Giacinto Solito


Dove non è peccato
An Italian mondo documentary about Finland. Among other things, it showcases intricacies of local mating culture, sports, Midsummer festivities and sauna.
Iremos a la ciudad
Lenka y su hermano ciego viven en la campiña yugoslava. Creen que su padre, judío, ha muerto en la guerra. Cada vez temen más la violencia antisemita. Un partisano les protege. El padre vuelve un día, y sacrifica su vida para salvar la del joven partisano, escondido en el desván y herido. Las SS detienen a los hijos...
La Rabbia
Assistant Director
Con imágenes de archivo de los años 50, dos personalidades (Pier Paolo Pasolini y Giovanni Guareschi) responden a la misma pregunta: ¿Por qué nuestras vidas se han caracterizado siempre por el descontento, la angustia y el miedo? La película está dividida en dos partes claramente diferenciadas. En la primera parte, Pasolini responde con su convicción de hombre de izquierda; en la segunda, Guareschi, sustenta la versión conservadora.
La Rabbia
Con imágenes de archivo de los años 50, dos personalidades (Pier Paolo Pasolini y Giovanni Guareschi) responden a la misma pregunta: ¿Por qué nuestras vidas se han caracterizado siempre por el descontento, la angustia y el miedo? La película está dividida en dos partes claramente diferenciadas. En la primera parte, Pasolini responde con su convicción de hombre de izquierda; en la segunda, Guareschi, sustenta la versión conservadora.
Maciste contra el sheik
Las fuerzas del duque de Málaga atacan la ciudad de Mélida y derrumban el obelisco sagrado. Los hombres del Sheik, como represalia, navegan a España y secuestran a la hija del duque, Isabela. Antonio, que ama a Isabella, viaja a Mélida con su amigo Maciste (o Sansón, según el doblaje) para intentar rescatarla. Muy pronto son capturados y Maciste es obligado a reconstruir el obelisco...
Mattino di primavera
Two teenagers are late for school so they decide to spend the day together.
La Gioconda
La muta di Portici
Executive Producer
La muta di Portici
La storia del fornaretto di Venezia
The Outlaws
Line Producer
Turi, having returned to Sicily from abroad, learns that his sister Maruzza is the lover of Cosimo Barrese, a militant of the Movement for the Independence of Sicily, who, abandoned by everyone, has become a bandit. The two would like to get married, but life as an outlaw seems an insurmountable obstacle. Turi asks for revenge on the bandit who has dishonored the family and uses a shady and devious lawyer to drive him into a trap.
L'allegro fantasma
The noble Pantaleo Di Santa Paola has just died, and the preamble to his will is a confession in which he claims that in his youth he had a relationship with a circus rider that produced twin sons.
Animal Crackers
After several unsuccessful suicide attempts, Totò finds himself in an animal asylum.
Abnegación de madre
Production Manager
No hay una sinopsis.
Hands Off Me!
In his first feature, great Italian clown Totò plays a carefree tramp moving from job to job, in order to provide for himself and his young Shirley Temple-like protégée.
Hands Off Me!
First Assistant Director
In his first feature, great Italian clown Totò plays a carefree tramp moving from job to job, in order to provide for himself and his young Shirley Temple-like protégée.
La maestrina
The story is the harried attempt of a Sicilian partisan, as part of the risorgimento, to reach Garibaldi's headquarters in Northern Italy, and to petition the revered revolutionary to rescue part of his besieged land. Along the way, the peasant hero encounters many colorful Italians, differing in class and age, and holding political opinions of every type. There is a key train scene, and the film ends on the battlefield, Italian unification a success, despite brutal losses.