Andres Chouhy


A Mixed Reality experience about a terrified little egg struggling to stay alive in a world full of enemies. Users engage in the irreverent universe of Eggscape by controlling their egg in a boxing ring playground, karate alley, and Vegas-like world of excess. Through the VR headset, you’ll be able to see through into the real world and interact with your surroundings and with other players in a never-before-seen way. Step into the revolutionary world of Eggscape and strategise on how to win against the enemies and your fellow opponents while trying to find a way to avoid the countless dangers presented to our scared and klutzy eggs. Easier said than done; the first user to escape wins. Players can build upon the game’s structures by interacting with their surroundings with the Oculus controllers. Creating paths connecting to different scenes and unique adventures that can be played alone or shared with their friends, possibly hiding a trick or two for them.
Los que aman, odian
Visual Effects
En una playa solitaria, se alza un antiguo hotel perdido en el tiempo. Enrique Hubermann, médico homeópata, viaja huyendo de un amor. Por una casualidad del destino, en ese sitio lejano se encuentra con la mujer que quiere olvidar, una joven hermosa como un demonio que manipula a los hombres y provoca pasiones peligrosas. En medio de una terrible tormenta que los aísla del mundo, la historia vuelve a repetirse. Pero en esta ocasión, el odio de los que habían amado demasiado, despierta lo peor de cada uno.