Konstantin Solovyov

Konstantin Solovyov

Nacimiento : 1974-01-28,


Konstantin Solovyov


Life on Earth has changed after the visit of alien ships hovering in various parts of the planet. Their passengers — biopages or "Vitaliki", as they are popularly called — produce a substance called "prak". Its purpose, as well as the purpose of the aliens' visit, is unknown, but nurse Nina (Irina Salikova) from a quiet provincial town hopes to help her sick father with the help of prak. After contacting Vitalik, Nina learns the truth about extraterrestrial beings, which completely changes her life.
Influential businessman Vladimir owns enterprises for the development and sale of technologies that allow you to see the hidden. Around him and his young wife Catherine, events unfold that take them into the past. They witness Felissa Kruut's love triangle in the 1920s and 1930s. In the present, Catherine meets the young musician Stepan and her real love life becomes a reflection of the life of Felissa Kruut in the past. Vladimir, unable to observe from the outside and come to terms with his wife's infidelity, is trying to interfere with this relationship.
My home is my castle
Lesha Bogdanov
They returned from the bombed-out Republic, where they rebuilt houses and roads.
Double will not be
Igor Zhdanov is a popular actor. For many years he has played the same role — a clever detective in the popular series. He was the hero of all fails, he defends the downtrodden and save the doomed. One day, returning from filming in his native St. Petersburg, Igor is in a compartment with a strange companion — Savichev. He is clearly scared about something. Igor, putting on the table a bottle of vodka, Savichev offers to get rid of fear in the traditional way.
The Best Movie 3-DE
Hijinks ensue when an amateur filmmaker, financially reliant on video piracy, must reshoot all the movies from a film festival before time runs out.
Polyn - trava okayannaya
Lyuba Kruzhkina lives in the village and has a son. The failure in his personal life made ​​her decide to live alone. There is also a suitor, a village teacher Gennadiy Ivanovich. He offers Lyuba marry him, but her mind was not in this too intelligent for these places man. But fate, as usual, in the most unexpected moment presents a surprise: in strange circumstances in the life of Lyuba suddenly appears a cute stranger.
Их шестеро: Андрей, Лекс, Сильвер, Лис, Дин и Дина — молодые, отчаянные, готовые на любой риск. Алиса — хозяйка злачного заведения — предлагает им хорошие деньги. Но «деньги явно не легкие» — честно предупреждает Алиса. Почему они соглашаются? У каждого за плечами свой полный криминальных приключений путь к этому решению. Поначалу не связанные друг с другом герои, волею своих лихих судеб постепенно сближаются, пока не оказываются вместе в Алисином деле. Они не жалеют, что жизнь сложилась именно так. Им нравится свобода на грани фола. И они не ищут прощения — даже перед лицом смерти...
Two Stories about Love
A love comes unexpected to the businessman (who meets the scientist woman) and his daughter (who meets scientist' sun).
Kogda My Byli Schastlivy
В жизни бизнесмена Глеба все было идеально — и на работе, и дома. Он полностью доверял своему деловому партнеру и даже не думал, что тот может его предать. Но жизнь приготовила ничего не подозревающему мужчине неприятный сюрприз — верный помощник подставил его, и в результате Глеб лишился своего дела. Семья осталась без средств к существованию, и начались проблемы. Отныне супруге Глеба Лене приходится самой заботиться о себе, муже и ребенке. Она, буквально, сбилась с ног в поисках заработка. Между Леной и Глебом постоянно происходят серьезные конфликты — теперь они ссорятся даже по мелочам. Мужчина, измучив себя комплексом вины перед семьей, не находит ничего лучшего, как начать пить. Лена продолжает работать, скрывая душевную боль от посторонних. Но однажды обо всем узнает ее начальник Стас. Он предлагает коллеге свою помощь. Узнав об этом, Глеб приходит в бешенство.
Дедушка в подарок
Turn Out the Light
Suddenly the apartments house looses light on a New Year eve... This brings the perfect opportunity to all the neighbors to meet each other.
Откуда берутся дети?
I'm Staying
Many people assume that life does not end after death. Not Dr. Tyrsa, practical and skeptical man, who never believed in this nonsense. However, thanks to the bowling accident, he finds himself in a desert land with people like him not belonging to this world yet not accepted into the other. Now Dr. Tyrsa realizes that the life he used to live was not so bad, and he's got something worth returning to.
Summer Rain
After her foreign husband returns home to Germany, a young Russian woman finds true love with a doctor in Moscow.
Игра в модерн
In August of 1944
The movie is set in Belarus, where a team of counter-intelligence officers is given only three days to find a German radio operator posing as a Soviet soldier, behind soviet lines, on the eve of a major offensive.