo viaje de Poppie Nongena", considerada como una de las mejores novelas africanas del siglo XX.
Johan Niemand, de 18 años, es llamado por el ejército, en 1985, en pleno apartheid. Consigue entrar, pasando una audición, en el coro de las fuerzas militares sudafricanas, a los que se les conoce popularmente como "canarios" ("kanarie" en africaans). Johan ha de luchar contra la opresión social que imponen las leyes y la religión del país mientras hace una gira por todo el país con sus compañeros. Por el camino se encontrará con personas completamente ajenas a su forma de pensar, que promueven los ideales tanto de la Iglesia como del Estado, y con las que aprenderá a definir su propia personalidad y sexualidad.
Dis Koue Kos, Skat
When Clara Brand discovers that her husband is cheating on her with her friend and colleague, she plots her revenge, all the while juggling new friendships, new romances and the rediscovery of her passion for food.
Send Regards to Mannetjies Roux
A family drama on the dangers of sweeping years of truth under the carpet and hoping for the best. A teenage girl, Engela, visits the Karoo farm of her uncle Frans and aunt Koba during the school holidays. A journey of discovery starts: she has to find out who she really is and where she comes from. Three visitors in one week change her life forever and her uncle’s obsession with the rugby try by Mannetjies Roux is at last explained.
The Ballad of Robbie de Wee
Erna Verwey
Len van Jaarsveld used to be on the top of his game. As one of the country’s leading music producers he had it all: the stars, the hits, the connections and the. But it all came crashing down: his wife left him, his bands abandoned him, the creditors moved in and he found himself on the street with nothing. As he’s about to hit rock bottom Len is introduced to a rising new star Robbie de Wee. A shy young man with an amazing natural talent, this youngster has success written all over him. Len sees this kid as a ticket back into the music industry and he’s determined to make him a star. He takes Robbie on, organizing tours, publicity, music videos and helps Robbie climb the ladder to stardom while rediscovering his own formidable business talents. But when a young girl is found dead in the singer’s hotel room, Len goes into overdrive to protect his star from the media and the authorities.
Die Ongelooflike Avonture van Hanna Hoekom
Based on the favourite Afrikaans children's novel, Hanna is 14 going on 15 and is part of a rather unconventional family. They go on holiday to the Cederberg for a family reunion, which leads to plenty of surprises and reconciliation. Hanna is an intelligent and imaginative young girl who's earned herself the nickname "Hoekom," because she's forever questioning things. When her eccentric mother decides that the family – including her gay biological dad, actor stepfather, detestable half-brother and two stepbrothers – should spend their winter holiday in a remote house on a mountain, they end up stranded with nowhere to go and no-one to turn to except each other.
La larga marcha
Bertold 'Barry' Bohmer (Armin Mueller-Stahl), un entrenador de atletismo fracasado, pero enamorado de su trabajo, encuentra una última oportunidad de alcanzar el éxito cuando conoce a Christine (Nthati Moshesh), una bella atleta tan rápida como rebelde. Juntos deciden enfrentarse a una de las carreras más duras del mundo: el maratón Comrades. Christine es una corredora nata que tiene todas las cualidades para ganar la competición, pero Berry tendrá que emplearse a fondo para convertir a esta inexperta deportista en toda una campeona.
Taxi to Soweto
A Gentle story with a moral of forgive and forget at the kernel of its’ comedy exterior ~ but also one that accurately foretold the changes that were to sweep across South Africa in 1994, as an uptight suburban Johannesburg housewife (Elize Cawood, with an equally uptight husband played by Marius Weyers) accepts a lift from a Sowetan taxi driver (Patrick Shai) and gets taken into another world entirely